Lu Yu made a bold move without leaving any spare force.

All kinds of magic weapons with flowing light and color were turned into flying ash in an instant under Lu Yu's great power.

One after another, Lu Yu could not hurt Lu Yu at all. In a flash, Lu Yu had stopped all the magic.

Poof! Poof!

The magic weapon is damaged. Many people suffer from the damage of spirit and spirit due to the connection of heart and blood.

"No way! There are so many of us, how can we even have such a boy! Don't panic. Take your own measures and make sure that Well! Ah A friar wandered behind the crowd and began to shout.

It's just half of what he said, but it suddenly stops.

Lu Yu appeared in front of him, one hand pinched his neck.

"Noisy!" Lu Yu clenched his hand and broke his neck with a click.

The group of friars around Lu Yu quickly retreated with fear in their eyes.

"I'll give you time for a stick of incense. If I see you waiting in the temple again, I will kill you Lu Yu said coldly.

He was in a bad mood.

In the past, these people might have died.

However, Lu Yu's heart, but all fall on the matter of the death of the king of the devil Road, no energy to take care of these people.

In the center of the temple, a magnificent hall.

Here, is the coffin of the Demon Lord.

All the people who were swept here by the strong wind were attracted to this place by the faint voice.

"Gentlemen, this place must be the treasure of the temple. And you don't think so. The wind around here is obviously much smaller. Maybe this is where the exit is Said the Frenchman to the people around him.

From the temple, faintly spread a strong aura.

Just by absorbing a little aura, I feel comfortable all over. It seems that cultivation has improved a lot.

"Look, my spirit beast!" Cried a friar, pointing to a point on the ground.

In the direction of his fingers, a spirit animal rabbit appeared.

The spirit animal rabbit seems to have suffered some injuries, but after jumping to the temple, the wound on his body began to recover quickly.

Even the markings on the spirit beast gradually turned into black stripes. The whole rabbit became several times bigger and more powerful.

"I heard that there is a secret of immortality here. I didn't believe it at first. Now it seems that it does." Everyone's eyes are full of energy.

Long life!

This is the goal of all monks!

"No matter, I'll go first!" The Frenchman couldn't help but rush in.

The rest of the people poured in. Although it was dangerous here, it was worth it if you could live forever.

The Dharma madly stepped into the hall.

"You Would you like to follow us to find the way to seal the evil spirits forever? " A long and long voice explodes in the mind of the Frenchman.

FA was stunned for a moment and murmured: "who is it? What do you say


The Frenchman was pushed out by a distance and fell heavily on the ground.

As soon as he fell to the ground, he began to cough up blood.

His tragedy was also seen by others.

Zhimiao saw the situation and stepped into the hall.

"You Would you like to follow us to find the way to seal the evil spirits forever? "

Another sound fell into his mind.

Zhimiao did not hesitate: "I would like to follow the predecessors, forever town evil spirit!"

Without any repulsion, Zhimiao entered the hall smoothly.

His heart ecstasy, turned his head disdainfully glanced at the Dharma maniac who was still vomiting blood, and suddenly his eyes coagulated.

"Why is this boy here?" Zhimiao frowns slightly. He sees Lu Yu's figure.

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