The king of nightmare saw that his identity was revealed, and immediately sent out a piercing scream.

All of a sudden, she sprawled down on the ground, like a frightened cat, hunched down toward the landing feather.


The appearance of the king of nightmare is that of a little girl. However, at the moment, it is very ferocious and terrifying.

Lu Yu glanced at her, but shook his head: "stubborn."

Reach out, toward the brow heart of nightmare king a little bit.

At this moment, Lu Yu's spirit power broke out completely, and the powerful spirit power instantly broke the spirit protection of nightmare king.

The king of nightmare trembled and froze like a wood.

Then, Lu Yu flicks with his hand, and the king of nightmare flies directly out.


The king of nightmare hits the wall heavily and looks at Lu Yu with fear.

She was ready to escape again, but Lu Yu would not give her a chance at all.

With a wave of the big hand, the ghost ghost shadow behind Lu Yu immediately throws out a chain and puts it on the head of the king of nightmare.

The king of nightmare screams, and his sharp hand grabs the chain on his neck, trying to break the chain.

"Come here!" Lu Yu pulls back, and the king of nightmare falls heavily at Lu Yu's feet.

At the moment, the king of nightmare was in great distress, and his soul and body became much more depressed.

The way she looked at Lu Yu was no longer as bloodthirsty and hateful at the beginning, but turned into fear.

She had already understood that the man in front of her could completely control her life and death.

"It's not easy for you to practice. Guard her for me. In another ten years, you'll be free. Would you like to?" Lu Yu said lightly.

At the moment, the king of nightmare had no idea of resistance. He knelt down on the ground and buttoned his head.

"Well, if you will, keep your promise." Lu Yu reaches out his hand and draws blood from Ji Chenyu's eyebrows.

Lu Yu held the blood in his palm, then recited the formula in his mouth and hit the nightmare King directly on his forehead.

On the forehead of the king of nightmare, a Black Skull pattern appears.

This is a blood oath. Once signed, it must be carried out. Otherwise, you will suffer from the heart biting pain of ten thousand demons.

The nightmare King shivered, then bowed respectfully to the landing feather, and then disappeared.

The dreams around me began to disappear.

Ji Chenyu is afraid to hide beside Lu Yu and looks at everything around him timidly.

After all, now she is just a little girl who doesn't understand.

Lu Yu couldn't help but smile: "wake up."

Lu Yu's voice, with a voice of Confucianism, can instantly sober people's spirits.

Ji Chenyu's eyes flashed a trace of daze, but after a while, the daze in her eyes began to disappear, and then became clear.

"Is it you?" Ji Chenyu glanced at Lu Yu and murmured.

But then, Ji Chenyu's figure disappeared from the dream.

"It seems that the soul has returned to itself, and this broken dream should also disappear." Lu Yu sighed and swept around, ready to leave.

But at this time, Lu Yu's eyes suddenly congealed.


Lu Yu shouts in a cold voice. The dream that is rapidly disappearing around him suddenly stops dissipating.

Lu Yu flashed away and came to the front of a wall in an instant.

It was a small corner of the city wall, surrounded by some scattered houses, which looked like a slum.

However, on the wall, there is a dark black mark.

This mark is a huge head of Hades, which looks up to the sky and roars.

"Is it my seal of Dao Jun?" A frown on her brow.

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