The impact of terror raging, the storm swept, everyone was affected, everyone crazy retreat, dare not be involved in it, if affected, each of them can withstand!

The space is constantly breaking up and turning into white fragments. In the process of floating, it is slowly smashed, and the space is gradually healing. A huge pit visible to the naked eye appears, and the whole continent of Zhongzhou is in a mess.

There are countless people looking at the center of the storm. At this time, with a click, the space split and a figure came out.

Exactly, Li Yefeng!

On his body, only one corner of his clothes was torn, and the rest seemed to have no problem at all. This scene made all living beings in the spiritual world despair.

Such a terrible attack, unexpectedly, did not cause any trauma to him?

Li Yefeng's eyes are indifferent. He is not as powerful as Lu Qingyu and others can imagine.


The sole of his foot slightly stepped on, and the void rippled. Then, the space twisted and hissed. All the storms seemed to be sucked in by a tiny space opening.

There is a vortex of black spots in the calm void. The black spots become smaller and smaller until they disappear and the distortion returns to normal.

Lu Qingyu's hands are powerless. His most powerful means are useless!

At this moment, he really despair, Li Yefeng's strong, completely beyond him, not he Lu Qingyu can compete with the existence.

Li Yefeng points to Lu Qingyu from a distance, and with a bang, Lu Qingyu's body is torn and broken, and an aura emerges. That's Lu Qingyu's supreme intention.

Supreme, as long as the supreme will not die, there will be a second life.

The right body is not hard to find.

With Li Yefeng's skill, Lu Qingyu's supreme intention is to fly towards him.

However, just when he wanted to get Lu Qingyu's supreme intention, a cold voice in the void seemed to pass through endless distance and spread to the mainland of Zhongzhou!

"Can you accept my master's life? Lee! Night! The wind


A huge sword broke the void and fell from the sky, separating Li Yefeng from Lu Qingyu's supreme intention. A graceful and powerful figure tore the membrane of space and came out of it.

Lu Qingyu's supreme intention falls into her hands.

This is Li Qingxue.

A white dress of her, at this time the momentum is amazing, terror to the extreme, there is a kind of, and Li Yefeng comparable feeling.


In Li Qingxue's hands, there is a green flame, which exudes a very strong force of life. Like the source of life, it is continuous and endless. It's amazing.

Lu Qingyu's supreme intention was wrapped by the green flame. Then, the supreme intention became bigger and bigger, and gradually transformed into human form.

Li Yefeng's eyes narrowed slightly and said, "the inflammation of life."

Shenhuo record, ranked very high, seems to be in the fifth place.

With the power of Nirvana, the flame can live the dead, flesh and bones, as long as there is a breath in it, under its function, it can regenerate.

What a terrible flame!

Controlling it is equivalent to adding a life saving device without cooling.

However, the divine fire is extremely difficult to find, even in the spirit world, most of the divine fire is also missing.

Moreover, these sacred fires have their own spirituality and are extremely overbearing. It's very difficult to subdue them. Only those who have a good chance can subdue them with a one in a million probability.

Li Qingxue, before obviously did not have the inflammation of life, but now, she has.

Lu Qingyu soon regained his original appearance and recovered with his injuries. However, his lost physical strength is very strong and has not been replenished. The fire of life can save lives, but it can't restore people's physical strength.

"Supreme, take a rest. It's just Li Yefeng. You don't need the leader of the spirit world to kill yourself."

When Li Qingxue's cold voice spreads, Lu Qingyu's look is also very complicated.

In fact, the friendship between them didn't last long. However, he did regard Li Qingxue as his own disciple, fighting for everything for her.

All the resources, he fell on Li Qingxue.

However, even so, Li Qingxue did not regard him as a real master, probably just a kind of psychological use of him.

Now, it seems different.

"It's up to you."

Lu Qingyu smiles. His eyes are full of joy. Li Qingxue is worthy of his efforts. This girl has completely surpassed him.

Li Qingxue didn't speak any more. She just waved her sword away.

Li Yefeng, calm face, and her eyes, light way: "long time no see."

Li Qingxue's eyes are cold: "I haven't seen you for a long time, but I didn't expect that when I say goodbye, it's such a scene. In your eyes, is my life in the spirit world so damned?"

Li Yefeng light way: "according to you say so, my earth's those soldiers, die?"? Without you spirit world, do you know how many people can hold their wives and accompany their children at home? "

"If it wasn't for your spirit world invasion, where would I have to pay such a great sacrifice? How many people, white hair to black hair!"

"How many people have no chance to watch their children grow up!"

"You're going to question me... I'm going to question you!"


Behind Li Yefeng, the space is broken, a huge starry sky emerges, countless stars emerge, there is a round of terrible sun, flying across the starry sky.

There are different colors of the planet as if the general speed of the satellite rotation.

Li Qingxue said with no expression: "there is no right or wrong in the war. However, it was the people in your territory who killed a million people in our spiritual world first, then it would lead to the war between the two worlds."

She already knew the truth, wrong, not in their spiritual world.

In those days, the saints in the spirit world were not necessarily unreasonable, they did not necessarily want to fight!

But they can't help it, because millions of living creatures are gone. They can't bear it. Otherwise, how can they explain to those killed?


Li Yefeng looks angry and drinks violently. A big star materializes from the sky behind him, and then flies out. The huge star smashes down at Li Qingxue!

The shadow covers the sky and the stars block the sun, which makes everyone pale.

Is this... Calling the stars and falling?

It's not something that people can do at all!

"This is the truth!"

Li Qingxue pointed at the fallen star, and then the terrible sword Qi swept and roared. The star was annihilated by the sword Qi storm, and directly turned into dust without any damage.

Li Yefeng's eyes are cold, and his chances of killing are overflowing.


Green Dragon light and shadow, roaring away, shattering the void, invincible!

As soon as the seal method in Li Qingxue's hand changed, a huge sword shadow appeared on his head and flashed out!


The light and shadow of the green dragon collide with the shadow of the sword. The terrible impact is rampant. The space is constantly annihilated and broken, and the world is shaking!

Then, the Dragon shadow and sword shadow become illusory at the same time, until they disappear!

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