"Zhou Shao!"

Jiang Longhai heard the voice, immediately showed a surprise look, Zhou Shao came, then there should be no problem, no matter what the young man is, in the moment of master Zhou Yuan appeared, he was doomed to the end!

"Boy, Zhou Shao is here, you are finished!" Jiang Longhai said with a cold smile.

Li Yefeng gets up and kicks his waist. With a bang, Jiang Longhai flies out of the door.

"Ah --"

A scream rang out in the tea shop. Zhou Yuan, who was standing in the tea shop, stared at Li Yefeng coldly. Meanwhile, a tall and powerful figure stood in front of him and caught Jiang Longhai flying out with a bang.

The tall and powerful figure threw jiang Longhai aside, and then stood on Zhou Yuan's left hand like an iron tower.

The glass door had broken, and Zhou Yuan, with a cold face, came in with more than 20 people.

The small tea shop became extremely crowded in an instant.

"Boy, you are so brave that you dare to intervene in my Zhou Yuan affairs." Zhou Yuan looked at Li Yefeng with deep eyes, and his anger was obvious.

Li Yefeng's face was calm and said, "what if I get involved?"

"Ha ha..." but Zhou Yuan sneered, his eyes were very dim, and said in a cold voice, "what do you say? Not everyone can intervene in Zhou Yuan's affairs. Those who intervene will die. "

"Come on." Hearing the speech, Li Yefeng nodded and stepped forward: "I beg to die."

"Come and kill me. If you can't kill me, I'll turn your Zhou family upside down!"

When did Zhou Yuan suffer such provocation? He is a respectable young master of the Zhou family. Who dares not give him face in Binshi? His elder brother is already the head of the family, and his position is at its best. He will have a place in the Zhou family in the future!

There is no doubt that Zhou Yuan will be one of the masters of Binshi in the future. How can we let the generation of mole ants provoke at will!

"You're looking for death!" After that, Zhou Yuan said coldly, "Tianba, do him!"

Zhou Yuan side that tower general tall and strong man sink voice should a, then is to step toward Li Yefeng.

"Qin Wu, go and help When Tang Qiushui saw the tall and powerful Tianba, his heart trembled. Just looking at him, he felt oppressed. His height was estimated to be more than two meters. Li Yefeng was like a chicken in front of him.

No one is tall, no one is powerful. By contrast, Li Yefeng is just like a thin bamboo pole. Tang Qiushui is worried to death.

"No Qin Wu said: "this kind of person is nothing. In fact, it's just a waste. The team leader can take him down in three seconds."

Tang Qiushui

Her face is dull and her eyes don't blink. It's too blowing!

It's not an order of magnitude at all, OK!

"If you don't know anything, how dare you stand aside and point the way?" Zhou Yuan gave a cold smile and glanced at Qin Wu's direction: "Tianba is my first strong general. Even Fu Yunsheng and Wang Meng on Binshi road can't be his opponents!"

"Ignorance is the reason why you dare to challenge me, Zhou Yuan. Next, you will pay the most painful price for your stupid behavior!"

Zhou Yuan gave a cold smile and was confident in Tianba's strength.

Tang Qiushui's face is even more changed. She knows about the Zhou family. After all, her family's company has a place in Binshi. As they all know about the names of the top tycoons, these people must not be offended.

This Tianba seems to be a master in the Zhou family. Is Li yebei really OK?

"Qin Wu, do you hear me? Hurry to help

"No Qin Wu rolled his eyes. If I help, the team leader will fight with me. If I want to help you, I won't go.


"Ha ha, you are really stupid. You don't understand Tianba's strength at all." Zhu Hongzhi, who was controlled by Qin Wu, sneered: "Tianba used to be a person who swept the underground boxing field. Do you know Fu Yunsheng? Binshi is one of the two emperors in the underground world. He can't last 30 seconds in the hands of Tianba. "


Qin Wu slapped him in the face and exclaimed, "shut the hell up! Ridicule your father! Ridicule

Zhu Hongzhi's face turned blue and he was slapped in front of so many people. His face was so shameless!

Thinking of this, he glared indignantly at Qin Wu!

"Stare at your father! Damn it

Qin Wu slapped him again. One by one, he was so compulsive. What he really didn't understand was you stupid birds!

"Zhou family..."

"Don't name it. I'm not interested in remembering a trash." Li Yefeng calmly opens his mouth and looks up at the tyrannical Tianba.

Tianba's voice suddenly stopped, and immediately he sneered. He said: "good, I haven't seen you so arrogant for a long time. I hope your hands and feet are as hard as your mouth. Otherwise, I'm afraid you will be crushed by me. That's too boring..."

"If you don't do it, I'll do it." Li Yefeng frowned and said in a cold voice.

Tianba's face was angry. Damn, the boy repeatedly interrupted himself, and he despised himself so much. It's damned!

"I'll help you as long as you are determined to die!"


One blow, the tiger makes the wind!


Li Yefeng slowly raised his hand, opened his five fingers, and wrapped the fist from Tianba's bombardment. Tianba's face was stunned, his pupils contracted, and his face was shocked and at a loss.

Li Yefeng only retreated two millimeters. He slowly looked up and looked at Tianba's shocked and confused face, then coldly said, "you are a waste. In addition to your brute force, you really don't have much strength."

Then, Li Yefeng grabs Tianba's fist and pulls it to his side. Tianba's body suddenly loses control and falls forward. In an instant, Li Yefeng hits Tianba's face with one punch.



Tianba's blood gushes out, his nose breaks, and his mouth grunts. Then Li Yefeng grabs his wrist and throws it behind him. Tianba's tall body changes the trend of falling forward and turns back.

"Here's the trash, noble young master of the Zhou family."

Li Yefeng raised his foot bravely and kicked Tianba's abdomen with a thump. With a crack, Tianba vomited blood again and his huge body flew backward.

With a puff, Tianba's body fell outside the door, and then he lay on the ground and could only groan.

Zhou Yuan and his men all look dull.

Zhu Hongzhi, who just began to sneer, is also in a panic. How the hell is it possible? It's Tianba, which Fu Yunsheng and Wang Meng can't defeat!

Even two moves to kill than people, this is a sling, ah, if not for his own eyes, he can't believe this scene will really happen!

Now he was more frightened. Who was the young man?

Tang Qiushui also has a dull face, and a strong sense of horror emerges in her heart. This scene makes her completely unexpected, which is too shocking!

"Is he... So powerful?" Tang Qiushui's face turned red and his heart beat faster.

Qin Wu's face is indifferent. If the captain can't hang this kind of rubbish, then there's a ghost?

Just now, Zhou Yuan, who is still full of arrogance, also has a face of eating excrement. How ugly is it? This result is not in his expectation. It is Li Yefeng who is obviously knocked down by the two moves. Why is he the first fierce general Tianba?

"Next, it's your turn. Where is Li Qixin?" Li Yefeng looks at the ugly Zhou Yuan.

Zhou Yuan's mouth slightly puffed. He felt ashamed. He had never been so ashamed in his life!

"Give it all to me and kill him!" Zhou Yuan's face was twisted, and he roared ferociously.

The 20 odd men behind him immediately looked at each other, and then rushed to Li Yefeng with a buzzing crash.

Li Yefeng looks calm. As soon as he steps on his feet, his body flickers. With a bang, one person flies out. With another bang, one person's jaw is cracked, his teeth are bleeding, and then he is kicked out by Li Yefeng.

Bang bang!

A few seconds later, more than 20 people all flew out!

After solving them, Li Yefeng rushed out of the tea shop in an instant and went straight to Zhou Yuan, who had not started the car yet. After a crash, Li Yefeng jumped straight ahead and smashed the windshield with a fist. Zhou Yuan saw the panic on his face and was at a loss. He yelled: "if you hurt me, Li Qixin will die!"


Li Yefeng changed the track and hit the steering wheel. The steering wheel fell out with a click.

Jumping from the front of the car, Li Yefeng opened the door and carried Zhou Yuan out directly.

"Who the hell are you?" Zhou Yuan was thrown to the ground and looked at Li Yefeng with an ugly face.

"Li yebei." Li Yefeng said faintly.

Zhou Yuan's pupil suddenly shrank and said in a startled voice: "are you Li yebei? The Li yebei who offended the Feng family, the Guo family and even the Ye family? "

"Yes." Li Yefeng answered faintly.

Zhou Yuan can't believe it. Is this a fool? Who does he think he is after offending so many powerful forces? Is there any place for him in Binshi?

"It's you Zhou Yuan was slightly relieved, and then sneered: "Li yebei, are you out of your mind? Do you know how many people you've offended now? You didn't have any grudges with my Zhou family, but now you have a grudge with my Zhou family! "

"So?" Li Yefeng asked calmly.

Zhou Yuan raised his head and sneered: "so as long as you kneel down and kowtow three times, kneel down and call me dad three times, I can let bygones be bygones, or you will be the death of my Zhou family..."

Li Yefeng picked him up, and then kicked him on both legs. With a puff, Zhou Yuan knelt down in front of him.

Then, he knocked Zhou Yuan's head three times on the ground.

"I don't have a son like you. Tell me, where is Li Qixin?" Li Yefeng asked indifferently.

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