The taxi driver didn't refuse, but muttered: "I don't know what happened. There are so many traffic police on the street. Isn't it any dangerous criminal who escaped from prison? Or did someone hit and run? "

Li Yefeng didn't say a word, but his brows were slightly locked. Yang Wuchang's hand was disgusting. He didn't dare to be hard on Li Yefeng. After all, even the dragon field was closed by Li Yefeng. What capital did he have to be strong on Li Yefeng?

Li Yefeng didn't bother to argue with him. As long as he killed Zhou Yuan, Yang Wuchang would have no face. Even so, when Li Yefeng wanted to leave, Yang Wuchang didn't let anyone stop him.

It was only with the help of official means that Li Yefeng was detained afterwards.

In his opinion, if Li Yefeng has any ability, will he dare to resist the law? If he really does something to these traffic policemen, Yang Wuchang will have a chance to give feedback to the higher level and suppress Li Yefeng with the help of the official force.

"Good abacus." The corner of Li Yefeng's mouth has a cold radian.

Just as the taxi master was about to pull down the window, suddenly a man came over and stood in front of the traffic police. Li Yefeng saw the man, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes!

This man, whom he met at Zhang's home, is not the middle-aged man who went with Yang Wuchang? It's like the owner of white horse bar. How can he be here?

The man talking to the traffic police is Xu Teng, the chairman of Baima group!

After a short exchange, the traffic police politely said a few words to Xu Teng, and then turned to leave.

Xu Teng opened the back door and sat in directly. He said politely, "Mr. Li, I'm sorry for being rude, but I hope you can understand. After all, I'm against the wind."

"Let me introduce myself. I'm Xu Teng, chairman of Yangshi Baima group. We met at Zhang's home this morning."

Li Yefeng nodded and said, "hello."

"Mr. Li, you can't do without Yang City. The newly entered road checkpoints are fortified, and even the armed police are hidden in the dark. If Mr. Li believes me, you may as well follow me and let me send Mr. Li away." Xu Teng's face is sincere and his eyes are full of consultation.

Li Yefeng's eyes narrowed slightly, pondered for a while, and said, "then follow your advice."

Xu Teng was happy, but he nodded calmly: "master, please drive to the underground garage of Baima group."

"Ah, oh, good." The taxi driver was stunned, but he was beating a drum in his heart. These two people are not the people the traffic police are looking for, are they? It seems that it's not right. The person coming up behind is very polite when talking to the traffic police.

The taxi master didn't understand. Fortunately, he didn't want to and drove directly to Baima group.

Maybe Yang Wuchang didn't expect that Xu Teng would help him on the way. He set up a lot of checks at the checkpoint of going south to Huibin City, but he didn't invest so much in Yang City.

When Li Yefeng went to Baima group, the influence of Zhou Yuan's killing continued to ferment.

Needless to say, the people who went to Zhang's house with him this morning were shocked. At the same time, they couldn't help laughing. It's not easy to see such things as Yang Wuchang's being shriveled.

Of course, people wearing white masks are also famous. One person swept the Yang family, showing the strength that made Yang Wuchang scared. Yang Wuchang even watched Zhou Yuan be killed!

Ridicule belongs to ridicule, and more people think to themselves in their hearts, who can do this? It's frightening that the strength is so terrible.

And the waterfront city, which is not the place of the incident, is even more sensational.

Who is Zhou Yuan?

Cousin of Zhoucheng! It is said that Zhou Cheng is very kind to Zhou Yuan and has nothing to do with his brother. Now that Zhou Yuan is killed, what will Zhou Cheng do?

Guo family.

Guo Po Lu and his brothers were both shocked. Zhou Yuangang was rescued and died in a flash, which was unexpected!

"Big brother, do you think the man with the mask will be Li yebei?" Guo Rushan's heart is in a panic. It's said that even the little gun king has been defeated? How strong is the man with the mask!

"I'm not sure." Guo Po Lu shook his head: "but the possibility is too low. I've also played against Li yebei. The strength he showed is not enough for him to defeat the" little gun king "dragon field."

"Long zhanye, I went to Yangshi's meeting once. I couldn't make it through five moves in long zhanye. Long zhanye's shooting skill was as powerful as thunder. No one among the younger generation could make it out."

"So the man who defeated longzhanye is an unknown Master?" Guo Po Shan look dignified way: "when the country has such a master?"

"I've already asked people to check, and people are also checking abroad. Such a master can't be anonymous. He must have a certain reputation. It's impossible for me to believe that he was born."

Guo Po Shan also nodded when he heard the speech. He didn't want the man wearing the mask to be "Li yebei". Otherwise, it means that "Li yebei" is powerful enough to sweep the whole Binshi?

Guo Po Lu said: "the man named Qin Wu by Li yebei's side has returned to Binshi. If I guess right, Li Yefeng has also come back, but I don't know where he is..."

"Probably also dare not appear, after all, the elder Liu Kai is so powerful, if really launch a challenge to Li yebei, it will be a shame whether to take it or not."

Guo Po Lu said with a faint smile: "what is Li yebei? He did not dare to fight with master Liukai. Now master Liukai is in our Guo family. How dare Li yebei come? It will be death waiting for him

"But don't think it's all over with him. You and my brother are both hurt by him. This account must be settled. Master Liu Kai has a feeling these two days. When he leaves the customs, we will challenge Li yebei and kill him in public to raise the prestige of our Guo family!"


Feng family.

Feng Chengwen is playing chess with someone. Sitting opposite him is Xu fangting, President of Binshi industrial and Commercial Bank of China. At this time, the two are very close to each other.

"Have you heard the news, old Feng?" Xu fangting eats Feng Chengwen with a gun. He says faintly.

"The Yang family suffered a great loss. Of course, I know. I don't know who the masked man is. If I have the chance, I'd like to make friends with him." Feng Chengwen jumped a horse and said with emotion: "although our Feng family has rich financial resources and extensive contacts, we don't know the powerful people with strong hard power."

There is a dragon fighting field in the Yang family, known as the "little gun king" in Jiangnan.

There is Chen tiemang in the Zhou family.

Guo's family, Guo Po's captive and Guo Po Shan's two brothers are hard power people, not to mention that these two days I heard that Liu Kai, the "Jiangnan first sword", had been a guest of Guo's family.

Only the Feng family did not have such a similar figure.

Otherwise, how could his daughter Feng Qingqing be in danger in a place like a bank?

"I have no choice but to do this. I need a chance, but the mask man is really powerful. The guns of the dragon field are broken by him. I'm afraid that in terms of strength, he will surpass the dragon field a lot."

Feng Chengwen nodded solemnly: "yes, it's a pity that I don't know who this person is. Otherwise, I will invite him to visit my Feng family even if I look around the cottage. If I can get this person's help, I don't need to worry about my personal safety."

Xu fangting laughed and didn't say anything. He immediately asked, "didn't you say there was a young man named Li yebei? What's his skill? You said he was a soldier. Why don't you ask him to protect Qingqing? "

On hearing this, Feng Chengwen immediately pulled down his face and said in a contemptuous tone: "Li yebei? This young man's mind is not pure. If Qingqing is too close to him, I don't know what will happen! How can such a person be qualified to protect my daughter? "

"Oh? You didn't have this attitude before. You were sorry in front of me. What happened? "

"Let's not mention it. In a word, Li yebei is so disappointing. Besides, how about his" three legged "Kung Fu after several years in the army? If you want to deal with a clean man, you can't deal with him as an ordinary soldier! "


The Zhou family.

Zhou Cheng stood in front of the window, looking at the pond in the courtyard outside the window, his look was a little calm.

Creak, creak, creak~

Zhou Cheng's fists clenched tightly. It took a long time for his anger to be completely suppressed. After a long time, he breathed a deep breath, and everything returned to indifference.

As a home owner, he must always keep calm and control his mood fluctuations!

"Li! Night! North

But he is a person. No matter how rational he is, he can't be suppressed any more. His anger has almost dazzled his reason!

Yang Wuchang is such a waste. His younger brother has been left in his Yang family, and he was killed?

If Zhou Yuan is in the Zhou family, he can absolutely guarantee that Zhou Yuan will not be killed. It's useless to blame the Yang family.

Of course, the reason why Zhou Cheng is so angry is not that he lost a cousin, but that he lost a lot of face as the head of the Zhou family!

He doesn't care whether the man wearing the mask is Li Yefeng or not. If not, he must have something to do with Li Yefeng.

"Fauber!" The old housekeeper came to the door in a hurry.

"Home owner." Cried fauber, bending over.

"Give an order, gather all the experts in the family, and let out a voice at the same time to tell Li yebei to come and die in the Zhou family! I will take revenge on Zhou Yuan! "

"Yes." Fubo's heart trembled, and the owner became angry. I'm afraid the man named "Li yebei" is going to die.

Zhou Cheng's eyes are cold and his momentum is fierce. Li yebei will not die. He vows not to be a human being!

Zhou's action attracted the attention of everyone in Binshi.

"Zhou Cheng, what is this for?"

"Gathering so many elites, even paying to hire the ace of the security company!"

"Zhou Yuan's death has something to do with that Li yebei? Isn't that Li yebei who killed the Yang family? He can't be that good... "

"Then Li yebei is dead!"


Countless voices spread in Binshi, and the Feng family, Guo family, Zhao family, and major group companies all felt the anger of Zhoucheng.

Qin Wu sent Tang Qiushui back home. He also learned the news that the Zhou family had assembled troops, but he didn't care. Although the Zhou family was powerful, it was not comparable with the team leader.

Moreover, the captain will not let go of the Zhou family. If it were not for the Zhou family, Li Qixin would not have fallen into the hands of Ye Shiping!

"Qin Wu, Li Yefeng, will he be safe?"

"Don't worry, the captain is powerful..." Qin Wu said with a smile. There is no force in China that can take the life of the captain. He has enough confidence in this.

Tang Qiushui is very worried, so she doesn't want to go back, but she is embarrassed to follow Qin Wu when she thinks of pulling her hind legs.

"Then if he comes back, remember to send me a message."

"All right." Qin Wu secretly sighed that it's good for the captain to be a woman. Why don't we have such luck? Is our temperament not obvious or not handsome enough?

Yang City.

Li Yefeng came to the parking lot under Baima group.

The driver master has already left. Xu Teng asks Li Yefeng to sit in his car. Instead of going in directly, Li Yefeng asks, "why do you help me?"

He can get away without Xu Teng. It's just a bit of trouble. However, since Xu Teng is willing to help him, he will not refuse. However, he still needs to find out Xu Teng's purpose.

Xu Teng was silent for a moment and said, "intuition."

Li Yefeng looks the same, silent and calm staring at him.

Xu Teng continued: "if you go our way, you must look at people. Otherwise, you don't know who will be offended one day and how to die. After all, we are all black people. We have to spend several years in prison to pick anything."

"I think you are extraordinary, so I don't want to offend you." At this time, Xu Teng has no idea of accounting. What about his loss of tens of millions? If he can make friends with big people, let alone 10 million, he doesn't care about one hundred million.

Life is more important than money.

"Very shallow reason." Li Yefeng said faintly.

"The reason is very simple, but the reason is obvious, isn't it?" Xu Teng lowered his head and said with a slightly respectful smile.

Li Yefeng also laughed, and immediately said, "that's right. My address is No.1 Tianzi, Yunhai, Panshan, Binshi city. Please take me away."

When Xu Teng heard the speech, his breath stopped for a moment!

Tianzi No.1!

Binshi's mountain and sea of clouds are very famous in the whole Nanjiang Province, not to mention Tianzi No.1, which is a symbol of power. Those who can live in it are rich or expensive!

"You... You are the mysterious buyer who bought Tianzi No.1 at a low price of 100 million?" Xu Teng is so excited that he is even red. How many people are asking about the mysterious man who bought Tianzi No.1? The number is endless!

Xu Teng never thought that the mysterious man was standing in front of him at the moment!

It's a skill to buy Tianzi No.1 at a high price, but it's not a skill but power to buy Tianzi No.1 at a basic price!

Xu Teng was so shocked that he brought honorifics to Li Yefeng.

He was more and more glad that he didn't conflict with Li Yefeng. Now he was more and more delighted. This is the real big man!

"Not many people know." Li Yefeng light said a word, Xu Teng heart immediately understand, head down more down, respectful way: "I understand, you please, I send you back to Binshi."

Li Yefeng just got on the bus, while Xu Teng drove himself. Looking at the whole city, who can let Xu Teng be a driver? None of them!

A few hours later, Li Yefeng returned to the western suburbs.

Instead of going south, Xu Teng went west and entered another city. Then he took a detour from that city to send Li Yefeng back to Binshi.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Li Yefeng returned to Binshi and said: at eight o'clock tomorrow, visit Zhoucheng, the head of the Zhou family!

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