"Are you here to give a treasure?" A voice like thunder came out.

Lu Yu looked at the past, but saw an old man with a black crown staring at landing feather in a haze.

The old man behind Lu Yu bowed and said, "vice Lord, he is here to offer the heart of the forbidden area."

"Oh?" Black crown old man some accident, looking at Lu Yu, "just a little boy in the land of Fujing, you can capture the heart."

Lu Yu said indifferently, "is it necessary to see whether the realm is successful in order to capture the treasure?"

"Hum! clever talk and an ingratiating manner! Come on, for the sake of the treasure you have given to the Lord, give the heart you got. " The old man with black crown held out his hand.

Lu Yu didn't move, but looked into the inner room of the courtyard: "I'm here to present myself to the Lord, not to you. I want to hand it over to the Lord. You'd better not move. "

Black crown old man was furious: "bold, you dare to talk to me like this!"

In his fury, the real Qi around him suddenly became violent. For a time, the ground began to shake faintly.

The old man's body did not move, and then his whole body seemed to be integrated with the heaven and earth. Every time the true Qi moves, a part of the true Qi will be drawn from around to replenish it. It goes on and on.

This has reached the legendary state of xiaozhoutian.

The true Qi is endless and powerful enough to tear the sky.

I'm afraid that the courage to stand in front of such a strong person in other places is not enough.

Lu Yu looked at the old man faintly: "I'm sending treasure to the Lord, not to you. Are you in such a hurry to kill people and seize treasure? "

The black crown old man's hand trembles, the whole body's true Qi stops suddenly.

"Let him in!" From behind the door came a hoarse voice.

Hearing the sound, almost all the people standing in the yard trembled. Even the genuine Qi on the old man's body was instantly broken.

"When you come out, I will make you regret it!" Black crown old man secretly threatened.

Lu Yu didn't think so.

He is not a member of the netherworld.

Offending a person at the rank of vice patriarch is a big trouble in others' eyes, but in Lu Yu's opinion, it is nothing at all.

Creak -

the door of the house is opened.

There was a smell of blood coming out of it, and a man in a shawl leaned back on a chair.

There are also a group of people standing around. They are all dressed in black boa robes. They should be the prince of the nether devil sect.

"Bold, see the Lord, do not kneel down quickly!" The fourteenth Prince suddenly snapped.

Lu Yu looked at him and frowned: "the Lord has not spoken yet. What qualifications do you have to interrupt here?"

"You The fourteenth prince was shocked and angry.

They claimed to be the prince only because they borrowed the name of the Lord "magic emperor".

"Give me a heart, please!" The patriarch said hoarsely.

The fourteenth prince said in a cold voice: "do you hear me? Don't give the heart to me."

Lu Yu didn't speak. He took out the heart of the blood corpse and walked step by step towards the people who were sending out their heads on the bed.

"Do you want this?" Lu Yu opened his mouth.

The man reached out and wanted to reach Lu Yu's heart.

However, his hand was suddenly seized by Lu Yu.


"Offend the Lord and kill him!"

A few princes on one side were furious and wanted to catch Lu Yu.

"Even if you swallow this heart, you can only suppress it for a while." Lu Yu said lightly.

The patriarch trembled all over his body. Under his scattered hair, he suddenly showed a pair of bright eyes and said in a trembling voice, "you are..."

"Blood slave, long time no see." Lu Yu said lightly.

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