western suburbs.

Qin Wu left Zhou Yuan on the ruins. Then Li Yefeng found a flat stone and sat down. He took a look at Tang Qiushui. This kind of delicate girl is not used to staying in this kind of environment, is she?

"You can stay in the car. You can turn on the air conditioner and pay attention to the fuel gauge." Li Yefeng said.

Tang Qiushui is embarrassed. She actually lived here when she was a child, but she has been living in the city for many years. When she comes back to this kind of place, she is not used to it.

It is easy to go from thrift to extravagance, and difficult to go from extravagance to thrift.

"I'll sit at the stairway over there. There's no sun. It should be cool." With that, her face turned red. I think she looks a little delicate.

Li Yefeng did not say anything, quietly waiting for the news.

I don't know what happened to Xiaoxi now. I can't be happy in Ye's family. After all, it's a place she doesn't like. To be honest, Ye's family doesn't have half of her relatives. The so-called biological parents are not as good as pigs and dogs.

"Where are you taking me? Li yebei, please let me go, or I will make you look good! " Zhou Yuan woke up. When he saw the mess, his face became very pale.

He is the young master of the Zhou family. He can't die without knowing it.

"You are so noisy." Qin Wu frowned and immediately kicked his teeth.

"Ah, ah --"

"If you call me again, you will be unable to take care of yourself. Do you believe it?" Qin Wu some impatient showed a fierce expression, threatened him, the mother of these childe brothers, one by one delicate to die.

Zhou Yuan immediately banned the sound, but the pain spread in his mouth made him two tears.

Qin wucai doesn't care about him. Anyway, if he is idle and bored, he will beat Zhou Yuan. If such a big man doesn't beat him, he won't beat him.

Time passed by bit by bit. Soon, at more than 5 p.m., Li Yefeng asked Qin Wu to buy some fast food. He gave Zhou Cheng 12 hours. If Li Qixin didn't go back when the light went out in the dormitory of Binzhou University at 10:30 p.m.

Then, he will not hesitate to chop Zhou Yuan's arm to let Zhou Cheng know that Li Yefeng is a man who does what he says.

"Well, what about me? Do you buy your own meals and I don't have to eat them? " After Qin Wu came back, he only brought three people's boxed lunch. Zhou Yuan was very worried, and he was very hungry. Even if he was just a prisoner, he had human rights.

Qin Wu did not pay attention to him, but took a portion of the lunch box to Li Yefeng, and then another portion to Tang Qiushui.

Tang Qiushui quickly embarrassed way: "thank you."

"Miss Tang, is it OK if you don't go home at night? Aunt Zhang won't worry? "

"It's OK. I told my mother. My mother won't worry if she's with you." Tang Qiushui said with a red face.

Qin Wu smiles, then turns back to Zhou Yuan, opens the box and eats.

Tang Qiushui is eating a box lunch, and at the same time he looks at Li Yefeng sitting on the stone with her beautiful eyes. He has an inexplicable emotion in his heart. What kind of person is he? Why is it mysterious?

And who is he? He's been missing for so many years. Why did he suddenly come back?

Can Li Qixin really be his sister

She hasn't heard Li Qixin say that she has a brother, or Li Qixin is still young, so she doesn't remember having a brother?

Of course, Tang Qiushui is more curious about whether Li Yefeng has a girlfriend? What kind of girls does he like?


Tang Qiushui suddenly blushed: "Tang Qiushui, if you want to be shameless, what are you thinking about..."

That's right, but I still can't help thinking about the cold look of Li Yefeng talking with Zhou Cheng. When I think about it, her body trembles slightly, and there is a strange feeling wandering in her body.

Pretty face more red, Tang Qiushui flurried to eat, don't know small head, don't know what in the brain.

Zhou Yuan's face was purple. He said discontentedly, "Hey, are you going too far? If you don't buy it for me, will you still eat it next to me? You're too mean to be disgusting, aren't you

"Oh." Qin Wu pulled two mouthfuls of rice, squinted and said, "do you want to eat it?"

Zhou Yuan's face is embarrassed and nonsense. Does it look like I don't want to eat?

"Isn't your Zhou family very capable? Let them bring you food! " Qin Wu said with disdain: "isn't your brother a special bull? Isn't it possible to cover the sky with one hand in Binshi? Hurry up and let him bring you food! "

Zhou Yuan's face was as black as charcoal. He said angrily, "when my elder brother finds you, you'll know it's miserable. Now you're proud!"

"Anytime." Qin Wu disdained to smile.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Li Yefeng's mobile phone rang.

"Li yebei." Zhou Cheng's voice came from there, with a kind of indifference.

"Mr. Zhou, it should be my request to make a phone call at this time. Have you met your requirements?" Li Yefeng asked faintly.

"I'm back in my dorm. Can I let my brother go?"

"Don't worry, I can't contact Ye Shiping, but I can find someone to confirm whether Li Qixin is really back."

"Li yebei, don't play tricks. If my brother has any problems, I'll give you no way to heaven and no way to earth."

"Don't be cruel. I haven't paid attention to you Zhou family." Li Yefeng said lightly.

"I hope you really have the ability to fight against my Zhou family."

The conversation between the two ended in an unpleasant result.

Li Yefeng was very calm. He got up and went to Tang Qiushui and asked, "do you have any way to confirm whether Li Qixin is a genuine or a fake?"

"Yes." Tang Qiushui nodded and said, "there are many private things that only Qixin and I know, and the simplest thing is the survival of Qixin to me. She will call me Xiaotang or Xiaoqiu."

Li Yefeng nodded: "you call now to confirm."

"Call my roommate?"

"No, call Li Qixin's number." Zhou Cheng, who can be the head of last week's family at a young age, must have two brushes. He said that when Li Qixin went back, he must have made all kinds of arrangements, including voice, appearance, personal information and communication.

Tang Qiushui nodded, she dialed out Li Qixin's mobile phone number, not long, there picked up.

"Hello? Pray Tang Qiushui looks at Li Yefeng and shouts to the people over there.

"Autumn water?" The people over there answered.

Tang Qiushui frowned slightly. Li Qixin never called her name. This person's voice was exactly the same as Qixin's, but

"Well, it's me. Are you in the dormitory now?" Tang Qiushui asked.

"Yes, where are you? It's more than eight o'clock. You don't go back to the dormitory, and the light goes out soon. You're worried these days. In fact, I have nothing to do..."

Tang Qiushui sighed, in fact, from the other party's poor acting, she already knew that it could not be the real Li Qixin.

"You are not praying." Tang Qiushui tone very affirmative said: "you are a fake."

Li Qixin at that end was silent for a moment, and then came a burst of crying: "I... I..."

"Please come back, or he will kill me, really will kill me... Wuwuwuwu, I don't want to die, I don't want to die, I'm not Li Qixin, but I don't want to die!"

Tang Qiushui's heart is slightly tight, and Li Yefeng's eyebrows are locked. What a city!

Tang Qiushui is a little flustered. She looks at Li Yefeng and looks for help.

Li Yefeng shook his head: "ask her real name, and hang up."

"What's your real name?" Tang Qiushui asked.

"Dong Qingxue..."

"Don't go out in the dormitory. No matter who calls you, don't go out. A woman named Lin Lu will come to see you later. She has long hair, double eyelids, and is about 1.7 meters tall. She is 28 years old."


Li Yefeng hang up directly after saying that. If he talks too much, he will lose. It is estimated that this conversation has been monitored by Zhou Cheng. It is estimated that Zhou Cheng has gone to the police to bring Dong Qingxue out.

"Captain, Lin Lu is..." Qin Wu asked with some doubts.

"The object of Longyan." Li Yefeng responded, and then walked to Zhou Yuan. Tang Qiushui asked anxiously, "what does Zhou Cheng mean? It's better to look for actors... "

"The person Ye Shiping took away, Zhou Cheng has no qualification and no ability to take back, he himself knows this, so he did not intend to really do as we said."

"Then he..."

"The threat." Li Yefeng said calmly: "Zhou Cheng's abacus is very clear. He doesn't really have Li Qixin, but he has someone's life. If I don't let Zhou Yuan go, he will kill Dong Qingxue."

"He bet that I would not ignore a life, that I would release Zhou Yuan in order to save Dong Qingxue."

Tang Qiushui's face becomes very pale. Isn't this Dong Qingxue dead?

"Li yebei, since you understand my elder brother's intention, why don't you let me go? Do you really don't care about one life? " Zhou Yuan also heard their conversation and immediately began to thump.

Li Yefeng looked at him with a cold smile and said, "ridiculous."

Zhou Yuan's face looked stagnant. Qin Wu stood up, walked to the trunk of the car, and took out a sharp knife from the spare tire slot.

The pupil of Zhou Yuan fiercely shrinks, Tang Qiushui is also frightened, quiver voice way: "you... What do you want to do?"

She is afraid. Is Li Yefeng really going to kill Zhou Yuan?

"Close your eyes." Li Yefeng said indifferently.

Tang Qiu turned to cover his eyes. At the same time, Zhou Yuan was scared to pee and cried, "no! Don't kill me! Don't kill me!! Li yebei, you can't do that! No


Put away the knife, a sad cry, resounding in the wilderness of the western suburbs.

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