Lu Tang kept silent and took the book in his arms and said gratefully, "thank you, master Dong. With this thing, I will soon be able to catch the beetles in the league."

Dinner, it's over soon.

Lutang was sent to the upper room to have a rest. Of course, the dancers who appeared at the banquet were also sent to Lutang's room.

In the whole hall, there are only two girls, dongwanyue and dongwanjing.

"Jinger, you shouldn't have said those words to the messenger." Dongwanyue sighed and said.

Dong Wanyue doesn't want to be the enemy of Lu Yu.

However, Dong Wanjing raised his head: "Wang Chen is so arrogant that he has taken away the spirit stone that should belong to us. We should let the people of the Lu family take good care of him! "

"Listen to me!"

Dong Wanyue suddenly gave a cold drink: "you are blinded by hatred. You can think about it carefully. What is the origin of Wang Chen?"

"Isn't he a alchemist? Maybe his accomplishments depend on pills." Dong Wanjing disdains the way.

Dong Wanyue smiles bitterly and shakes her head: "you have to think about his age. It is said that he is not even twenty-five years old, and he has ascended the throne like you and me

"Although the Lu family is as good as a cloud of experts, I can tell you that there is no match for Wang Chen in the whole younger generation of the Lu family, or even in the whole northern region."

Dong Wanyue stares at Dong Wanjing: "Di Xiao, the master of scorpion sect, who is he? Even he was determined to follow Wang Chen, enough to think about Wang Chen's terror. This kind of man can only make friends with him, and can never be an enemy to him! "

That's what she thought.

From the initial disdain for Lu Yu, to now trying to make friends, Dong Wanyue is very clear about his deployment.

Wang Chen is the most respected young man, and his future will certainly be limitless.

There is no harm in making friends early.

"You can think about what I said." After that, Dong Wanyue left the main hall.

Only Dong Wanjing was left alone, his face overcast and uncertain, sitting on the seat.

"By him? Can be compared with the Lu family Dong Wanjing sneers at her sister's words.

She has seen too many geniuses, because she offended the Lu family and ended up in a tragic end.

At that time, there was a supreme one who was killed by the Lu family. Now his body is still hanging in front of a gate of Tianjing City.

"My decision will not be wrong. As long as I climb to the second branch of the Lu family, I won't have to be a vassal of my sister in the future. " Dong Wanjing is ambitious and holds her fist tightly.


Just when yunluocheng was greeting the emissary, a group of people also appeared on the residence of tianyuzong.

These people's eyes are cold, one by one exudes the cold strong breath, lets the human shiver.

"Holy master, it seems that these slaves were killed in an instant. They didn't even send out a letter of help. We didn't know that they were dead until today. " The speaker is a hunchback old man.

The old man looks kind-hearted, but his pupils are bright red, looking a bit strange.

They are all monks in the ice field.

But if Lu Yu was here, he would recognize them at a glance. These people had already been eroded by ancient demons.

In the center of this group of people, stands a enchanting woman. Her status is very high, even several ancient demons around her should salute respectfully.

"Let's see what happened."

The enchanting woman ejected a purple mist from her mouth. The purple mist rose into the air and suddenly turned into a scene of battlefield.

In this scene, all the friars in the ice field are defeated and suppressed by the great you army, and there is no place to fight back.

"It's interesting that the people here are capable of the array of heaven." The enchanting woman murmured.

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