The startled color in Cen Lou's eyes has not dispersed.

Even if they are the strong people of the big week, facing the sky thunder, they can't retreat like this.

"How did you do it?" The medicine doctor rushed over and said in a startled voice.

"Tianlei was absorbed by Ji Chenyu, and now it has suppressed the evil spirit in her body." Lu Yu said lightly.

Then the three of them reacted.

The medicine doctor examined it and said: "sure enough, Ji Chenyu's evil spirit has been suppressed. It turns out that suppressing evil spirit needs the help of thunder. No wonder. "

For them, thunder is too terrible to avoid.

Even if you want to suppress the evil spirit for Ji Chenyu, how can you really do it.

"If you can help the sunken fish, you will be very kind to us. This is a hundred thousand contribution points, which can be regarded as my reward for you. " CEN Lou took out a token.

Lu Yu's lecturer's waist card became hot, and suddenly he had more than 100000 contribution points.

"Next, we can go back to zongmen hall and talk about it in detail." CEN Lou made a gesture of please.

Lu Yu waved his hand: "no, just say it here. I'm afraid it's not just for me to get an undercover intelligence

Cenlou was silent for a long time.

"Well, I'll tell you the truth." CEN Lou said in a deep voice, "it is said that the nether devil sect got the help of a top powerful man in the heaven."

CEN Lou hands a piece of paper to Lu Yu. Lu Yu unfolds it, only to find that they are all names.

"In fact, our undercover agents have not been contacted."

"This time, your task is to disguise as the monk of the nether world and enter the high-level of the demon sect and spy on the strong man behind them!"

Lu Yu frowned: "this task, I'm afraid, is not a powerful enough to pass."

"As you know, my white deer academy is just a southern wilderness sect."

"If you can complete this task, I will recommend you to the cold sky academy in the Middle Earth."

"Hantian academy, Xuanzhou academy and Qilin academy are all the major Confucian schools in the Middle Kingdom. I happen to have an old friend in the cold sky academy who can introduce you to the school. "

CEN Lou stroked his beard and said, "although it's a pity to send you out, I'm not a pedantic person. If you are in China, you will have better resources and development. "

Lu Yu was silent for a moment and said, "OK."

Since Cen Lou has been open and honest, he is also willing to agree to this matter.

After all, the cultivation resources he needs in the future can not be provided in this small southern wilderness.

"I have written down the detailed tasks on paper. The undercover that you remember before is your contact person. "

CEN Lou said: "it's not too late. Let's start tonight. Externally, I will declare that you have been expelled from white deer academy by me. When you come back, I will correct your name! "

Lu Yu takes the note, glances at it and remembers it in his heart, and flies away directly.


Not long after Lu Yu left, Ji Chenyu wakes up.

"Sunfish, are you awake?" the doctor said with a smile

Beside Ji Chenyu, there are Cen Lou and Zhou Ming.

Ji Chenyu quickly got up and said, "I've met two mountain leaders."

CEN Lou waved his hand: "sunfish, it's good that you can wake up. I have an account for brother pan."

Ji Chenyu shivered, and she felt that she was only one step away from life and death.

But now, a black talisman, quietly suspended in her Dantian.

She has already arrived at the land of Fuwen.

In the impression, only a few Lu Yu's shadows are left.

One is that Lu Yu eliminated the nightmare in his dream.

One is Lu Yu, who helps her take out her life chasing tracks.

One is Lu Yu flying into the sky to carry the thunder for her.

"Two elders, I remember there was a disciple beside me before, he..." Ji Chenyu is busy.

"He?" CEN Lou's face appeared a trace of impatience, "this man is an undercover devil clan, intending to take you as a hostage, has been driven away by our joint efforts."

"This is another hospital. No one bothers you. You have a good rest." Leave a message. A few people leave.

Ji Chenyu's beautiful face suddenly flashed a trace of doubt in his eyes.

"Undercover devil clan?" Ji Chenyu frowned slightly, and then shook his head, unwilling to think more.

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