Longchuan state.

The Ministry of Hubu had long been aware of the changes in the territory. After investigation, it was immediately discovered that it was the change of the territory of the king of Chu.

"Over the years, the territory of Longchuan has expanded so much!"

"Great victory, great victory! The king of Chu is a meritorious official! "

A group of ministers were about to cry. Because Longchuan was a small country, it was invaded by all the Xiuzhen countries around them.

Now, it's time to be proud.

After hearing the news, Ye Ling's eyes became dim.

If Lu Yu had been given one billion high-quality spirit stones according to the agreement, it would have been worth it even if you would have suffered a lot from it.

But both Ye Ling and Youwang Shizi regard Lu Yu as an ordinary person.

Now, Lu Yu is the existence they want to look forward to.

Over the imperial capital.

As soon as Lu Yu stepped into the area of Longchuan Kingdom, he immediately felt a burst of thinking power, rolling towards him from all directions.

"If you control a region, you can absorb the thinking power of the local people and monks, and you will virtually improve your accomplishments. I thought it was just chicken ribs, but now it seems that I was wrong Lu Yu sighed.

He can clearly feel that his speed of absorbing spiritual power is much faster than before.

This is the wonder of mind power.

"King of Chu, you are late. I have set up a celebration banquet for you. Come on!" The emperor said with a smile.

Lu Yu's eyesight was excellent, and he could see the grand banquet in the palace.

He wanted to refuse, but it was not easy to get rid of the kindness, so he nodded and said, "good."

At the banquet, there was a lot of singing and dancing.

Each minister toasted Lu Yu to express his gratitude.

"Chu King of Chu, here is a toast to you The prince of you stood in front of Lu Yu with wine in his hand.

The emperor yelled: "it's impolite. The king of Chu is the king side by side. Who made you stand?"

You king's son was pale and knelt on the ground with a plop.

Lu Yu waved his hand and said, "forget it."

The emperor glared with his eyes: "don't get out of the way. Do you stand in the way here?"

The prince of you didn't dare to stay any more and ran out.

"Don't worry about some small things." The emperor raised his glass and said, "it seems that the king of Chu is ready to leave Longchuan?"

Lu Yu nodded and said, "yes, I want to go to Lu's first."

"I have been informed that most of the flight routes to Tianjing City have been cancelled. If you want to go back to Lu's, I'm afraid you'll have to change your route from Lingxiao city. " The emperor said.

Tianjing City is the land center of the Lu family.

Before that, Mr. Wei once mentioned it with Lu Yu.

Lu Yu frowned: "why was it cancelled?"

This place is called Tiannan. Tianjing City is located in the eastern region of China. Although the two places are not very far apart, recently, there has been a strange thing

"What strange thing?"

"All the flying monsters that went to Tianjing City disappeared. Together with the monks mentioned above, they all disappeared mysteriously. " The emperor's face was very cautious.

Lu Yu asked, "maybe you met a thief?"

The emperor shook his head: "No. If you encounter a thief, even if you meet a top strong person, there are also talismans on the flying monster, which will send out the message of asking for help. "

"However, in this month, a total of more than a dozen flying monsters were set off. They all seemed to have evaporated from the earth and disappeared."

"Now the people of Sihai Tianzong have begun to investigate. Before the investigation results come out, you'd better go around LingXiao City, which is safer."

"Among those missing, it is said that there are also friars at the top of FA Xiangjing. Tut, they have disappeared quietly."

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