Lu Yu just flicks his finger, and Zhen Yuan is the end.

In the hall of Zhen's mansion, there was silence at the moment.

Those children of the Zhen family, who were originally clamoring, were stunned at the same time and looked at Lu Yu foolishly.

Zhen Yuan, even among them, is very strong.

Even though Zhen Yuan was already a strong one in the middle of the FA Xiang state, he was only one step away from entering the later stage of the FA Xiang state.

In the case of sneak attack, Zhen Yuan is not Lu Yu's opponent!

Some of the people who were going to teach Lu Yu a lesson are also quitting.


Some stones were pulled away, and Zhen Yuan stood up with red eyes.

He was in a mess, very embarrassed, there was no longer the initial calm.

"Son of a bitch, what kind of magic did you use to attack me?" Zhen Yuan scolded angrily.

It was clearly him who attacked Lu Yu behind his back.

Now, being hit by Lu Yu, he has to blame Lu Yu in turn.

Lu Yu's eyes were cold: "before you leave a life, don't cherish."

Being swept by Lu Yu's eyes, Zhen Yuan suddenly feels surprised.

That feeling, just like being watched by a monster, makes people shudder.

Zhen Yuan shut his mouth decisively.

He had a feeling that if he dared to say one more word, he would really die today.


Suddenly, someone patted the table.

It turned out to be the three elders. He said angrily, "what a crazy boy. I think he can't cure you because he thinks he can do some tripod Kung Fu."

As soon as he got angry, everyone in the hall was silent.

That's a strong out of body situation.

A lot of people, a lifetime can not reach the height.

Lu Yu said calmly, "yes, what are you?"

"He's noisy in front of me. I can take him as a young man and leave him dead."

Lu Yu stares at the three elders: "but if some of them are old and live for a long time, they don't know how to advance or retreat. Then I can teach him how to be a man."

In Lu Yu's eyes, a murderous spirit is released.

Zhen Yuqin even said, "third grandfather, Lu Yu is a distinguished guest of our Zhen family. I'm afraid it's not appropriate for you to treat him like this."

"I don't need you to say three or four! You're a little generation, but you'll take care of the words of outsiders. I'll deal with you later! " The three elders scolded angrily.

The three elders looked at Lu Yu and said, "I don't want to talk nonsense with you. You must stay in Zhen's family for the billion best spirit stones. What's more, you have just injured a genius of our Zhen family. Now you immediately discard your accomplishments, and then give me three kowtows to the genius of Zhen family, and I will let you go. "

The same harsh conditions.

Lu Yu is not a holy monk.

Although he has his own bottom line, he is the king of the nether world.

In the eyes of countless powerful people in the heaven, he is a bloodthirsty devil.

"In this case, I don't need to stay with Zhen family." Lu Yu said coldly.

"Why, do you still want to go?" The three elders raised their hands to stop Lu Yu.

As soon as he made a move, the strong breath of the out of body state was revealed immediately.

"Looking for death!" In Lu Yu's eyes, a cold light comes out.

When he was in the testing room, he killed monks who were out of the body.

In Lu Yu's eyes, like the three elders, he can only suppress others' out of body state by virtue of realm. He has many means to kill them.

Just then, a figure suddenly appeared between them.

It's Zhen Yuqin.

Zhen Yuqin stopped in front of the two people, gritted his teeth and said: "third grandfather, if you still put me in the eyes of the owner of this family, then let Lu Yu go."

Zhen Yuqin takes out the master's order.

The three elders suddenly flashed a trace of uncertainty on their faces, but finally put down their hands.

"Lucky for you." The three elders returned to their chairs.

Lu Yu turned around and left, not ready to stay here for half a step.

"Third grandfather, I planned to take part in Tongtian Dabi on behalf of Zhen family, but now..." Zhen Yuqin regretted.

The three elders sneered and said, "I have so many talents to divide my family. This boy has only learned some magic arts. In terms of his real ability, he is just a boy in the state of magic power, which is nothing!"

Just then.

"Three elders, the Xuanwu hall leader of Lingxiao sect is here!" A servant suddenly came in and exclaimed.

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