
With a huge roar, a monster came down from the sky.

Behind the monster, there was also a huge carriage, which was beautifully renovated, and there was a faint aura fluctuation on the outer frame.

At the top of the carriage, there was also a red flag, on which the words "flying in the sky" were written.


Soldiers directly let go of a road, let the monster pull cars into the city.

"It turns out that Lingxiao Zong people, no wonder they dare to rush directly into the gate."

"I'm afraid that is the inner disciple of Lingxiao Zong, depending on this treatment."

"How is that an inner disciple? You didn't go to the driver. He had three clouds embroidered on his white shirt. He was an inner disciple. Think about the characters in the carriage, which kind of person the disciples in the hall drive by themselves. "

As soon as this word came out, a sound of air-conditioning was suddenly sounded around.

"I'm afraid I can't guess that the inner disciples can drive by themselves. This person is not only an external elder, or which senior deacon?"

"This all day road has attracted so many strong people to gather together, and it is indeed a grand event."

People around began to discuss, Lu Yu just listened to listen, not much thought.

In fact, the efficiency of the inspectors in Lingxiao city is very fast.

Lu Yu had hundreds of people in front of him. But it was less than half an hour before Lu Yu had entered the city.

It turns out that there was a head of a man in front of the gate, with his eyes shining, staring at some people in front of him.

These two eyes are like electricity, and they can be directly distinguished from each other, no matter what method is used for evil cultivation to hide.

"First go to one of the four halls of Lingxiao and then test it. Can you enter the sky ratio only if the test talent reaches a certain level." Lu Yu murmured.

This is the only man who told Luyu.

The whole day to day ratio is actually organized by Lingxiao Zong.

The tall altar of worship to heaven is located in Lingxiao sect.

Not all people are eligible to participate in the sky ratio. Only those who have been certified in Lingxiao sect can they be eligible to participate.

Luyu took out the map and looked at it, and he chose the nearest Xuanwu sub hall.

Along the way, Luyu noticed that all the people around him, whether they were peddlers or drivers, or shopkeepers in the shop, had a slight fluctuation of spirit.

They are all monks!

This is a city that belongs to the monks!

Because of the map, Lu Yu soon found Xuanwu branch hall.

At this time, in front of the gate of Xuanwu sub hall, many people have been gathered.

"Fat man, you dare to think about my Zhen family woman? Call me! " At the gate of Xuanwu branch hall, a fat man suddenly flew out.

The fat man fell heavily on the ground and directly smashed the ground into a deep hole.

But it was not over, and from the door there were several bad servants, and they were fighting and kicking at the fat man.

In LingXiao City, private fighting is forbidden.

So the evil servants were very clever, they did not use magic, but they were under the foot of the heavy effort.

Not long after, the fat man had howled and hurt all over.

"Fat man, you should also be qualified to enter this Lingxiao school? The young master told you before, let you hide from me a little bit, but how can you not listen to it? " From the door out of a handsome young man, directly to the fat to raise.

The fat man has been beaten up and embarrassed. He was ready to speak. He could open his mouth and just let out blood.

Young people are obviously not ready to let go of fat people, hands up, fat face to the fat again.

People around them dodged, and no one was prepared to be idle.

Luyu frowned.

He knows the fat man.

He was Zhang Tao who met in the dark place in the Luodian temple!

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