"What are you doing? Run away!" A friar was so excited that he turned and ran away.

Other people also reflected, at the moment also do not care to stay behind, one by one to control the magic weapon, toward the direction of the time gallop away.

The skeletons all over the mountains.

They're like ghosts crawling out of hell. No one dares to touch them.

A Taoist priest named Yangjiao Hu suddenly said: "gentlemen, Ji Liang, Taoist priest of the Seven Star Taoist temple, you can't be detected by those skeletons. Let's go quietly!"

Four weeks later, people are receiving it.

Those who can sit on the flying monster are all people of noble status, who naturally have more knowledge.

There were about thirty monks present.

The old way takes people all the way to the time, but when they are halfway there, they suddenly stop.

"Lao Dao, hurry up. Those skeletons are very fast. They are going to catch up with them." A friar preached anxiously.

Lao Dao's forehead exudes sweat.

He has a compass in his hand. At this time, the pointer of the compass is spinning around wildly, and I don't know where to point.

"Gentlemen, it seems that we have come to a fork in the road!" Lao Dao trembled and pointed to the two roads separated in front of him.

When I came, no one noticed that there was a fork in the road.

"What's so hard about this? Let's fly high and have a look." Someone called out the magic weapon.

At this moment, a thick fog suddenly drifted out of the forest.

The fog swallowed up all the trees in the mountains, and no one could see what was happening.

The Taoist priest suddenly fixed his eyes and said in a deep voice, "you must make a decision now. Xie Yinbing is going to catch up."

With that, Lao Dao pinched his fingers and calculated, and went directly to one of the directions.

The others looked at each other.

"Shall we follow?"

"I don't think the old way is reliable. It's clear that the road is brighter and less evil. I don't think it's easy to take the road he chose." Some people analyzed it.

At the end of the road, the old road has been engulfed by fog.

And the other way is a piece of light.

The crowd, the rest of them, split in two and fled in different directions.

Under the fog.

The old Taoist priest walked cautiously. Every step he took, he was frightened for a long time.

"Strange, strange! How can we come across such a strange place after so many years of practice? " Lao Dao kept muttering.

"Vitality Why isn't life here? " Lao Dao suddenly spurts blood at the compass.

Blood splashed on the compass, the original crazy rotation of the pointer suddenly stopped rotating, straight to a direction.

That direction is exactly where Lu Yu dug the hole.

"Life is there!" Lao Dao was surprised.

All of a sudden, there was a deep footfall behind the old Taoist.

The Taoist priest was surprised and turned his head, but he saw an endless army of skeletons.

On the flagpole held by the front skeleton, several heads were still hanging.

Those heads are monks who just followed the old way.

"Broken!" The Taoist priest whispered that he was not good. He recited the mantra quickly, and his palm was full of thunder.

With a click, a thunderbolt appeared in the palm of Lao Dao's hand, repelling several nearby skeletons.

With the help of this opportunity, Lao Dao left.

He didn't even dare to look back.

"You Can you do me a favor? " Behind the Taoist priest, a woman's voice suddenly came out.

Hearing this woman's voice, Lao Dao's whole hair stood on end, and his heart was creeping.

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