Peerless Daoist

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A black shadow galloped across the desert at such a fast speed that only a few phantoms could be seen flashing back and forth in the sky.

"The restraining power is becoming more and more tyrannical. Forbidden law, forbidden law, this is to ban all my methods, even the method of physical strength will be completely banned, what a domineering method!" Lu Yu landed on a mountain peak, I just feel that the physical exertion is quite large.

Just like a mortal who ran for eighty miles in one breath, his mouth was dry, his eyes were in a trance, and even his breathing became short of breath.

This situation never happened again after Lu Yu was reborn to control his consciousness.

But now, he experienced this feeling again.

"Life and death compass, come out!" Lu Yu shouted.

However, the storage bag only trembled a few times, but nothing came out.

Lu Yu's heart suddenly sank to the bottom of the valley, the talisman was so overbearing, not only the human mana, but even the magic weapon was completely sealed.

Everyone and everything are sealed, this is almost a desperate situation that must die.

"There wouldn't be such a powerful force in this world. Otherwise, as long as the prehistoric creatures can't retreat, let the subordinates hold a piece of yellow paper, as long as they attack one by one, they will have already broken through the Two Worlds Mountain. There is no need for such trouble." Lu Yu's mind was spinning, but he still kept his basic calm.

He breathed and breathed, recovering in the most ancient way.

This is the method used by ancient Qi refiners for the purpose of cultivation. It is not very efficient, but it is quite effective.

"Concentrate spiritual energy, temper it back to the void..." Lu Yu ran the Qi-refining Kung Fu method over and over again, and suddenly sensed some kind of spiritual energy change.

According to the current methods of cultivation, body training is often performed first, and only with the support of a strong physique can one be able to sense the changes in the spiritual energy of the world in one fell swoop, and finally become a monk.

But the people of ancient times were different. They had a strong physique, so they directly skipped the acquired and innate stages of body training, and could directly practice body training.

Lu Yu's physique is now sealed by as much as ninety-nine percent.

The power of that talisman, with the passage of time, has become stronger and stronger, and even the power of the flesh can be sealed, which is abnormal to the extreme.

"There's always a silver lining."

Lu Yu is unyielding, he believes that there is no absolute in everything, and there will always be a way out.

During this period of continuous refining Qi in the most primitive way, which lasted for a full stick of incense, I finally sensed a trace of spiritual energy.

"It's done!" A gleam flashed in Lu Yu's eyes.

The talisman did not abolish all his mana, but sealed all the mana he possessed.

It's just a temporary seal, as long as there is enough time, the shackles can be broken and the seal can be broken.

"I can't stay here any longer, I have to leave as soon as possible!" Lu Yu stood up.

Only part of the recovered mana was quite weak, but it was enough for him to gallop away.

But at this moment, a member of the Duan family in white clothes suddenly appeared in the distance.

His eyes flashed red, and when he saw Lu Yu, he suddenly revealed a ferocious face and said, "Lu Yu, so you are here."

This family member is a young man, but his voice is that of a middle-aged man, obviously his soul has been taken away.

"It really lingers!"

Anger rose in Lu Yu's heart, he raised his hand and typed out a spell, which turned into a fire dragon roaring angrily, and opened his mouth to swallow it.

"It turns out that you have recovered some mana, and you can even find flaws in Laojun's talisman, so you can't keep you!" The murderous intent of the Duan family members became stronger, and the gathering of mana was thunderous.

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