A few kilometers away from the ruins, three figures appeared out of thin air.


Lu Yu fell to the ground, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Fatty Zhang was shocked and hurriedly helped Lu Yu up, "Brother, are you alright? It doesn't matter if you die, but can you give me my nine Scarlet Fruits first? "

Lu Yu looked at Fatty Zhang with a strange expression. As expected, this fellow had the face of a merchant, and would not change his mind no matter what.

Just now in the hall, although Lu Yu forcefully controlled the array, in this life, his cultivation was too low.

Just like a child wielding a peerless longsword, no matter how profound his sword techniques were, it would be very difficult for him to wield a heavy longsword.

"Take it."

Lu Yu immediately took out nine Scarlet Fruits from his storage bag and threw them into Fatty Zhang's hands.

Fatty Zhang carefully received the fruits as if they were treasures. A very shameful smile appeared on his fat face as he said, "I know you are a generous person. Do you need me to guard you again? Since we are all acquaintances, I can give you a fruit."

This fatty really couldn't afford to be early on in the game.

Lu Yu looked at him somewhat helplessly, and said somewhat helplessly, "If you leave now, you might have a chance to cooperate in the future."

Fatty's expression immediately changed. He patted his chest and said, "Brother, don't worry about your injuries. I'll leave immediately!"

With that, Fatty Zhang even teased Niu Niu and smiled, "Little girl, big brother will leave now!"

"Big Brother Pig Head, can't you stay?" Niu Niu asked with tears in her eyes.

Fatty Zhang laughed, rubbed the little girl's hair and said: "Little girl, take this jade. We will meet again if fate wills it!"

Lu Yu could tell that this piece of jade was a top-grade treasure cloud, and contained a lot of spiritual energy.

Based on Lu Yu's understanding of this fatty, he was a pure merchant. He never expected that he would bear the pain of giving a present to Niu Niu. It seemed that he truly liked this little girl.

The moment Fatty Zhang left, Lu Yu grabbed Niu Niu's hand, and with a flash, they soared into the sky.


The severed head blade instantly appeared at Lu Yu's feet, controlling him to fly through the air.

Lu Yu had three sabers in his previous life, so the Severed Head Saber was the last one he obtained.

The other two sabers were the magical equipment that Lu Yu was the most proud of back then.

The long blade carried a flame, and was called 'Yan Jue'.

The blade of the dagger was called 'You Jun'.

The two sabers were both Emperor grade magic treasures.

But now, these two magic treasures were completely broken. Some of them were even a bit broken. Some of the fragments even drifted to other places.

Lu Yu placed these two magic treasures in the small world of the Beitang Heavenly Sect. If he took them out now, not only would they be too ostentatious, they wouldn't even be able to display their true strength.

After the time it took to make a cup of tea, Lu Yu arrived at the border of a mortal city.


With Niuniu in tow, Lu Yu silently landed in a corner of the city, not attracting anyone's attention.

This place could be considered a city of mortals within the Great Liang State. Because the Great Liang Nation had battled with countless demon beasts for many years, the border was also extremely desolate.

The entire city was nowhere near as bustling as the Dragon Capital. Even the streets were sparsely populated.

Lu Yu found an inn and walked in.

"I want a top-class guest room. Don't disturb me!" Lu Yu put a bag of silver into the shopkeeper's hands and brought Niu Niu upstairs.

The storekeeper weighed the purse in his hand and immediately beamed: "Dear guest, please go upstairs!"

A waiter brought Lu Yu upstairs, and Lu Yu gave the waiter some money to prepare some food.

"You should eat something downstairs. Big brother will be down in a moment!" Lu Yu said to Niuniu with a smile.

Niuniu nodded, "Big brother, Niuniu will be good."

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