Youming demon sect is a treasure house of medicinal materials.

"Lord, there are high-level alchemists in the demon sect. Do you want to invite them here?" He asked.

Lu Yu waved his hand: "no, I'll do it myself."

"Master, can you refine pills?" A way of consternation.

Ignoring Ming Yi's shock, Lu Yu's fingers suddenly burst out a white flame.

Emperor of heaven's original fire, to the sun to strong, all the medicinal materials fall into the flame, immediately into the juice.

Lu Yu's technique is very skillful, and before a single stick of incense, a pill has slowly begun to take shape in Lu Yu's hands.

With the formation of the pill, the strong fragrance of medicine diffuses around.

"The best pill!" The pupil of Ming Yi contracted.

He was well-informed and naturally experienced alchemists refining high-quality pills.

However, it took at least a month for those alchemists to refine the best pills.

Where did he see such alchemy? He didn't even use the furnace.

In Lu Yu's palm, the elixir trembled slightly, and it was obviously already a pill.

"Aunt, take this pill first. Although the jiuchademon poison is fierce, the poison in you is not deep enough. It should be eliminated soon." Lu Yu handed the pill to Lu Wenxin.

Lu Wenxin looks at Lu Yu with complicated eyes.

In the dungeon, Lu Yu said something. If it wasn't for the keepsake Lu Kaishan had given Lu Yu, I'm afraid Lu Wenxin would not have believed it.

However, Lu Wenxin knows that now, there is still a kind of unreal feeling.

She got the news that her elder brother's son had been stupid since he was born, and Shenzhen couldn't even practice.

Lu Wenxin hesitated for a moment, but still swallowed the pill.

After all, if Lu yuruo is a key to her, she has absolutely no room to fight back.

Pill into the body, but there is no change.

Lu Wenxin sighed in her heart and said, "yu'er, my poison is not in a hurry."

But Lu Wenxin's voice just fell, but suddenly felt a huge tremor in her own spiritual sea.

Then, a black air flew directly from the forehead and disappeared.


Lu Wenxin's body trembled. Originally, the poison that had been suppressing her cultivation had faded from her body, as if she had met a natural enemy.

In just a few breaths, the poison on Lu Wenxin's body has already subsided nine times out of ten.

As the poison was removed, Lu Wenxin's momentum became immeasurable.

"Feather son, what a surprise you have given me There is a light in Lu Wenxin's eyes.

The reason why she was caught by a helmsman is that Lu Wenxin has been attacked secretly.

Now that all the accomplishments have been restored, Lu Wenxin's heart is full of confidence.

Lu Yu suddenly said in a deep voice, "there is something I don't understand. Why would someone frame you if your aunt didn't offend people? "

Lu Yuyi mentioned that Lu Wenxin's face suddenly became gloomy.

Lu Wenxin clenched her pink fist tightly and clenched her teeth and said, "it's Han Chong. I'll kill him sooner or later."

Han Chong, the master of Li Liang, was the supervisor of Wenhua Academy.

When I met Lu Yu in the main hall, it was Han Chong who was always sneering.

"If it was Han Chong, the situation of xianmeng would not be very good." One side of the Ming suddenly opened a way.

Lu Yu frowned: "speak!"

Mingyi respectfully replied: "according to the recent war report from the front line, hanchong, a supervisor of Bailu academy, has become the new leader of the immortal alliance. It's said that he has gathered all the people of other sects together recently. I'm afraid he is plotting something too

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