This big hand made of genuine Qi is the size of a tall building, and directly catches Lu Yu in.

"It's cenlou mountain chief!"

"At last, the strong man of the academy made a move, and the God of killing was finally suppressed."

There was a sigh of relief.

Looking at Li Liang, who was lying on the ground and was dying, a touch of fear flashed in everyone's eyes.

In his life, Li Liang was abandoned.

Lost an arm, and even Dantian was abolished. Even in the mortal world, we can't live like ordinary people.

"I want to tell the master that I will kill him! Ah, ah Li Liang at the moment, like a madman general, crazy shouting.

Just now, no one will pay attention to him.


Lu Yu feels the moment when the big hand comes down, and immediately runs the whole body's true Qi to resist.

The broken head Sabre burst out a surprising evil spirit, just like a tornado, and exploded directly from the real Qi big hand.

From the depth of the big hand, there was a light sound.

"I underestimated you." The voice murmured.

Later, Lu Yu felt the strength of his big hand and became stronger.

A stream of genuine Qi enveloped Lu Yu.

In Lu Yu's eyes, there is a flash of cold light in Lu Yu's eyes. The broken head Dao directly carries strong Dao Qi, and reopens the encirclement of Zhenqi.

Perhaps even the owner of the genuine Qi master did not expect that Lu Yu's Dao Qi would be so strong.


That really angry big hand, was directly poked a huge gap.

Lu Yu used the walking dragon to step on the sky. After a movement, he stepped out of the crack in an instant.

The place where Lu Yu appeared was a large hall.

Around the hall, all the doors and windows were closed, and there was a faint streamer on the wall, which obviously covered up the mystery of heaven.

"I didn't expect that a person from jiedan state could escape my control. You are really a great surprise to me." CEN Lou's voice came from one side of the hall.

Lu Yu looked at the past and saw cenlou and a group of great scholars in the Academy sitting around him.

"What are you going to do with such a big battle outside the mountain gate?" Lu Yu asked.

A great scholar said with a smile: "it's calmness. If it's for an ordinary person, I'm afraid I'll be stuttering for a long time. I don't know what to say."

"Hum! I think he just pretended to be calm. Seeing his magic, he might be an undercover of the demon sect in the Academy. I suggest that he hand over his storage bag and all his belongings, so that we can check it carefully, so as to prevent the secret of the academy from being stolen by the devils! " A great scholar said coldly.

Lu Yu frowned and looked at the scholar: "I know you?"

"Hum! You don't know me, but you know my disciple Li Liang! " That old man is exactly Li Liang's master, Han Chong.

Han Chong looked up and down at Lu Yu, and his eyes showed the look of Yin God: "you are really vicious. You can make such a cruel hand even in front of the same door!"

"The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. What kind of virtue is your disciple? You are a master. I think you know better than me." Lu Yu's cold voice.

"All right." CEN Lou this time, interrupted two people's argument.

Then, cen Lou looked at Lu Yu: "what I told you before, because things have changed, let's start to implement them now. I will claim to the outside world that you were expelled from the Academy. In this way, you have a reason to sneak into the nether world. "

"It's a chance to get away from the Academy. After it's done, our agreement will remain the same. " CEN Lou said.

Lu Yu shook his head.

CEN Lou brow a frown: "you are the most suitable person that I consider, and I offer condition, also not calculate low."

Lu Yu waved his hand: "let's talk about the conditions later. Where is Ji Chenyu?"

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