Elder Qingyin left with regret.

No one thinks there is something wrong with this. After all, in Lingxiao sect, xinglao is better than elder Qingyin in both prestige and strength.

Some people are jealous of Ji Chenyu.

By virtue of their relationship, they were able to get the edict of the inner sect elder. However, as soon as Ji Chenyu entered Lingxiao sect, he could be recognized by two elders at the same time!

What's more, there is the star old man!

Before, in the examination of Tongtian level, everyone was trying to win the attention of xinglao.

But as a result, it obviously fell on Ji Chenyu.

"Ha ha, Miss Ji, I think we may have a misunderstanding before. I'd like to introduce myself first. In the lower song Han, my father is the elder of the penalty Hall... " With a smile on his face, song Han went to Ji Chenyu.

He is going to put an end to the past.

After all, with his background, he should know who is better.

Song Han looked up and down Ji Chenyu with greedy eyes.

In his heart, he was already salivating for Ji Chenyu's Yin CAI.

"No, Lu Yu, you are so excellent. Why didn't elder Qingyin accept you as a disciple?" Ji Chenyu frowns.

She ignored song Han.

This makes song Han ready to take a step, rigid stop in place, very embarrassed.

Then song Han laughed: "ha ha, it seems that younger martial sister Ji is still angry with me. But I was in a hurry at that time. After this period of time, sister Ji will know what kind of person I am. "

Song Han suddenly set his eyes on Lu Yu and disdained to say, "such a guy with low level and low qualification. Younger martial sister Ji or don't get involved with him. You have a lot of talent. You are destined to be the character of Longfei Jiutian in the future. This kind of small role will not have any intersection with you again. "

Ji Chenyu still ignored song Han.

She said with a faint smile: "it doesn't matter. Even if Lu Yu is a mortal, I still follow him."

With a smile, Ji Chenyu couldn't help being beautiful and moving.

But the blue veins on Song Han's forehead could not help beating.

This sentence is like saying that song Han is not as good as such a punk who likes to play tricks?

Song Han said in a deep voice: "younger martial sister Ji, you'd better see clearly. I'm destined to be the core disciple. What about him? I'm afraid that poor cultivation can only stay in the outer door all my life and will not be saved into it. "

Song Han turned his head again and yelled at Lu Yu: "I hope you can understand. It's a little self-knowledge!"

He Qianqian also interrupted: "that is, younger martial sister Ji has such a high qualification, how can she mix with people like you. If you know what you're doing, get out of here

People responded.

They just want to get close to Ji Chenyu.

Ji Chenyu will certainly become the core disciple in the future, and if they don't get into the inner door by virtue of it, their future achievements will be limitless.

Song Han suddenly disgusted Lu Yu and yelled: "get out of here, there is no place for you!"

Just then, the crowd in the distance moved away again.

From the back of the crowd, a few proud disciples came out again.

Song Han blocked their way, and one of the disciples directly pushed him away.

"Who dares to touch me?" Song Han was furious.

But when he saw the face of the visitor, he suddenly changed his face and quickly said with a smile, "elder martial brother Yuwei, how did you come here?"

The disciple glanced at Song Han and did not answer.

He went directly to Lu Yu and said, "this is Lu Yu's younger martial brother. The master of Fu painting, Taishang elder master, is willing to accept his younger brother as the disciple of closing the door. Mr. Lu, clean up and follow us. "

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