Peerless Daoist

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A large number of playing books flew in front of Lu Yu like snowflakes.

However, in the face of these memorials, Lu Yu turned a deaf ear, kept a large number of memorials unpublished, and even punished some of the sharp-spoken ones.

Several sharp-spoken Lu Party officers were detained and dispatched to Liangjie Mountain and the Wilderness Land.

These distribution orders were issued by Li Si.

Some disgruntled Lu Dang officers wanted to find Li Si and ask for clarification, but were turned away by the former leader.

"What are you doing with your brains? It's His Majesty's decision to confer a knighthood. Are you questioning His Majesty when you question the imperial court?" Li Si wrote to several familiar classmates, the words in the letter Pretty sharp.

The person who received the letter copied the letter in private, and it spread immediately.

At this moment, the members of the Lu Dang who are still in the imperial capital, they just woke up like a dream.

They originally thought that when they supported Lu Yu in times of crisis, they had the power to follow the dragon, and since then they have become arrogant and arrogant, but after today's blow, these talents woke up like a dream, and only felt that their backs were cold.

Lu Yu can even suppress the Zhao family, let alone them?

The people who originally wanted to continue questioning the court have now died down and dared not speak at all.

With the concealment of the Lu Party, a large number of military attachés from the Dongsheng Party entered the court hall.

According to the ancestral arrangement of the Dayu Heavenly Dynasty, the civil officials were above the military officials.

Although Cheng Jin promoted a large number of civil officials after taking office as Minister of Personnel, these civil officials were still unable to compare with senior military generals such as Lu Jingsheng in terms of seniority and merit.

This has led to the military generals having a considerable right to speak on the court, and sometimes can even influence the decision-making of the dynasty.

In the Qiankun Hall, the aggressive and high-level military generals faced a group of civil servants, as if a group of wolves saw a lamb, and there was a sharp contrast between the two.

Civil servants are actually quite advanced, and many of them are still at the level of world masters and Xuanxian, but compared to the generals who have been fighting all year round, their aura is obviously one point lower.

Cultivation dynasty, respect for strength.

After the nobility, the cabinet, after deliberation and approval by Lu Yu, announced the new regulations in the courtroom.

"The sergeant establishes the standard of military salaries according to the military merit level, and distributes it on a monthly basis. In addition, those who have made meritorious deeds have additional military merit rewards."

"The Imperial Academy and the five major academies, state-owned academies at the state level and above, will give priority to recruiting retired sergeants and monks under the same conditions."

"The sergeant and his family members enjoy priority rights and interests such as treatment and sightseeing, and discounts are given to the sergeant's transportation fees for transportation such as teleportation arrays and transport spaceships."

"It is clear that the pensions for sergeants who died in battle will be supervised by the three judicial divisions, and the bailout pensions will be fully distributed to the families of the sergeants. This is a matter discussed by the cabinet. Your Majesty has approved it, and all ministries should implement it seriously."

Li Si announced this provision at the meeting.

Many ministers present were stunned in place. These regulations, many of which were the first time they heard of it, only felt quite new.

But what made them even more unacceptable was that this regulation was not discussed by the ministers, but was directly issued and implemented by the cabinet.

Generally speaking, important decisions are negotiated by the cabinet and the emperor, but now there are only two people in the cabinet, and Yang Shouyi has been unable to recover from illness all year round. This decision was obviously made by Li Si alone.

It is not the decision that they worry about, but the parliamentary regime they hold.

If everything in the future will be decided by the emperor and Li Si, then they will undoubtedly become the puppets of the imperial power.

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