Mr. star is coming to recruit students!

Several elders face a change, at the same time look at their own descendants.

If they can be accepted by the old star, they will not have to work hard.

After all, if you follow the old man in front of you, you can practice with them!

Penalty elder one face hopes a way: "do not know star old look at the seedling is who?"

"Star old smile hehe way:" no hurry, we slowly see. "

On the sky steps.

At this time, the sun in the sky has risen to the highest.

There was less than half an hour left before noon.

At the moment, several figures have appeared from the top of the mountain.

Song Han, who was in the front, was also full of sweat at this time.

Every step needs to be adjusted for a period of time before the next step can be taken.

Penalty elder smile way: "don't know what person, can let star old person come over personally?"

He is very confident.

Because he decided that it was his son after all.

After all, it is his son song Han who is at the forefront now!

Star old face still with a smile, no answer.

Although he did not speak, the elders were moved.

Xinglao has been practicing all year round and hasn't received any apprentices for a long time. Now they have gone out of the pass to accept apprentices in person. Why are they not surprised.

The old man in front of him, like others in Lingxiao sect, is an elder.

But he is the master's teacher!

Even, under his instruction, Lingxiao sect has produced three most powerful men!

"The star old man wants to accept the apprentice, and perform well!"

"Do your best, don't leave your hands this time!"

One after another, the sound fell quietly on some of the disciples.

All of a sudden, the disciples trembled and looked at the place where the elders were, and a little excitement flashed in their eyes.

All of a sudden, those disciples burst out a strong momentum, some even directly pushed the people in front of them, and walked quickly towards the mountain.

Several people had already arrived at Song Han's side.

Song Han was surprised and didn't know what happened to these people.

"Han'er, run to the end with all your strength. Star is going to take in his apprentice!" A voice was heard in Song Han's ear.

Song Han's whole body trembled, and his eyes immediately widened.

Then, he gradually calmed down the excited mood, the corner of his mouth raised a smile.

"Want to surpass me? Don't think about it Song Han immediately stepped out of his chest and heard the sound of a phoenix crowing in his chest!

He stepped out three or four steps in a row. In his sight, he could already see the end of the heavenly steps.

No one paid attention to Lu Yu.

He was still at the foot of the mountain and did not move.

Lu Yu's right foot stepped on the steps, pondered for a moment, and suddenly his whole body was shocked.

From the center of his eyebrows, there was a mark, but it just flashed away.

Later, Lu Yu's eyes opened, and there was a glimmer of enlightenment in his eyes.

"The one who laid this gravity array is also a talent, and the construction is so ingenious." Lu Yu sighed in his heart.

Just before he was ready to go up the mountain, he caught a glimpse of the gravity array controlling the day scale. He was interested in it for a while, and then he understood it.

At this time, there was an extra mark over Lu Yu's holy spring.

This is a law of gravity.

It has only formed a rudiment, but it is also extremely difficult.

"When the perception array is over, it's time to end the assessment." Lu Yu looks at the end of the sky steps and moves his steps gently.

Seeing Lu Yu's feet moving, the onlookers just noticed, and then shook their heads in derision.

"I'm afraid it's too late to leave now." An elder said faintly.

However, the elder's voice has just dropped.

Lu Yu suddenly turned into a black shadow and rushed towards the mountain.

It was only three breaths and thousands of steps. Lu Yu arrived at the destination directly!

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