Lu Yu frowned: "is the seal that imprisons the devil to loosen?"

Emperor Longchuan said with a wry smile, "I'm not very clear about this. I usually rely on the key to explore."

"Unfortunately, there is no response to the key. I can't figure out what's going on inside

As soon as Lu Yu's eyes swept, he immediately saw the structure of the key.

It turned out to be an eye.

This array eye is connected with the whole seal array. Once the seal array is moved, the key will react immediately.

Emperor Longchuan said, "now the forbidden area is still dangerous. Will the king of Chu insist on going there?"

Lu Yu thought for a moment and said, "I still want to go."

There is no other place with aura in Longchuan.

Lu Yu, on the other hand, is in urgent need of a place with dense aura to quickly enhance his strength.

Emperor Longchuan sighed: "well, it's OK. But if you practice in that place, once something happens, you'll come out quickly."

A carriage was sent from the palace, and the emperor took Lu Yu to a border outside the city.

This is a bottomless pit. Lu Yu noticed that it had been surrounded by countless barracks, and countless soldiers were stationed here.

Lu Yu frowned.

Although he was not close to him, he had already felt the evil spirit coming out of the pit.

The evil spirit is so pure that it has a trace of law.

"These soldiers are stationed here all year round. Once the sealed devil appears, their role is to hold off for a period of time The emperor explained.

"Your majesty!"

From the camp, several generals flew out and respectfully said to the carriage.

"Several generals, this is the new king of Chu in this dynasty. If you see him, you will see me." The emperor began to introduce Lu Yu.

"King of Chu?"

The generals looked at Lu Yu with incredible eyes.

The royal family has never heard of such a young man.

However, since it was the emperor who spoke, they could only camp.

"These days, the king of Chu will enter the forbidden area, and you will wait outside. If there is anything you need, you should do something to help." The emperor said in a deep voice.

"I obey my orders." The generals said respectfully.

After the emperor left, Lu Yu was immediately welcomed in by the generals.

"Your Highness, I will advise you not to enter easily." A general murmured.

Lu Yu said, "you mean danger. The emperor has told me that I will naturally pay attention to it."

"No, there is a barrier outside the pit. We can't get into it any more. " The general said bitterly.

Lu Yu felt the breath of the array key in these people.

"Did you enter the pit and find nothing unusual?" Lu Yu asked.

The general shook his head.

"We have sent people in twice, the first time 1000 people, the second time 3000 people. After entering, even the signal for help was not sent out, and all the people did not come out again."

"We want to continue to send people in, but suddenly there is a barrier outside. We attack for many times, but we still can't break through." The general said bitterly.

Lu Yu's eyes coagulated: "take me to have a look."

The general led the landing feather to the pit.

It's a huge pit. It's five miles round. It's hard to see what's inside from the outside.

Beside the pit, there are a lot of throwing stones towards the pit.

But when these stones fell over the pit, they were blown up one by one and turned into fly ash.

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