In a short day, she has changed his appearance.

He was originally a white haired old man. Although he had strong magic power, he was rickets and gave a sense of decadence.

But now.

Zhen Ling's muscles all over her body, unexpectedly, all bulged.

And his white hair, also overnight, changed into black.

Even the wrinkles on his face disappeared, and now it is the appearance of a middle-aged man.

He, it's not a screen.

He is the holy king of the old devil.

Among the ancient demons, the strong is king, and the powerful at the level of the holy king can be equivalent to the strong in the spirit realm.

"No one can be stubborn. If someone didn't get through our plan, why bother so much. " Zhen Ling stepped on the formation.

With a roar, the falton shook violently.

"Poop!" Zhen feilan suddenly spits out a mouthful of blood.

"Aunt, you're OK."

"The owner."

Several children of Zhen family beside Zhen feilan seem to be at a loss.

When the ancient demons act, they first started to do the elder and senior deacons in the family.

But these children who are not in the flow, because of their low strength, but instead, they have escaped a robbery.

"I'm fine. This is the big battle of the protection family. I have a master in my hand. They won't come in." "Zhen feilan murmured.

However, although so said, but Zhen feilan's mouth corner still flashed a bit bitter.

Originally, what Lu Yu said was true.

Ancient demons have devoured many of their elders. Almost half of the entire Zhen family are ancient demons.

But Zhen feilan is also proud, silent in Zhen family protection group of the strong.

But, after all, she is not a strong soul.

If she really manipulates the array, she still has a little bit of effort.

"We have been salivating for a long time. Unfortunately, these branches of yours are all mixed blood vessels. " The King opened his mouth.

In the moment he spoke, there was a roar in the air all around him.

Zhen feilan gnawed, "you will not be mad for a long time. I have a problem with Zhen family. Lingxiao Zong will detect it for the first time. You will not escape when you are in trouble!"

The king laughed: "how can you know that we didn't put our people in Lingxiao Zong?"

Zhen feilan's heart suddenly fell like an ice cave.

The king is right.

If Lingxiao sect is occupied by ancient demons, it is terrible.

"The devil bewilders the crowd, a small holy king, can devour this Zhen family, I am afraid it took you several years to calculate."

Luyu suddenly came out and came to the holy King step by step.

He stared at the king: "your skill is really good, but your heavenly ancestors are not in, a group of soldiers and brave, want to swallow the first large door of China and earth?"

The king looked up and down and looked at the landing feather: "I haven't found you yet. You have sent it to the door by yourself."


The spirit of the king burst out in a flash, and the air was like a rainbow, and went straight into the sky.

From the heart of the holy King's eyebrows, a pair of eyes were split.

This is the eye of the broken law that the holy King level of the ancient demons can have.

One eye open, ten thousand methods break!

Luyu felt a deep body, and the whole man was like falling into mud and could not move.

Zhen feilan looked in his eyes, and his heart was shocked: "no, this boy is just a monk in the realm of magic. He will die now."

Zhen feilan suddenly looked at her eyes and said, "I just took advantage of him and the boy to do it, and took the opportunity to leave!"

Without hesitation, Zhen feilan immediately withdrew the array and rushed out.

"Home master!"


Zhen Yuqin and several other disciples were shocked.

Without Zhen feilan, this big array will be gone directly!

"I will be a long-term life in the future. Even if the whole Zhen family is dead, what is the relationship with me?" Zhen feilan gave a cold light in her eyes.

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