Peerless Daoist

Chatper 5719

On the Liangjie Mountains, there are many military strongholds, and it has always been a forbidden place for ancient demons to set foot.

Now that Lu Yu released Bai Ze, the devilish energy shot up into the sky in an instant, symbolizing the coercion of the devil ancestor, which shocked many people in Liangjie Mountain.

Once a demon ancestor gets angry, it will have the power to collapse mountains and rivers and destroy cities. It can be said that such an ancient demon giant suddenly descended on Liangjie Mountain, shocking everyone.

"Bold ancient devil, dare to come to Liangjie Mountain to act wild!"

There was a burst of angry shouting, and several generals in black armor came over. These people are the commanders of the black-robed army, and they are in charge of thousands of troops.

Lu Yu could see that these black-armored commanders at least had the strength of the Xuanxian Realm. If it is placed outside the Celestial Dynasty, it is enough to stand on its own.

When the commanders saw Bai Ze Demon Ancestor, their faces changed. They only felt a feeling of being stared at by a giant beast, and they felt chills all over their bodies.

"When did Liangjie Mountain have an extra demon ancestor?"

"This should be the most ferocious Bai Ze Demon Ancestor in the ancient demon army, but he actually found an opportunity to go deep into the hinterland of Liangjie Mountain!"

Nearby, many black robes also held magic weapons, hurried over, ready to fight.

No matter who it is, seeing Bai Ze's huge body, there is a sense of daunting.

"Don't worry, I captured this specially to guard the door for Wen Sheng."

Lu Yu smiled faintly, raised his hand and grabbed Bai Ze's head.

Bai Ze still wanted to struggle, but Lu Yu's palm was like the palm of a Tathagata, and he raised his hand to press down, and no one could resist at all. Suppress Bai Ze firmly, not allowing it to move.


Bai Ze landed on all four hooves and was pressed to the ground, leaving four deep kneeling marks on the hard ground.

Suppress the Demon Ancestor with one hand!

The eyelids of the bystanders twitched wildly, and they saw a picture that was usually unimaginable.

"Be honest and guard the gate here. After a hundred years, I will set you free."

Lu Yu's voice sounded like an imperial decree from heaven, and it fell into Bai Ze's ears with a roar.

Bai Ze gave in.

It is not a stupid person, in fact, those who can become the ancestors of demons have quite high spiritual intelligence.

It could feel a destructive aura from Lu Yu's body, enough to completely destroy it.

What's more, to capture it from a distance of hundreds of miles, this method is terrifying when you think about it, how can Bai Ze dare to say more.

"Of course you are the best if you obey. If you dare to have second thoughts, then go to death!"

Lu Yu raised his hand a little, condensed a mantra, and condensed it between Bai Ze's eyebrows.

For a moment, Bai Ze's hair trembled slightly, and he had a feeling that his every word, deed, and thought were all controlled by Lu Yu.

This is almost enslaving it completely, becoming a complete servant, not daring to resist Lu Yu at all.

"My lord!" Bai Ze lowered his head in fear.

Seeing Bai Ze bowing his head, Lu Yu suddenly remembered that in the ancient times, the Emperor Renhuang subdued Xiangliu might also have the same mentality.

Disregarding the heroes, taking the ancestor of the devil as a slave, invincible in the world.

Lu Yu was just looking up at this attitude at the beginning, but now that the years have changed, he has grown to this point.

"The Emperor Qin is so brave that he can even subdue the demon ancestor. But you are going back to the heaven after all. If you leave, how should we control this demon?" A black-armored commander stepped forward and said in a deep voice.

Lu Yu smiled lightly: "It's simple, hold my order talisman as if I come in person, it will obey."

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