"Boy, what are you talking about?"

"They are kind to help, but you are talking nonsense here. You can't spit Ivory out of a dog's mouth! Many people are not safe. Are you safe if you go alone? "

"Get out of here and let us see you again!"

They all yelled at each other for fear that the middle-aged demon monk would not take them with them.

The middle-aged demon Xiu ha ha a smile: "little friend said too much, I am just helping others."

"That's all I've said. Goodbye!" When Lu Yu saw that these people didn't believe in himself, he was not prepared to say more.

"Cut, who cares about him." A few magic repair disdain way.

"Master, let's go quickly. Those dead bodies will come soon."

The middle-aged demon Xiu nodded and looked at Lu Yu's back. A cold light flashed in his eyes.


In the valley.

Lu Yu absorbed the evil spirit around him and kept on going.

If you can see from a distance, Lu Yu's route is very strange, seven turns and eight turns, as if there is no fixed direction.

"The direction of evil spirit comes from the valley, but it is not the real source of evil spirit." Lu Yu regained his divine consciousness.

Just now, Lu Yu has scanned the whole valley.

Here, I'm afraid there is a blood corpse of the level of the world Lord.

The valley here, all the flowers and trees, are the evolution of this corpse.

Generally, this kind of place is called blood corpse Jedi in the universe.

these corpses absorb the essence of the world and the priceless treasures of the body after death.

If you can get one or two, they are of infinite value.

However, the danger is endless.

These blood corpses, have already had the extremely strong intelligence, even if is dead, will still find the way to resurrect.

Once upon a time, there was a strong Taoist king who entered the blood corpse Jedi and was directly devoured by the resurrected blood corpse.

"These blood corpses should have blood nuclei. If I can swallow it up, my cultivation will certainly advance by leaps and bounds! " Lu Yu's eyes brightened.

The reason why he came to this netherworld devil sect to carry out the latent task was just to get a rapid improvement in cultivation.

If he could, he would not let it go.

Lu Yu, in the direction of evil spirit, soon found a huge cave.

Outside the cave, there are traces of fighting.

There are a lot of corpses scattered around. They seem to have been burned by fire, and they also emit a smell of coke.

Obviously, someone has entered.

Lu Yu Gang stepped inside, but saw a man running out of his madness, with a trace of Madness on his face.

"Dead They are all dead! " The madman stumbled past Lu Yu and ran away.

This is a middle earth monk.

The gold armor on his body, there is not much broken place, but the man, has gone mad.

Lu Yu's eyes congealed. He found a trace of blood corpse in the man's body.

Usually, blood corpse Jedi only appear after the death of the blood corpse.

If this breath affects people's mind, is it said that the blood corpse here will be resurrected?

Lu Yu's heart sank. If he had a blood corpse after resurrection, he could have dealt with it in his last life, but if he had met him in this life, he would have been a mortal!

"You Wait a minute. " A faint voice suddenly rings from Lu Yu's ear.

Lu Yu stopped and turned.

Not far from him, a misty shadow appeared.

This shadow is very fuzzy, but under Lu Yu's gaze, it gradually becomes clear.

This is a very delicate woman, her whole body is injured, delicate and pitiful.

"I am the guardian of this place They hurt me, childe. Can you help me The woman whispered.

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