
In the moment of Bai Suqing's words, the lights of the whole Xuanwu hall suddenly became bright.

In the center of the hall on the first floor of Xuanwu hall, a huge boulder is suspended in the air.

The surface of Boulder has numerous names, and there are rankings behind them, and they are constantly changing every moment.

"What's the matter?"

"Someone's in the top ten!"

"Look, which family is the young talent?"

The people still in Xuanwu hall immediately rushed into the stone.

Before the day to day ratio was opened, Lingxiao Zong would stand such a huge stone in the four main sub halls.

All the results of the qualification will be displayed on the above.

"Strange, why does this boulder not respond?"

"All said only entering the top ten, only the sound of the only one will appear, is it not the stone that has broken?"

The people were talking about it in a very different way.

At this time, a red light suddenly jumped up from the point of boulder.

Some people have not even seen clearly, that red light has come to the top ten position!

"The troll island's canoe is over!"

"So fast, he never tested it before?"

"Look, fifth place is also over!"

See that red light, constantly surpass the name on the boulder, and finally gradually fall in the third position.

"Look, it hasn't stopped yet..." And they cried out.

"It has exceeded the Yin Luo and the Lord is less. The front is Lu family Tianjiao, and there is no end to the land!"

"It is said that the land is endless but can kill the existence of the strong people in the well-known areas. It is not this person "Oh, yes!" The man had not finished his words, and suddenly his eyes were staring at the boulder, and his face was red.

See that red light, eventually will land boundless directly squeeze down, steady stay on the first position!

Youming, qualification: the ancient times!



Bai Suqing fingers a flick, a strong spirit down, the body of the main hall of the sinking River directly hit the ground.

Liu Tang saw the scene, immediately knelt down on the ground, trembling: "elder Bai forgive, must find the day under!"

"You Ming, this road sign, Liu hall leader is not a bit of impression?" "Said Bai Suqing, cold and cold.

The dark place? The dark place!

Liu hall Lord knelt on the ground, suddenly realized what.

"It's the top of the list of potential dragons! He's here! " Cried the leader of Liu hall.

"You know what you missed?" Bai Suqing said quietly, "I will defend here, and you should try your best to find this person. If you can't find it, you will not be the leader here. Go to the outside door and be a deacon. "

"Yes, the subordinate must be trying to find the man." Liu hall Lord knelt on the ground, and his heart was shaking.

"Besides, I don't want anyone else to know about it. If you dare to disclose the information, you should be sentenced to death by death. "



LingXiao City, Qiongyu building.

This is one of the most luxurious restaurants in Lingxiao city.

Lu Yu and Zhang Tao sat by the window, and the table was filled with the wind of wine and vegetables, and a strong spirit was still exuded.

"Brother, I didn't expect you had just come out of the south, and you could have so much money? Your name is Lu. You are not Lu family, are you Zhang Tao, with his hands oily, grabbed two chicken legs and filled his mouth with food.

Luyu smiled: "I am really Lu family."

Bang Dang!

Zhang Tao's bottle in his hand was banged on the table and said in surprise, "you are really Lu Jia!"

His voice was not very big, but he attracted the attention of others.

At this time, a dress woman in the crowd, slowly walked to this layer.

The woman glanced at her eyes, and then stopped on Luyu, suddenly her eyes were stagnant.

"Lu Yu? How could he be here? " The woman murmured.

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