"Together, kill them!" Several sorcerers rushed forward.

Blood, stimulate all people's nerves.

Fang Qi was overjoyed when he saw the demon Xiu and dared to rush up.

"Younger martial sister, watch me eradicate these evil spirits and devils!" Fang Qi is proud to fly in the air, and throws a beautiful sword flower in his long sword.

"Who dares to die?" Fang Qi looked around, cold voice.

He was so outstanding that he naturally attracted the attention of many evil cults.

"Die!" A purple monk suddenly threw out a huge poisonous snake and bit him.

As soon as the venomous snake is thrown out, the true Qi immediately pours into it, and its body begins to increase rapidly. Among a few breaths, it actually expands several times.

The venomous snake opened its mouth and bit Fang Qi.

A trace of scorn flashed in Fang Qi's eyes: "is this your ability?"

With his long sword, the snake was cut in half by his sword, and the blood flew everywhere.

Being implicated, the demon monk who released the poisonous snake was also injured. He shook for a while and then quickly backed away.

"Ha ha, a group of cowardly rats!" Fang Qi laughed.

"I'll meet you!" Dong Xuan naturally can't bear that someone is more arrogant than him. He steps out and instantly appears in front of Fang Qi.

"There are still people who are not afraid to die!" Fang Qi laughs and fights with Dong Xuan.

Lu Yu has been watching the battle.

From the moment of Dong Xuan's hand, Lu Yu knew that Dong Xuan had lost.

This Fang Qi, crazy still has arrogant capital.

Both of them were di Fu state. When they fought together, the friars of jiedan realm avoided one after another.

"Sharp soul, bone destroying hand!" Dong Xuan finds the opportunity and pats Fang Qi's heart with one hand.

Just a palm, Dong Xuan will square Qi to completely kill.

But at this time, Fang Qi's eyes suddenly flashed a trace of cunning.

"What's going on?" Dong Xuan's hand suddenly seemed to sink into the mire, unable to move.

From Fang Qi's forehead, two amulets suddenly flew out.

"You hide your accomplishments!" Dong Xuan exclaimed.

Dong Xuan wants to take out his hand to leave, but his hand can't break away at all.

"Late!" Fang Qileng has a drink and pats it directly.


All of a sudden, Dong Xuan was directly slapped out and fell heavily on the ground.

Fang Qi was unhurt, the whole person was like a fairy, with his hands on his back.

"If you meet us, you will be arrested without delay." Fang Qi exclaimed triumphantly.

In front of him, xuan'er is out of the limelight.

Just about to look back at Lu Xuaner's reaction, she suddenly heard Lu Xuaner's gloomy voice: "it's you!"


Fang qidingqing has a close look, but Lu Yu has already arrived in front of him.

"It's you! I heard that you betrayed the clan and killed a core disciple. I'm sure I didn't get it wrong. You're the sorcerer

Fang Qi was overjoyed, but he didn't expect that Lu Yu had actually delivered him to the door.

Lu Yu, because he killed the core disciple of the White Deer academy, if he was captured, he would have made a great contribution!

"I'll be caught with my hands tied!" Fang Qi reached for Lu Yu.

Lu Yu looked at his hand, which he was rapidly probing. He just gently stretched out his finger and flicked it on Fang Qi's body.


Fang Qi's face changed and suddenly flew out and hit the main building of the warship heavily.

"Vulnerable!" In Lu Yu's eyes, a black light flashed.

He hit the warship of white deer Academy with a fist.

With a bang, the warship was smashed 100 meters away.

Lu Yu punched again and smashed the warship hundreds of meters away.

"How dare you come to the battlefield at this level? Go away Lu Yu finally blows out a blow and directly blows out the warship.

The warship couldn't bear such a strong pressure and flew out and hit a mountain.

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