Peerless Daoist

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"I will do it as soon as I get back, so as to ensure smooth business operations between the two places."

Governor Dongsheng's forehead was covered with cold sweat.

Lu Yu said: "Business is one aspect. I learned a lot of things in Liangjie Mountain this time. I heard that some people treat the supplies that are donated to Liangjie Mountain every year as oil and water. Reach out and touch it, have you heard about this?"

Hearing these words, Governor Dongsheng trembled all over, with a look of fear on his face.

"I...have heard about it."

"Then why not take care of it?"

Governor Dongsheng was silent, but he didn't stay silent for too long. He kowtowed and said, "Forgive me for your incompetence. I sent people to investigate before, but those people's backgrounds are quite deep. They seem to be related to the Lu family's royal family. I dare not delve into it."

Lu Yu snorted coldly: "What are you afraid of? You are the governor appointed by me to lead the military and political affairs of Dongsheng. No matter what his background is, I allow you to do whatever you want! I will be a Han Guangwu once, and you will be a strong order so what?"

After finishing speaking, Lu Yu slammed the table, and countless documents were scattered on it.

There are many records of corruption in ink.

For example, the 3,000 pieces of thick armor that supported the Liangjie Mountain from Xianyang City turned into 200 pieces after the Liangjie Mountain, and even many of the precious parts were disassembled and taken away.

These materials, from Xianyang to Liangjie Mountain, are escorted by officers and soldiers along the way, and only a few people have the ability to touch them.

Yesterday, Shen Ying sent up the preliminary investigation results, and the trend of ink corruption was already shocking.

However, Liangjie Mountain is used to hard times, and the Heaven Realm court did not support them in the past, so the days passed as usual. Otherwise, if this matter were arranged on the officers and soldiers, it would have caused a mutiny long ago.

"I understand!"

Governor Dongsheng saluted, got up and left.

Looking at Governor Dongsheng's back, Lu Yu couldn't help but let out a long sigh. Once this person leaves, the Lu family will probably see blood.

"The Lu family still can't get rid of the small family habit of the lower realm, but this knife must be dropped."

Lu Yu murmured, only his voice could be heard in the empty tent.


Governor Dongsheng acted quickly, and soon, an official in charge of the household department's transshipment of Liangjieshan was implicated. This person was a distant cousin of Lu Yu.

The family of the brother from the distant family asked Zongzheng Temple, but Zongzheng Temple, which has always been partial to the Lu family, this time it was a rare and impartial one, and did not intervene.

The family refused to accept it, and planned to enter the palace to see Mrs. Yurou, but they were blocked by relatives and friends. Everyone could see that Lu Yu was involved behind this matter.

The royal official who was greedy for ink supplies was pushed into the vegetable market in Xianyang and beheaded in public.

According to rumors, on the day of the execution, the man cried so much that he couldn't even stand up. In the end, officials from the Ministry of Punishment grabbed him by the collar and dragged him to the execution platform.

Lu Yu showed his iron and blood skills and shocked everyone. Many people know that the materials transported to Liangjie Mountain are taboo and must not be touched.

After staying in Liangjie Mountain for a few more days, Shen Ying sent another message:

"The Allied Forces of the Nether Kings invaded the Fourth Realm. Now the Fourth Realm is full of flames of war. Our Great Qin Army was forced to shrink its forces near the King City. I heard that the kings, headed by King Chu Jiang, planned to enter the city to negotiate with Commander Qin. Once Commander Qin If you don’t surrender, the armies of the kings will immediately massacre the Fourth King’s City.”

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