The monks of Zhen family, directly toward the landing feather.

Zhen Yuqin was in a hurry: "stop!"

Those Zhen family nuns did not listen to Zhen Yuqin, holding the magic weapon, a strong force of magic emerged..

Lu Yu sighed and punched.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Several crisp sounds came out, and all the magic weapons with various magic powers were smashed directly by Lu Yu with his fist.

These magic treasures are connected with the blood of the monks. The magic weapons are broken, and the corners of the mouth of the monks bleed and retreat.

Lu Yu said coldly: "the leader of the family, I think you have any misunderstanding."

Zhen feilan eyebrows a pick: "Oh, I didn't expect you have some skills."

"Aunt, he is not an enemy. The seven words on me were absolutely curse, which he helped me to release!" Zhen Yuqin hurried to the front.

"It's him? I don't look like he can do anything except for his older, younger people? " Zhen feilan suspected.

Lu Yu whispered, "I'll just give you a reminder and take back what belongs to me."

"Oh, then please. For your part, I can let you step out of this gate safely today. " Zhen feilan said.

Lu Yu looked around and stayed for a moment on everyone.

When we walk into the lobby, the spirit of the ancient demons disappears.

Or, outside the door, it is only a group of small minions, the real powerful ancient demons are still hidden in this group.

"Daijiazhu, I want to ask, are these people who have only recently come to Zhen's house?" Asked Luyu.

Zhen feilan replied patiently: "they have come here in recent days. What do you ask about this?"

"There are some things that shouldn't exist in this world, and they are mixed into you."

Lu Yu gave out a cold light in his eyes, and looked at all people: "there is a kind of living spirit, called ancient magic. They can devour a person's soul, dress in the skin of that person, disguise as normal person, seem to be perplexing and destroying. "

"And some of you have been occupied by the ancient devil. All I want you to think about, who is doing something unusual recently around you, you need to pay attention to it."

No one believes Lu Yu's words.

Instead, many people present showed a sneer on their faces.

Zhen feilan said without expression: "this is the reminder you said?"

The middle-aged man laughed with a loud laugh: "I am so smiling. You imagine a living spirit that doesn't exist, and you want to let us believe it?"

He put his hand at hand: "since the Lord of the family has let you go, then hurry to roll out, don't be ashamed here!"


The middle-aged man had not finished speaking, suddenly felt a shadow appeared in front of him.

"You dare!" Middle aged men erupted with a thick magic power, behind which the law appeared.

But, before his method came together, Lu Yu hit him straight on his face.

"Dong" a loud sound, middle-aged men flew out, hit the wall of the lobby.


"Mixed things!"

There was a drink and swearing all around, and all the nuns of Zhen family stared at the landing feather.

Lu Yu did not care for others, but stepped to the middle-aged man: "I, talk to you?"

The middle-aged man was pale and his lips trembled and could not say a word.

In his pupil, a red blood flashed.

Luyu's eyes flashed a bit of disappointment: "it was only a small ancient devil, the real strong ancient devil another person."

Luyu reached for a move, and the first knife immediately appeared in his hand.

The blade is facing the heart of the middle-aged man, and it will fall.


Just then, a sudden sound of drinking came out of the lobby.

It was Zhen Ling, and rushed over.

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