Lu Yu listened quietly, but his eyebrows were gradually wrinkled.

If Lu Yu expected it to be good, what Zhen family had practiced, I'm afraid it is a method of picking and mending.

In the heaven, there are "happy", "drunk", "flower pool" and other sects, which are the whole sect practice this kind of mending technique.

However, although the sect is not able to practice twice every day, once the disciples are married to Taoist, they will be loyal and faithful.

Both sides also nourish each other Yin and Yang, growing rapidly. Even at the beginning, the combination of the ancestors of Huachi and Taoist couples directly killed a Taoist monarch.

That is the best way to mend.

Some inferior methods of mending can improve their strength rapidly, but the result is unstable and have an impact on the later practice.

Moreover, all the women they have taken will be very weak, and there is a risk of death if they are a little careless.

So they will continue to look for new women and see them as cupboards.

Lu Yu looked cold: "hope, you don't practice that kind of magic."

In the last generation, Lu Yu's best friend daughter was deceived by a man who practiced the cult sect, and lived and recovered to death.

And that friend, before you Ming Dao Jun became famous, had already died in war.

The king of Youming road was furious, and immediately ordered the 18 circles of Youming and all affiliated star regions to drive away evil cultivation sect and kill them when they meet.

At that time, tens of millions of clan forces were destroyed, and the evil cultivation was completely removed.

"How did you come to the South wasteland? Yes, you are also a powerful person in the South wasteland. You must be qualified to ride the Shenzhou. "

Zhen Yuqin suddenly stared up and down at landing feather: "last time you were in that ancient relics, even the hall owner of yinluozong was not your opponent. How did you do it?"

Luyu thought for a moment and said, "I found the array of relics."

"I'll say it." Zhen Yuqin looked at Luyu, "unfortunately, China is not South wasteland after all. There are countless talents here. You come to LingXiao City, but to participate in the sky comparison?"

Luyu nodded: "yes."

Zhen Yuqin laughs: "do you know the Dragon list? This time, the top of the list of potential dragon may be out, then it will be a surprise war. "

Zhen Yuqin thought again, saying, "however, if you go to participate, you can at least have some insight."

Luyu asked, "this time, there are some stronger people than the sky?"

"Of course!" "Like the top ten of the list of buried dragons, all are Jiaolong in people," Zhen Yuqin said. As for some other clans, there are still some hidden seed players, and there will be some black horses over the years. "

Luyu asked again: "the reward of the sky comparison is to let the strong in the heaven accept the acts?"

Zhen Yuqin opens his eyes: "this is not enough?"

Seeing Lu Yu's indifferent appearance, Zhen Yuqin is hardly imaginable.

"If you can let the strong in the heaven accept the act, then the road to heaven will open, you can not compete with the strong people for the road to the sky, and you can be taken to the heaven directly by the strong."

"How hard the battle for the road to heaven, even those of the top powers, can fall, so this is the best opportunity for us!"

Luyu thought about his heart.

If he can bring him into the world, the resources he has obtained are not comparable to this barren star.

Just then, there was a sudden sound of rapid footsteps outside the door.

In the dark, a light of fire appeared over Zhen's house.

"What's the matter!" Zhen Yuqin was surprised.

Lu Yu covers her mouth, and his face is gloomy: "silence!"

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