The girl in purple looked up and down at Lu Yu: "what kind of state are you? How come you don't have any mana fluctuation?"

Lu Yu's method of controlling mana is very excellent. Even some strong people in the out of body state can't see through it. What's more, the woman in purple can't even achieve the goal.

"The realm of mana." Lu Yu told the truth.

A trace of disgust flashed in the eyes of the woman in Purple: "it's just the magic state. Come to my baiheshan, do you want to divide up the aura?"

Fang Xiuyun Liu eyebrow micro Cu: "little younger martial brother just came over, look for geese, you don't have prejudice."

"Of course I will not be biased. After all, it is the master's decision. But the big contest will start soon. You know, elder martial sister, whether you can learn from the strong in heaven and leap over the dragon's gate is at this time. "

The woman in purple gave a tit for tat: "how precious is our aura in baiheshan. What's more, I'm going to break through the middle of the Dharma Realm recently. The aura is very precious."

Fang Xiuyun was overjoyed when he heard the speech: "looking for the wild geese, are you going to the later stage of FA Xiangjing?"

Other women are also looking at Wu xunyan.

Most of the people here are in the middle of the state of Dharma.

To be able to break through to the late stage of FA Xiang state, he is already a great figure among his peers.

Wu xunyan raised his head and said haughtily, "that's natural. I'm afraid that in another week, I'll be able to break through to the later stage of Dharma."

Fang Xiuyun pondered for a moment and then said, "the younger martial brother will go to my cave to practice first. I will come out with the aura he uses to practice."


Qi Er called out: "elder martial sister, he is a man, how can live with you."

Fang Xiuyun said lightly: "after all, it's a big comparison between heaven and earth. The aura of baiheshan is precious. I had been in the late stage of FA Xiang state a long time ago, and it was very difficult for me to break through the out of body state after practicing for a few months. It's better to give it to younger martial brother than to waste it alone. "

Qi'er fiercely stares at landing feather: "all blame you, let show cloud elder sister also wasted Aura!"

Wu xunyan snorted coldly, and he no longer insisted.

Anyway, Fang Xiuyun, who consumes aura, has nothing to do with her.

"Well, I don't need the aura to come here." Lu Yu said lightly.

If he first came to baiheshan for aura, it is not needed now.

In his body, there are still some old cards on his waist.

At that time, the head of Xuanwu hall once told Lu Yu that the aura concentration in the cold sky cave was enough to be higher than all the mountains.

It is obviously better to practice there than here.

Wu xunyan snorted coldly: "you are a good judge!"

Fang Xiuyun frowned slightly and said in a deep voice, "younger martial brother, your accomplishments are still a little too low. You have to work hard to improve your accomplishments while you still have some time to go to the sky

Lu Yu arched his hand and said, "thank you for your kindness, but I have a good place to go."

"Hum! Where else can you go? I can tell you that the aura of baiheshan is precious. As a man, you'd better be honest and don't do those little tricks! " Wu xunyan was mean.

Lu Yu's face sank.

This daughter, is really mean and vicious.

"When I come here, I count you most. Let me ask you, did you set the rules of baiheshan? " Lu Yu asked lightly.

Wu xunyan just wanted to speak, but suddenly did not know how to speak.

The rules of every mountain are prescribed by the elders. She is not qualified to speak.

"I just want to remind you that the people here need more aura than you do, a little bit self-knowledge!" Wu xunyan said in a deep voice.

"If it's not your rule, shut your mouth!" Lu Yu's cold voice.

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