Many subordinates dare not act rashly. They can't bear the responsibility when anyone here dies!

"Li yebei!" Zhang Hongtu's face is ugly. If Yang Wuchang has any problems in his Zhang family, the Yang family will not give up. Although his Zhang family is fearless, they don't want to have a violent conflict with the Yang family!

"Get out of the way." Li Yefeng doesn't pay attention to Zhang Hongtu at all. Jokes, Zhang Hongtu and they all unite to kill him. How can he treat Zhang Hongtu kindly? If it wasn't for the face of Zhang tuming, a secret mobile member, he would "step back!" Zhang Hongtu's face was ugly and roared. Those people who were blocked outside all gave way. They were also very angry and unhappy. They were so many people, but they were still led away!

Of course, there are also some people who secretly scold these big people for their brains. Do you want to surround others? Don't you know how to ensure your own safety first? Don't trust me if you don't have some skill!

"Li yebei, release master Yang, otherwise you can't get out of Yang City." Xu Teng can't keep silent. Although his intuition tells him that Li yebei is not simple, he has no choice. Yang Wuchang is under control. If he doesn't say a word, Yang Wuchang will miss him afterwards.

"If I want to go, no one can stop me." Li Yefeng confidently glanced at them. He was also the captain of the secret mobile team. Looking at the whole China, how many people were his opponents?

There are some places that can trap him, but the people who can keep him haven't appeared yet!

He has been galloping on the battlefield for so many years, even more than the joint encirclement and suppression of the special forces have failed to block him, just a big force in Yangshi wants to make him difficult?

"Think you can get out, but have you thought about the consequences? You have offended too many people. If you continue to offend more people, you will be banned in Nanjiang province. When you enter Nanjiang Province, you will be found and expelled. Do you want to stay in Nanjiang province all your life? "

Xu Teng's speech is sharp, but he doesn't mean to threaten. What he says is the truth. Today, the news that Li Yefeng has offended the Ye family will surely spread. At that time, how many forces will attack Li Yefeng in order to please the Ye family? There are countless.

Whether it is local or foreign, and whether it is local or foreign.

Grab a person to be able to exchange a favor of the Ye family, who doesn't want to do such a cost-effective business?

"Master Zhou has been rescued!"

Just then, there was a quick voice from behind the crowd. Li Yefeng frowned slightly. What happened to Qin Wu? No, he knows Qin Wu's skill best. There are no more than five people in China who can deal with Qin Wu.

He is one, the deputy chief of the secret mobile team is one, and the other two are not likely to appear here... Even the sea of people tactics are not likely to work

Zhang Hongtu's face suddenly brightened, and then said in a loud voice: "master Yang, I've offended you!"

Saving Zhou Yuan is equivalent to giving Zhou Cheng a great favor. If Zhou Cheng is really related to the Ye family, what about Yang Wuchang's death?

When the time comes, Zhou Cheng will come forward, and the Yang family, who has died, is there anything else to be afraid of?

At that time, his Zhang family will naturally become "Zhang Hongtu" of Yangshi! If there is something wrong with master Yang, you can't take that responsibility! "

The big leaders in the city who followed Yang Wuchang changed their faces slightly. They yelled and wanted to interrupt Zhang Hongtu's thoughts.

If Yang Wuchang dies, they will also be held accountable!

Where does Zhang Hongtu manage these at the moment? Seeing that his men didn't move, he said angrily, "what's the matter? You don't understand what I'm talking about, do you? "


Suddenly, hundreds of people rushed in, and the whole front yard of Zhang's house became very crowded!

Seeing this, Li Yefeng throws Yang Wuchang out. With a bang, Yang Wuchang hits the wall. Several people rush to help him.

Yang Wuchang gasped, while Li Yefeng stepped on his feet, and the whole person soared up in the air, slamming on one's head and leaping forward with the help of an earthquake.

"Qin Wu!" Li Yefeng gave a loud drink, and then a response came from the backyard: "Captain! I was saved by a master of the Yang family! I can't get away

Obviously, Qin Wu wanted to protect Tang Qiushui, so there was no way to chase him out. Li Yefeng looked back at Yang Wuchang coldly, and then hit them with a cold fist. Shua, there was a sharp military dagger in his hand.

Poop, poop!

Seeing his figure flickering like a ghost, no one in Zhang's family could catch him. Many people were stabbed in a blood hole in their chest, and the blood was gurgling out. Some people's arms were scratched with a terrible button, and the blood was constantly flowing down.

Scream one after another, Li Yefeng like a dragon, wandering in the crowd, if this hundred number of people are special soldiers, Li Yefeng may be really bad luck, but they are not!

Therefore, in Li Yefeng's eyes, they are just a bunch of vigorous weeds.

"Keep him!" Zhang Hongtu heard Qin Wu's voice and his face turned green. Bastard, it was not his Zhang family that saved Zhou Yuan, but Yang Wuchang!

Doesn't that mean he was just happy? But also offended Yang Wuchang!


Zhang Hongtu feels like he's going crazy. He shouldn't have been happy so early!

"Yang Wuchang, you use me?" Zhang Hongtu looks at Yang Wuchang, who is breathing again. He understands that when Yang Wuchang comes to his Zhang family, he first throws out heavy bombs to make him dare not to help. Then he will do his best to let all his subordinates pack up the whole family.

Then Yang Wuchang arranged the experts in the dark to sneak into their Zhang's house and save Zhou Yuan in the chaos. As for Zhang Hongtu, it can't be said that he didn't make any contribution, he even made great efforts.

But who cares? Will Zhoucheng meet? Will ye Jiahui?

They will only know that Zhou Yuan was rescued by Yang Wuchang!

"Cough cough..." Yang Wuchang's face was a little pale at the moment. He took a look at Zhang Hongtu, with a sense of Senran at the bottom of his eyes. This old man just dared to ignore his life and death!

It seems that it's not too much to use him this time. Sure enough, none of these old foxes has a good thing.

Zhang Hongtu was furious. He lost a lot. He really lost a lot!

If even Li Yefeng can't stay, he is a complete failure today!

"Leave them to me. If they escape, I'll ask you! Take them and give them 200000 in cash! " Under the heavy reward, there must be brave men. The Zhang family, who originally thought Li Yefeng was too strong to stop, heard the master's voice, and immediately felt like a chicken.

Sweeping away the panic and the strong fear in their hearts, they crowded towards Li Yefeng like a madman.

Seeing this, Li Yefeng is more ruthless, not afraid? If you are not afraid of one death, you will die two. If you are not afraid, you will die twenty!

Kill you to be cold, kill Zhang family, blood flow into a river!


A man opened his eyes, covered his bloody neck, and fell down in disbelief. He didn't understand why the man who had just left his hands everywhere suddenly killed him!

"Get out of here!" Li Yefeng's angry voice is cold, and the Zhang family's men in the courtyard feel a terrible momentum, which makes them shiver and stop for a moment.

"What are you doing?" Angry voice suddenly burst, awakened everyone, Zhang Hongtu is going crazy, why these waste suddenly stopped? Although only a short moment, but in the blink of an eye, Li Yefeng has gone away!

"Waste! You are all rubbish Zhang Hongtu's face is ferocious. Today, he is a complete failure!

People dare not say a word. If the owner is angry, it's better not to get moldy.

Yang Wuchang gave him a cold look, and then said faintly, "Master Zhang, you've done your best. If you have a chance, I'll say something nice for you. I'll leave first."

Zhang Hongtu's face was livid, but he didn't answer. Xu Teng's face was dignified, and he got up and said, "Master Zhang, I'm leaving, too."

"We're gone, too."


Other people don't want to go through the muddy water. Yang Wuchang almost died, but they are so scared that they can't take part in this kind of thing in the future. Otherwise, a few lives won't be enough to play!

Zhang Hongtu's brothers are not pretty either. They are not stupid. They can see what's going on.

"Hum, my Lord, you have to deal with things here by yourself!"

"Yes, you make all the decisions this time. We don't share the responsibility with you!"


Zhang Hongtu was in a bad mood and said angrily, "don't remind me! I'll take care of it myself

A few people this just don't speak, a face indifference of turn around to leave.


In the corridor of a residential building.

Li Yefeng and Qin Wu meet here. Qin Wu looks a little ugly and says, "Captain, I'm sorry..."

"It's OK. No one can do it in that situation."

Tang Qiushui's face of loss and guilt: "I'm sorry, I delayed you..."

"It's nothing to do with you. It's because we didn't expect each other to do so. After all, it's the Zhang family. Who would have thought that Yang Wuchang would take advantage of the Zhang family."

Qin Wu gritted his teeth and said, "Captain, let's break into Yang's house and grab Zhou Yuan back directly."

Li Yefeng just wanted to talk when his mobile phone in his pocket vibrated. His eyes narrowed slightly and he picked it up to answer.

"I said, you can't fight me. Now, do you understand, Li yebei?" Zhou Cheng tone disdain of say.

Li Yefeng did not speak, but listened quietly.

"I know you're good at it, but in this world, it's never a big fist that can solve everything. Of course, although I rescued my brother, I will not let you go. On the contrary, I will chase you more impolitely next time."

"No matter where you go, I will take your dog's life. Before you lose your life, live hard in the shadow of my Zhou family, ignorant trash!"

"Oh, by the way, I'll send you an accurate message. Li Qixin is dead."

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