"How many Lingshi do you need?" Asked Luyu.

"You really want to make a reservation?" The man looked at Luyu in surprise, and opened a book with his hand. "Wait, I'll find it!"

"Stop! I want the last room! " From Lu Yu and Ji sunfish, a young man in high clothes came.

The young man's shirt neckline, not a gold sword logo, originally a disciple of Tianchen sect.

Luyu frowned: "can't you see anyone coming first?"

"You poor people, can you book the house here? Get out of here, don't delay my practice! " The young man waved impatiently.

"It is necessary to register the name and the door of the house and report it." Said the man.

Young man raised his head: "Tianchen Zong chief big disciple, Muqi!"

Muqi naturally has a capital worthy of pride.

The seven Nanhuang shangxianmen, each of the chief disciples, are the top talents in each clan.

Muqi is young, less than 30 years old, and has reached the eight levels of practice in the sky of the small week!

It is also because of his outstanding talent that he has received great support from Tianchen clan.

In his body, also brought out from the heaven Chen Zong 50 million high-quality Lingshi.

"Well, the top rooms are 100 million excellent Lingshi a day. You can't credit the money now!" "The man said impatiently.

"What!" The hand Mu put on the storage bag suddenly shook.

"How many Lingshi do you say, 100 million? You didn't say it wrong? " Muqi is unbelievable.

The face of the man immediately collapsed: "no money, no money, you put on any garlic, roll!"

Muqi gnawed, "you are a black shop. What room can be worth 100 million days!"

The man impatiently skimmed: "no money, get out of the way, you love renting!"

"Thirty days, take the Lingshi!" Luyu threw the storage bag filled with Lingshi directly to the man's hand.

The man picked up the stone, and swept it with divine knowledge. His face immediately became flattering: "please, this gentleman."

Luyu turned to Ji Caiyu and said, "it will take a long time to go to China. Why don't you stay in my house?"

Ji Caiyu hesitated for a while, but thought of the bloody deck, nodded quickly.

Luyu and Ji SunYu left, leaving Muqi alone, embarrassed to stand in place.

"Is it amazing to have a few money, who is this!" Muqi complained, and did not recall that he wanted to use Lingshi to forcibly rob the house from Lu Yu's hand.

Man, with Luyu, came to the top of the ship building.

The view here is very open, the whole floor, only this house.

"VIP, this is the top room. If you need anything, please call me at any time." "Man, respectfully.

It is hard to say that the top rooms are really luxurious.

Even, there is a small gathering array in the room, where the spirit is much more intense than the outside.

"There are many more compartments here. You can find a room." Luyu is on the Caiyu road.

Ji Caiyu thanked him: "Luyu, thank you very much."

Lu Yu put his hand at his hand. He didn't care about a little thing.

Ji Caiyu smiled and found a cubicle in the room and walked in.

When Ji SunYu left, Lu Yu suddenly turned gloomy.

The boat soon opened, and the huge air giant ship broke out and flew towards the Middle Earth.

From the door and window of the guest room, we can see the cloudy clouds floating constantly.

"Who is it, always following the desolate Shenzhou!" Lu Yu's eyes flashed through a glimmer of dignified weight.

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