Outside the gate of the Zhou family.

Feng Chengwen, Guo Paolu and others, looking at the people who fled from the Zhou family in panic, all showed a look of shock. What's the situation?

Other people are also very surprised, these seem to be the Zhou family's men, right? Why are they in such a mess one by one? What are they going to do?

How come it's not "Li yebei" who runs out, but the Zhou family's men who seem to have been beaten by others and run away like crazy?

"What's the matter..."

"What about Li yebei? Why hasn't he been kicked out yet? "

"Strange, shouldn't it... It can't be Li yebei who beat the guards of the Zhou family and scared them out?"

"No way! Are you kidding? How can Liu Kai miss his eyes


After all, the fact seems to be beyond their expectations. They don't want to see the Zhou family scurrying, but to see Li Yefeng thrown out like a dead dog!

Feng Chengwen's eyes are also surprised. The guards of the Zhou family will not run out of the house for no reason. That's what happened to the Zhou family.

But... He couldn't think of any accident that could make things like this!

"Li yebei beat the Zhou family?" Feng Chengwen suddenly had this idea in his mind, which surprised him, and soon he rejected the possibility.

After all, if Li Yefeng can defeat the masters of the Zhou family, doesn't it also prove that Li Yefeng can sweep the Feng family? Then they are the top families in Binshi, and they really become a joke.

No way, no way!

But although the heart in the crazy denial of this possibility, but the idea like a virus, crazy spread in his mind.

"What's the matter? The Zhou family won't be unable to take Li yebei, will they?" Mu Qiuyan some discontented mutter way.

Feng Qingqing looks a little excited, things seem to have a turn for the better?

"It seems that Li yebei didn't ask for help."

At this time, a voice rang out, and everyone looked at the speaker - the first knife in Jiangnan, Liukai!

Liu Kai said calmly: "Li yebei's strength is not strong. I have fought with him for a short time. His strength is OK for the younger generation, but it's impossible to sweep the Zhou family."

"I think he should have been looking for a helper for a long time, and this helper has already sneaked into the Zhou family to hide. Just now, I felt Chen tiemang's momentum, and Chen tiemang met his opponent. The person who is fighting with Chen tiemang is probably Li yebei's helper."

Liu Kai's words are naturally believed by everyone. In terms of strength, Liu Kai can hang all of them here. No matter their experience or eyesight, they are far inferior to Liu Kai.

"I see!"

"I said, this boy can't be the opponent of the Zhou family!"

"It must be like what Liu Kai said. Li yebei has already arranged a helper. This boy is really mean and cunning!"


No one believes that Li Yefeng can compete with the Zhou family. Most of them are inferior to the Zhou family. If Li Yefeng can deal with the Zhou family alone, what are they? Not enough garbage?

"You don't have to worry. The external force is always the external force. Besides, Chen tiemang has great strength. The helper Li yebei has recruited is not Chen tiemang's opponent in all probability." Liu Kai spoke calmly. He is a strong man in the Jianghu and has a deep understanding of the people in the Jianghu.

Chen tiemang is a man of unparalleled physique. He has the reputation of "iron tower". This is the characteristic of Chen tiemang. Two words are hard and steady.

Chen tiemang's most powerful is his copper skin and iron bone. His body surface is like iron sheet, and his fist is like steel. It's indestructible and unbreakable!

It's not easy to defeat Chen tiemang, because if you want to defeat him, you must be able to break his defense, but most people can't break the cortex of Chen tiemang's body. Even if he stands still and is beaten, most people can't beat him.

"Please watch quietly. Li yebei and his assistants will be driven out by the Zhou family eventually." Liu Kai said lightly.

They all nodded, and they all agreed with Liu Kai.

Qin Wu is sitting in the car listening to the music. He doesn't worry about the captain at all. As long as no one goes in to make trouble, the captain will surely catch Zhou Cheng.

As for what the onlookers thought

A group of ignorant countrymen, Qin wucai doesn't have the time to deal with these retarded people!


In the study.

When Zhou Cheng saw that Chen tiemang had come to Li Yefeng, his face relaxed a lot. He lost again and again, which made him feel like the owner of the Zhou family. But there were a lot of people watching outside!

However, it doesn't matter. Originally, he didn't really expect to win Li Yefeng by relying on those wastes. The main purpose is actually to rely on those people to consume Li Yefeng's physical strength, but the world is not satisfactory. I didn't expect that those wastes would be scared to run away after Li Yefeng killed their captain.

Now Chen tiemang's hand, Zhou Cheng is relieved.

"Li yebei, Mr. Chen is a man of the world. He's very strong. Now that he's done it, you can't continue to be fierce!" Zhou Cheng looks at Li Yefeng on the monitor, with an extremely cold look.


In the hospital.


Chen tiemang laughed, strode forward, and made a clear sound.

"Come on, boy, just attack! If I step back, I will give up today! " Chen tiemang sneered and said with disdain.

Li Yefeng's eyes narrowed slightly, and a faint chill flashed in his eyes.

In the past two days, he ran into those who used knives, guns, and muscles in Jiangnan. They were all quite powerful, but it seemed that everyone had become the dog and horse of the aristocratic family.

Is this the way of the world today?

"I've been training all my muscles and bones. No one has been able to shake me for several years. You ignorant young man should beat me!" Chen tiemang looked at Li Yefeng sarcastically: "the adults in your family have never taught you. Do you have to be modest when you go out? You are so ignorant, I will teach you a lesson today

"Let you understand what is the real world! What is a real strong man

Li Yefeng didn't want to listen to his beep. The muscle strength at his feet suddenly broke out, and a roar swept a burst of fury. His speed was as fast as the wind. In a moment, he came to Chen tiemang!

Seeing this, Chen tiemang opened his chest and stood there indifferently, ready to take Li Yefeng's fist.

"Even if I don't dodge, you can't hurt me! Let you see today! In case you don't know the heaven and earth in the future! " Chen tiemang taught coldly.

Li Yefeng didn't seem to hear him. He hit him on the chest!


With a crisp voice, Li Yefeng felt that his fist was like hitting steel. He couldn't help but move slightly. He practiced his muscles and bones horizontally, combined with Kung Fu. It's really worthy of his reputation. There's no doubt that Chen tiemang is like a "tank" character in the game.

"Hum!" Chen tiemang snorted coldly. His eyes were cold and his upper body trembled slightly. Then he took a step forward and made a dull sound with his feet on the ground.

Li Yefeng felt a huge force coming back. Whew, he soared back and turned 360 degrees °, Three steps back after landing.



In the study, Zhou Cheng saw that Chen tiemang forced Li Yefeng to retreat, and his eyes were shining. Even he became very energetic and happy at the moment.

"It's worthy of the worship of the Zhou family. It's really powerful!" Zhou Cheng couldn't help praising: "Fu Bo, you see, Li yebei is no longer good. He can't touch Mr. Chen at all!"

Fubo was naturally very happy, so he said with a smile: "what the master said is that Mr. Chen is as steady as a mountain. How could Li yebei be his opponent?"

He also breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that he is too worried. This young man named "Li yebei" is unlikely to have any impact on their Zhou family.

Zhou Cheng was full of pride, smiling and said, "pour me the wine!"

Fubo rushed forward to pour the red wine. Zhou Cheng sat down and looked at Li Yefeng's face with a cold smile: "fool, you are dying! I can get rid of you without Ye Shao! "

"It's ridiculous to want to avenge your sister! You can't even pass me. Do you want to trouble ye Shao? "

Zhou Cheng shook the glass in his hand, then sneered.


Li Yefeng looked at his fist. Well, there was no way to shake Chen tiemang with an ordinary fist. After all, he was a man who trained his muscles and bones. He couldn't hurt him without breaking the defense.

"Boy, do you understand the gap between you and me?" Chen tiemang asked with a light smile: "what I just said is still valid. I'll make the decision to protect your life, but you killed Zhou Yuan of the Zhou family. It can't be over. Kneel down and kowtow."

Li Yefeng sniffed at the corner of his mouth with a sneer: "yes, I understand the gap between us."

Chen tiemang's eyes suddenly coagulated!

Then, his pupil suddenly shrank and locked Li Yefeng. At the moment, he felt that Li Yefeng was a different person!

At the moment, Li Yefeng is magnificent, domineering, fierce, sharp and fierce, full of oppression!



Moving like thunder, Li Yefeng rushed out without saying a word!

Chen tiemang's face changed greatly. He quickly held his breath and made a fist in his hand!


Chen tiemang stepped back one step, two steps... Nine steps! He didn't stop until he was stuck to the wall behind him!

But it was the impact of this fist that made him feel the blood in his body surging. A terrible tremor came from his fist and impacted his viscera!

"Don't get me wrong. I understand the gap between you and me. It's not that I'm inferior to you, but that you are far inferior to me."

Chen tiemang is trying to ease the shock in his body, but suddenly he hears Li Yefeng's voice. He suddenly raises his head and sees a flat fist directly hit his chest.


Chen tiemang looked shocked. He was like a deflated balloon. His breath was suddenly depressed, and then a mouthful of old blood burst out of his mouth!

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