"All the lecturers are fake. How could I ask a monk of heresy to be a lecturer?"

Song Yang is already blushing.

He has been disgraced here, and it is impossible for him to listen to Lu Yu's lectures.

"There are five more!" Lu Yu said lightly.

Several inner disciples at the scene looked at each other, no longer hesitated, and went back to the library.

It is not only because of Lu Yu's great power just now, but more importantly, if tianwu Pavilion drives them away, I'm afraid no one else will ask for them again.

Most of the disciples of tianwu pavilion are competitive. No one in other academies would like to have these disciples.

If there is no place to take them in, they will soon be driven out of the Academy.

The White Deer academy is on the immortal gate. All the people who come in cost a lot. No one is willing to leave here.

After several inner disciples left, only Song Yang was left on the whole open space.

"Time is over, you go."

Lu Yu left, unwilling to say one more word.

Song Yang's face was distorted, staring at the back of landing feather, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

However, Song Yang knew that Lu Yu was powerful.

He didn't stay here too much. He rushed out of tianwu pavilion with one lunge.

"He is just a little broken child who has learned some evil skills, and dare to teach Laozi!"

Song Yang rushed out of tianwu Pavilion and thought to himself.

"The lecturer token of Bailu academy needs blood to recognize the owner, and he doesn't know how to cheat him. But after all, he has practiced the evil ways. If I told the commandment hall about this, he would not be the opponent of the discipline hall even though he was strong! " After thinking for a moment, Song Yang went straight into the air.


In the library.

In front of a desk, several students sat quietly, silent.

The library of tianwu pavilion has not been used for a long time, so the furnishings here are still very old.

On a desk, there was even a layer of dust.

"You don't think it's useful to read?" Lu Yu asked directly.

The disciples looked at each other, but did not speak.

What do you say? The end of Song Yang just now is obvious when you are here. Of course, no one dares to say a word.

Lu Yu also knows what they think.

"I just entered the White Deer academy today, only to know that there is a place like tianwu Pavilion. By the way, you were originally called tianwu academy, right? But because there was no lecturer, the qualification of the Legislative Yuan was cancelled, and it became a tianwu pavilion which was nothing. " Lu Yu glanced.

The faces of those disciples were somewhat ashamed, and they all bowed their heads.

"Do you know why there are no hospitals willing to ask for you?"

"It's because you're so stupid." Lu Yu shook his head and sighed.

"What are you talking about?" Some of the disciples started to clap the table and said indignantly.

Lu Yu glanced at them: "am I right? I remember that other hospitals, such as Wenhua hospital and qionglin hospital, have a scale of no less than 1000 people, but you only have less than 100 people. Can't you see the problem clearly?"

"Confucianism, not literature and Taoism, but the pursuit of martial arts. I don't know what you think!"

Lu Yu's voice of yelling echoed through the whole library.

A disciple couldn't help but retort: "the cultivation world takes strength as the respect, so we can improve our strength. As for the Wen Dao, it's just a dispensable thing!"

"Is it necessary?" Lu Yu sneered, "that's because you didn't see any real Confucian scholars, and you thought that those people could only read dead books!"

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