"What, Zhen Yuan has been on the Qianlong list for a long time? 105? "

The Xuanwu hall leader was flustered and hastened to activate the magic power. He immediately sensed the token on Lu Yu's hand and had already left the Zhen family.

Seeing the Xuanwu hall leader's face changed, the three elders felt that things were not very good.

Is it because Zhen Yuan is too arrogant and wants too much?

The three elders glared at Zhen Yuan and asked him not to be garrulous.

"Master Liu, I don't know what happened?" The three elders tried to ask.

"Oh, it's OK, but my staff just told me something." The tone of Xuanwu hall leader is very plain.

On his face, there is no longer the original smile.

Just then, a carrier pigeon came in from outside.

The master of Xuanwu hall took a piece of paper from the pigeon's foot and unfolded it slowly: "don't know elder Zhen, can you know this man?"

On the paper, the young man's face is vivid.

The three elders immediately recognized that the flower on it was Lu Yu who had just left Zhen's house.

"Is it possible that the Xuanwu hall leader has a feud with that boy?" The three elders thought.

The more he thought about it, the more he thought it was.

After all, this boy is good at deception. He cheated the master of Zhen's family before, and certainly provoked Lingxiao sect.

If you can help to catch that boy, maybe you can have a good relationship with Lingxiao Zong!

The three elders were filled with joy.

He has just come to LingXiao City, and his foundation is not stable. If he can climb the big tree of lingxiaozong, he will surely make no loss.

"Do you have a grudge against this boy? It doesn't matter. The boy cheated the new master of Zhen family before, but I have already seen through the trick and drove him away." The three elders are calm.

The head of Xuanwu hall asked, "Oh, where did he go?"

The three elders said confidently, "don't worry, I've sent some powerful disciples of my Sanfen family to intercept him. This boy can't escape!"


Xuanwu hall leader directly dropped the teacup on the table and left with his sleeve.

Other friars of Lingxiao sect also left.

The three elders were in a hurry: "Master Liu, you are..."

The head of Xuanwu Hall said coldly, "Mr. Zhen, I thought you were a character before. It seems that the master of the Zhen family has a good vision. You are only worthy to enjoy the happiness in a remote city. "

The Xuanwu hall leader swept to all the Zhen family members: "just now, my Lingxiao sect's spy reported that your Zhen family had just suffered a catastrophe, and the strong people of the whole family were killed and injured. If it wasn't for the help of that young man, your Zhen family's main vein would be cut off! "

The more he said, the more angry he became: "you are such a group of waste, a peerless genius in front of you, you don't even cherish it. Well, such a genius is better in our Lingxiao sect, and the province will fall into the dust of your Zhen family's Pearl! "


That kid, is he a genius?

The main vein of the Zhen family is also what he saved?

How could it be!

Seeing the main Xuanwu hall leaving, Zhen Yuan was in a hurry and ran over: "leader Liu, I'm afraid there is some misunderstanding in this. I'm afraid I joined the Lingxiao sect for the reason."

The head of Xuanwu hall looked at him with a sneering smile: "master Zhen Yuan, it's important to have self-knowledge."

"Do you know how many dharmas do the most powerful people have to understand every day in order to break through their own realm and fly to heaven."

"Every time you teach a disciple, it costs them a lot of energy. But what face do you have to delay the most powerful to teach you in person?"

At least Zhen Yuan is no better than me

"Ha ha ha ha!" The Xuanwu hall leader laughed: "you have some strength to be able to enter the Qianlong list. Go to Lingxiao sect and start with the factotum disciples."

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