Peerless Daoist

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There was a slight tremor in the picture of the four directions.

The next moment, the world outside the sky disappeared, and the scene of the former heaven appeared in front of Lu Yu's eyes.

"In this life, I finally awakened all my memories, and I even felt a spiritual energy that I hadn't seen for a long time. I was born with it and knew where I was at a very young age."

"The Book of Reincarnation is not just a forbidden book. Its power surpasses the imagination of all the immortals in the past. It can ignore the limitations of the two worlds, and forcibly return to this place while retaining my memory."

"I take it as the arrangement of my destiny. Since the gods have kept the immortal realm in the sky, I have to bear the heavy responsibility of restoring the heaven and the sky. From that day on, I set an ambition, and one day I will kill Go back, overthrow those hypocritical temples, and cut off everything in the prehistoric wilderness."

Yisheng's body burst out with a killing intent like a sword's edge.

He was old, but when he said this, it was like a sharp sword unsheathed, bursting out with a strong murderous aura.

It is like a high-spirited young man, with great ambitions, but not yet decadent.

The truth is revealed, and the famous Wensheng Yihan actually had such a mysterious and boundless experience.

He is a sage of literature, and he is also a genius who is astounding in the world.

But he is also a lonely avenger, hundreds of millions of creatures in the heavens, but he is the only one who is lonely.

Yisheng is different from Zhang Hong. He never married or had children in his life. He is like a saint who came out of a scroll. He is powerful, solemn, sacred, and solemn.

But when he stepped down from the altar, Yisheng was no different from ordinary people. He also had loneliness, anger, irritability, and despair.

"During the reign of Emperor Zhenzong, I accompanied Emperor Zhenzong on a hunting trip, and the princes accompanied him. In order to test the hunting skills of the princes, Emperor Zhenzong ordered whoever killed the most prey would be rewarded heavily."

Yisheng's voice resounded in the night sky.

Lu Yu closed his heart and listened.

"On that day, the princes did their best to show themselves in front of Emperor Zhenzong. Among them, Prince Zhao Tong shot the most prey, and the emperor gave Zhao Tong the jade pendant he carried."

Lu Yu's heart moved.

Prince Zhao Tong should be the future King of Qi.

He and Taigan Emperor Zhao Tianyin won the heirloom back then, but unfortunately he ended up a failure, and he could only go to the fief to become a vassal.

It's just that Zhao Tong was the most promising prince among the princes. During the reign of Zhenzong, few ministers would have thought that the final winner would be Zhao Tianyin.

"All the princes have harvested a lot, but only the young nineteenth prince Tianyin, his prey bag is actually empty."

"Zhenzong asked him why he didn't hunt the prey."

Having said this, a smile appeared on Yisheng's face:

"The nineteenth prince replied that he saw that all the monsters were protected by their mothers, and he couldn't bear to kill the children in front of the mother, nor did he want to kill the mother to make the cubs helpless, so he protected the nest of monsters."

Lu Yu couldn't help but froze slightly.

"Zhenzong asked again, what the royal family learned is that the emperor is domineering, how can there be mercy?"

"The nineteenth prince replied, the ancient sage emperor, who is sage inside and king outside. When dealing with the enemy, you must destroy them with the wrath of thunder, and when you treat the people, you must love them as much as you can. These monsters Living in the jungle for generations, never hurting people or harming them, then they are the people of Dayu, so he is not willing to hurt these monsters."

Yisheng's voice gradually reverberated.

"In the last years of Zhenzong, the craziest years of winning the heirloom."

"The nineteenth prince, Tianyin, has been in bed for many years because his mother and concubine are weak and weak, so he serves with him and never leaves."

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