Hearing Li Yefeng's rave words, Liu Kai's pupil suddenly shrinks, and then he smiles angrily, a hand?

To defeat him, the first "Liukai" in Jiangnan, the young man said that only one hand is enough!

"It seems that you haven't heard half a word of my warning to you. Up to now, you haven't recognized the facts, or you are as arrogant as ever. Do you know what is powerful?"


The big knife in Liu Kai's hand waved across the air and made an action to kill Li Yefeng. Li Yefeng's eyes suddenly twinkled, and a sharp knife came to his face. It was overbearing and powerful, which was the characteristic of the man who used the knife!

The sword is the gentleman in the weapon, and the sword is the overlord in the weapon. It is violent and overbearing!

"Compared with you, what is Chen tiemang's strength?" Li Yefeng asked faintly.

"Hum, although Chen tiemang's reputation is not as good as mine, his strength is also extremely strong. I'm stronger than him, but he's not much worse than me. If we really want to fight, we'll open three or seven, and I'll win a lot."

Li Yefeng nodded his head after hearing the speech: "it's really a weak group."


Liu Kai is furious. He has never seen such an arrogant young man, a boy who doesn't know the heaven and earth, dare to humiliate himself! It's unforgivable!

If he wanted to kill Li Yefeng because Guo Bolu hired him at a high price, now he wants to kill Li Yefeng with his own will.

"Ignorant child! It's time to kill


The sound of a sudden explosion, Liu Kai's body shape is a whistling moment, a fierce and domineering sword force accumulated, immediately Shua of a broken wind, a terrible sword awn moment cross cutting!

"Young people, arrogance also needs the capital of arrogance! Otherwise, it will only lead to death crisis! "

Liu Kai yells angrily, and the big sword is coming. Li Yefeng immediately retreats. However, Liu Kai locks his Qi, and directly entangles him when he starts.


The edge of the sword flickers, but it is to kill Li Yefeng's neck fiercely. This sword is extremely terrifying, and contains Liu Kai's will. If a knife hits, Li Yefeng will separate his head!

Liu Kai's killing intention is extremely strong. He is completely angered by Li Yefeng's attitude. He has never seen such an arrogant young man. It's unreasonable!

I don't know that there are people out there and there is heaven out there!


I saw a figure suddenly speeded up, flashed, a terrible knife, directly cut on the ground, in an instant, burst like sound sounded, the huge power, directly stirred up a piece of dust.

"Huh?" Liu Kai was surprised. His knife completely locked Li Yefeng's Qi, but Li Yefeng evaded it. This is unreasonable!

Li Yefeng looks indifferent. After driving five meters, he puts one hand behind him and clenches the other hand into a fist. It seems that Liu Kai lets Liu open one hand. Liu Kai looks at Li Yefeng not far away in amazement. Then, his face becomes ferocious and terrifying!

"Presumptuous!! You deserve to look down on me, too! " Liu Kai is angry, and his figure is like thunder. He carries terror to kill Li Yefeng. Shua Shua Shua, the sword of terror keeps flashing. One sword after another, he cuts down the key point of Li Yefeng.

Every knife is fatal. As long as Li Yefeng is careless, he will be cut in half.

"Son of a bitch!" Liu Kai is even more angry. With so many knives, he didn't kill Li Yefeng, which makes him shocked and angry. At the same time, he has an inexplicable sense of horror.

Why can't he touch this young man with such a violent and domineering attack!


Li yebei retreats to a concrete wall. At this time, Liu Kaisha cuts down. Li Yefeng spins to the side and steps away. The deafening sound of impact suddenly blows. There is a terrible deep groove on the concrete wall.

Li Yefeng's eyes were slightly fixed, and then he suddenly got close and hit Liu Kai's chest!

Liu Kai's reaction is very fast. He can stop the cutting face at the first time!


Liu Kai's face changed with Li Yefeng's fist. The sword in his hand made a terrible metal tremor, which was only produced when he suffered great strength!

But he didn't expect that Li Yefeng could achieve this level, and this punch made him feel extremely heavy pressure!

"You hide your strength?" Liu Kai steps back several steps. He stares at Li Yefeng with an ugly face.

"Hidden power?" Li Yefeng gave a dumb smile, shook his head and did not answer.

It's not his hidden strength, but Liu Kai's strength. If he is just a little stronger than Chen tiemang, the gap between Liu Kai and him is as big as heaven and earth.

Liu Kai's face was gloomy. Suddenly, he had a bad feeling in his heart, but he thought it was impossible. How could this young man be stronger than Liu Kai?

He Liukai is even one of the representatives of the experts in Jiangnan. If he is not as good as this young man, doesn't it mean that they are really incompetent in Jiangnan?

"You will die today!" Liu Kai repressed the palpitation in his heart, and then he cut out again. A burst of dancing sword skills shot out. Li Yefeng had no choice but to retreat temporarily.



Liu's mouth is full of rage, and the sword is constantly dancing. In a flash, Li Yefeng sees a rain of sword shadows formed by crazy swords. Countless sword shadows, like lightning, attack and kill at the same time!

Boom boom!

Li Yefeng kept retreating. The walls, the land, the surrounding concrete columns and the trees all suffered. Under the terrible rain of the shadow of the sword, it either burst or was cut off. The power of Liu Kai's sword was terrible!

Even the concrete wall can't bear his knife, let alone human?

Li Yefeng is agile and vigorous. When he keeps retreating, his brow is slightly wrinkled. Then, he stares at the shadow of the sword in front of him. Finally, he catches the track and makes a bold move! Quick as lightning, thunderbolt!


Dang!!! The shadow of the knife disappears. Liu Kai's big knife is smashed by Li Yefeng. Whew, whew, the big knife rotates in mid air. Liu Kai's face is pale and his arm shakes violently. He stares at Li Yefeng in front of him in disbelief!

However, Li Yefeng didn't give him any extra chance at all. In an instant, he got close to him and hit him fiercely with a fist. With a click, his sternum broke. Then, Liu kaisou, like a shot, banged against the concrete wall.


Liu Kai's body was red with blood, and his eyes became lax and dull. He slowly slipped down and lay on the ground, hissing. The sword fell from the mid air and fell into the ground upside down. The cold light reflected from the blade's face.

Li Yefeng raises his feet to Liu Kai and looks at him coldly.

"Cough..." Liu Kai coughed up two mouthfuls of blood, one punch, let him suffer such a tragic injury, he had to admit that he was defeated, defeated to the ground.

But he didn't understand.

I really don't understand!

Why is this young man so powerful? It's not reasonable at all! How old he is!

"You... You beat... Chen tiemang..."

"Yes." Li Yefeng didn't deny it. It's hard to hide it.

At this moment, Liu Kai suddenly felt very sad. Previously, he always thought that Li Yefeng had found a helping hand, but he never thought that the so-called "helping hand" did not exist.

It's just his imagination.

Li Yefeng's strength has already reached this level. What a terror!

"Who are you... Master..."

"No comment." Li Yefeng gave him four words coldly. He had no master, he had only an instructor!

To him, instructors are like teachers and fathers!

Liu Kai speechless, at the moment, he felt very embarrassed, did not expect that the arrogant man, in fact, himself!

Before he to Li Yefeng's various lessons, at the moment all mercilessly drew on his face.

Who on earth is arrogant? Who on earth is being defiant? Who on earth doesn't understand that there are people outside and there is heaven outside?

It's him!

Funny, funny!

"Kill... Kill me..." Liu Kai said difficultly. Today, he lost his face. Even if there was no outsider around, he could not pass the inner level.

He has no face to live.

"I have no grudge against you. I won't kill you." Li Yefeng said lightly.

When Liu Kai heard the words, his voice was full of anger: "are you humiliating me? I don't need your pity to win without killing! "


Li Yefeng sneered: "I didn't regard you as an opponent from the beginning, and I didn't want to accept your challenge. You want to challenge me again and again. Whether you decide life or death, I didn't say I agreed."

"You Liu Kai is very angry. It's a battle of life and death. How can he survive?

Li Yefeng went to one side and sat down. Then he said faintly, "if you think it's impossible to live alone, here, your knife is standing there. You can wipe it on the blade yourself, and then you can swallow your breath."

Liu Kai smell speech, pale face more ugly.

"I don't take you seriously, but you take yourself seriously one by one." Li Yefeng cold voice said a, Liu Kai immediately ashamed, think of his words before the fight, he almost did not have a mouthful of blood again.

What a shame!

Li Yefeng didn't pay attention to Liu Kai, but quietly waited for the news of Qin Wu. However, it was estimated that Qin Wu was not so fast. Suddenly, Li Yefeng looked at Liu Kai, his eyes narrowed slightly, and said, "if I don't kill you, I will treat you as if you owe me a favor. I just have a favor to help you. If you are willing to help, I will treat today's event as if it didn't happen."

Liu Kai smell speech, weak ask a way: "help you what..."

Li Yefeng said with a smile: "ten days later, I'm going to pick up my sister at Ye's house. If you want, you can support me."

"Ye family?" Liu Kai's weak voice suddenly aroused his spirit, but after he cried out, he coughed violently, and the blood continuously overflowed from his mouth.

"Are you crazy? Do you know what kind of influence the Ye family is? "

Liu Kai can't believe what he heard at the moment. Over the past few decades, does anyone dare to challenge a super family like the Ye family? No,

Ye family has become one of the "big dragons" in the south of the Yangtze River and a real hegemonic force!

The energy of the Ye family is far greater than ordinary people's cognition!

Take him as an example. Even if Guo Po Lu knew him, he had to pay a lot of money to ask him to do it. But what about the Ye family?

It's not polite to say that even if the Ye family is forced to call, Liu Kai doesn't dare to have any complaints. Even if the Ye family doesn't give a cent, he doesn't dare to say anything!

"Do it or not?" Li Yefeng has seen others more than once. When he heard that he was going to deal with the Ye family, he showed an expression that he was looking for death.

"Do you think I look like someone who's tired of life?" Liu Kai was not angry and asked: "I advise you not to think that if you defeat me, you have the right to provoke the Ye family. That is absolutely inviolable. Once upon a time, there was a man in Jiangnan who was recognized as the first expert in Jiangnan who offended the Ye family!"

"But do you know what happened to this man? the members of one 's family are partly dispersed and partly dead! He's all gone into seclusion, but he's finally found by the Ye family, and his family is broken overnight! "

"I admit that your strength is very strong, but that Jiangnan first expert was stronger then, and he was defeated by the strength of the Ye family, not to mention you!"

"I'm alone. There's nothing to lose." Li Yefeng said faintly.

Liu Kai shook his head and said, "I can't agree to change a condition. I don't want to fight against the Ye family. In that case, there will be no way to live."

"I have no other use for you." Li Yefeng said calmly.

Ye's family is so terrible that Liu Kai, a master like him, can't even have the idea of provoking others?

"Then come to me when you think of it." Said Liu Kai.

Li Yefeng was silent. Just then, his mobile phone rang. It was Qin Wu.

"Captain, we got it."

"Send her home."

"Well, what about Guo Bolu? How to deal with it? " Qin Wu asked.

"How is he now?" Li Yefeng asked.

"I beat you down."

"He's useless." Li Yefeng then hung up.

Within one day, the Zhou family was beaten through by Li Yefeng, and Guo Baolu, the owner of the Guo family, was abandoned by Qin Wu.

Guo's family and Zhou's family went to decline in the same day!

Li Yefeng got up and was ready to leave. He glanced at Liu Kai and said faintly, "you can find a way to leave."

Liu Kai is speechless. He has no idea how many broken bones he has. How can he leave by himself?

Li Yefeng returned to the road and walked to the sea of clouds.

More than an hour later, he returned to the shore mountain cloud sea, walking on the road inside the villa area, to the direction of Tianzi No.1.

Behind him came the sound of the car driving, Li Yefeng did not care, at this time, a sense of crisis suddenly came!

Li Yefeng immediately hid beside him!


Mercedes Benz passed him by and hit the wall. If he didn't escape, the Mercedes Benz would have knocked him off!

The Mercedes stopped, and then a beautiful young girl fell out of the driver's seat with a loud pop.

Li Yefeng glanced at the shabby Mercedes Benz, then looked around at the young girl with her head covered sitting on the ground.

The girl's arm was scratched a little, but maybe the airbag hit her head, so she covered her forehead all the time.

On the girl's pretty cheek, she looked embarrassed and said, "well, can you..."

"No, no time." Li Yefeng, with a cold face, strangles the girl's request in the cradle.


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