All the people in the hall were silenced by Qin Wu's roar, and all the eyes focused on Qin Wu in a moment.

Qin Wu has always been happy with his love and hatred. He never killed anyone overnight on the battlefield. Since he came back to China, he has been holding back his grievances, which is completely opposite to his temperament.

If it wasn't for Li Yefeng, the team leader, who kept reminding him, the whole world would have known that Li Yefeng was very powerful.

But today, Qin Wu is really intolerable.

The posture of Bailing Tang completely ignited Qin Wu's anger. He had never seen such an unreasonable person!

In the battlefield, he saved the enemy soldiers, people will sincerely say thank you, what about bailing Tang? What the hell!

"Presumptuous!" Bai Lingtang was not angry and his voice was low. He sounded in the hall. He looked at Qin Wu coldly: "what do you think of here? Do you live at home? Who allows you to yell here? "

"The whole scene belongs to you. Your face is the most disgusting!" Qin Wu angrily scolded him.

Everyone changed color in a flash. How dare you insult bailing Tang like this! How bold!

"Qin Wu! You have crossed the line! Why do you insult my father so much White dance butterfly Zheng for a moment, immediately look very angry, mouth sternly question.

"Yes! Do you know the identity of Mr. Bai? Can a nobody like you be humiliated? "

"I don't know my name if I'm a little bit heavy?"

"Arrogant and ignorant, such people should be driven out! I'm not eligible for the party tonight! "

"Who on earth sent them the invitation? What are their identities? What qualifications do you have? "


Bai Lingtang looked indifferent and said in a cold voice: "do you think you can be domineering after doing something? You two are too naive. Security guard, let this man out. If Gao Chengqi has any objection, let him come to me! "

Qin Wu clenched his fingers and said angrily, "let's try! My captain's temper doesn't care about you old dog thief. You really put your nose on your face, don't you? "

"You're the kind of rubbish that you don't have any gratitude for. This is the end of your life's achievements. If you have a chance to move forward, I'll change my name to Qin Wu!"

"There are also you respectable rubbish, one by one with gorgeous clothes. Once you take off this gorgeous disguise, God knows how disgusting your faces are!"

People's faces suddenly changed when they heard the speech!

"That's ridiculous!"

"What a jerk! How dare you humiliate us like this!"

"Get out! We have to get rid of both of them! "

Qin Wu sneered and said, "OK, let's have a look. I see who can do it! I want to know the owner of Tianzi No.1. You are a group of blind people who have lost their minds! The owner of Tianzi No.1 disdains to know you hypocritical rubbish

The faces of all the people turned gloomy.

Someone said coldly, "who do you think you are? Can you represent the owner of tianzi-1? That's ridiculous. You're nothing

"I'm afraid you don't even know what tianzi-1 stands for? He looks familiar with the owner of Tianzi No.1 villa. It's really a big smile

Qin Wu sneered and said, "don't you know each other? Then I'll let you know! "

"We all want to know who is the owner of Tianzi No.1 villa, right? OK, I will tell you now that I am the owner of Tianzi No.1 villa... "

"The owner of Tianzi No.1 is Ye Shiping, the second young master of the Ye family in Nanbin City, the provincial capital."

A indifferent voice suddenly rang out from the door and came into the hall. Qin Wu's voice suddenly stopped. Li Yefeng, who was standing behind him, looked slightly at Gao Chengqi, the general director of Wanding group Nanjiang branch, who appeared at the door.

"You're talking nonsense!" Qin Wu twisted his eyebrows and said seriously.

The owner of Tianzi No.1 villa is clearly the team leader. The contract is still there. How can it become Ye Shiping!

Gao Chengqi has a sarcastic smile on his lips. He goes straight to Li Yefeng. His eyes are full of ridicule. He says in a low voice: "I've given you a gift. Have a look at your mobile phone."

Li Yefeng looks cold, and then takes out the mobile phone in his pocket. Just in time, a picture is sent to him. In an iron cage, Tang Qiushui is bound to his limbs and locked in it.

"You forced me." Gao Chengqi sneered coldly.

Li Yefeng looks at him coldly, and his heart is full of killing intention. Is this Gao Chengqi's killing move? Kidnap Tang Qiushui and force him to admit in public that the owner of Tianzi No.1 is Ye Shiping!

Gao Chengqi clapped his hands with a smile, then looked at Li Yefeng jokingly and said, "am I right, Li yebei? Tianzi No.1 villa is the real estate owned by Ye Shiping of the Ye family. "

"Fart! It's not ye Shiping, but... "

"Yes." Li Yefeng opened his mouth calmly. The expression on Qin Wu's face was instantly stiff and solidified. He was shocked and cried: "Captain?"

"The owner of villa Tianzi No.1 is Ye Shiping. Qin Wu and I both know it, but we only know it by chance. We are not sure."

"Captain..." Qin Wu looks at Li Yefeng stupidly.

He couldn't figure out why the captain would change his words? Is the captain really going to give the villa to Ye Shiping at the price of 80 million yuan? Did the captain forget that ye Shiping was behind the death of his sister?

Gao Chengqi has a sarcastic sneer on his face. When he hears Li Yefeng change his words, he is very happy. Previously, Li Yefeng had a big fight in his office, which made the chairman of his branch company lose face.

Now, the court is back!

Private occasions also you 80 million let you out of the villa, you do not agree!

Then you have to promise in public that you will not be punished for toasting. Do you really think that you can fight Gao Chengqi with a little skill?

Give you face, don't let you lose face!

"Li yebei, originally I had a good intention to invite you to the banquet tonight, but it seems that the people present don't welcome you very much. In that case, please leave."

When Li Yefeng heard the speech, his face suddenly became colder and colder. He was attacked by people's language and left just like a clown.

However, at the thought that Tang Qiushui had already fallen into Gao Chengqi's hands, he could only bear this tone. He might even have to hand over the Tianzi No.1 to Ye Shiping, who he wanted to kill most.

"Qin Wu, let's go." Li Yefeng looks calm and gives orders in a flat tone.

Qin Wu's face was blue, and he was so bent that he wanted to explode: "Captain!"

He really doesn't want to leave like this. Do these self righteous things want to continue to leave? How long will the captain have to be humiliated by them?

Yes, the captain never cares about the views of outsiders, but as a member of the secret mobile, what is the most important thing? One is the responsibility on the shoulders, the task to be completed!

What's the second? The dignity of the secret mobile captain!

As a team member, they can be humiliated and suppressed, but the team leader can't. the team leader is the belief of all of them and the "God" in their hearts.

"Go." Li Yefeng's tone is indisputable, and he speaks indifferently.

Qin Wu took a deep breath and followed Li Yefeng with his lips closed tightly.

"Oh, suffer a loss. That's the end of not recognizing yourself."

"I just thought that he was going to say that Tianzi No.1 was his. I didn't expect that... It's ironic!"

The people in the hall were all sarcastic, and their words were full of sarcasm.

"Well, everybody, don't let one or two grasshoppers spoil our party tonight..."


Suddenly, all the windows around the banquet hall were smashed violently, and then a group of figures turned in from those windows. People in the hall looked panic and made a mess in an instant!

"What's going on?"

"Who are you?"


One by one, the black muzzle of the gun was aimed at all the people in the hall. They were pale and stiff.

Gao Chengqi turned pale and squatted down with his head in his arms.

Da, Da, Da

There was a sound of footwork coming from the door of the villa, which seemed to be the sound of military boots.

"No one is allowed to step out of the villa." A low voice rang out. People in the hall all looked at the entrance. Li Yefeng and Qin Wu, who had just gone out, retreated back to the hall under the threat of several dark guns.

In front of them, there are seven or eight people with rifles. They seem to be mercenaries.

The head in the middle is a Western European with a big beard and white face. He has fierce eyes. He is wearing a special military uniform and his field boots make clear footsteps.

"All crouch down in the hall with your head in your arms." The bearded man ordered indifferently.

Everyone retreated to the center of the hall. Everyone's face was very pale. Looking at the black muzzles, they were full of fear of death.

Bai Lingtang's face is ugly, and Bai wudie's face is panic.

Feng Chengwen looks frightened. Mu Qiuyan grabs his hand. Feng Qingqing is also a little flustered, but his performance is calm.

"There are so many rich people in China. In this small city, there are so many people with assets of hundreds of millions." The bearded man's eyes were greedy. Looking at this hostage, he felt like looking at a ton of gold.

Li Yefeng and Qin Wu squat down with their heads in their arms and stay in the crowd. They will not act rashly if the other party has a gun.

"You local tyrants, I don't want to hurt you. I only seek money. I will give you a card number. You can make money in it. I have a list of all the assets in your name. So, don't be too stingy, otherwise... I'm afraid my gun will go off."

"Oh, by the way, introduce myself. My name is Carmel. You must remember my name."

Li Yefeng and Qin Wu look at each other. They make eye contact. With their tacit understanding, they can easily understand each other's ideas.

"Next, I read the name of the people, consciously give me money..." Carmel light looked at the people, and then began to read the name.

Everyone who read his name turned pale. He was the boss of a big company in Binshi, with assets of hundreds of millions. After the transfer, Carmel shot him in the head.


The boss's head exploded and he was killed on the spot. Carmel's eyes were very strong and he swept the crowd: "with an asset of 300 million, give me five million? What I just said was not clear enough, was it

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