Inside the cave.

Lu Yu let the spirit of the beast tower recognize the master. From this moment on, all the monsters around him must obey Lu Yu's orders.

This time, it was a worthwhile trip.

Lu Yu said to Ji Chenyu: "it's half an hour before the end of the big contest. You first practice here. There is enough aura to prepare for the third round of duel. "

Ji Chenyu nodded, and naturally she would not give up.

However, Ji Chenyu hesitated and said, "what about you, you and I will practice together here."

Lu Yu shook his head: "no, I have more important things to do."

In yingqinglan's memory, Lu Yu saw a powerful figure of the ancient devil.

According to Lu Yu's judgment, this ancient demon is likely to be a strong one at the level of world Master.

When yingqinglan and the ancient devil attacked the Marquis of Jiangbei, the Marquis of Jiangbei tried his best to hurt the ancient devil and yingqinglan.

The three fell into the star together, and behind the front gate, the body of marquis Jiangbei was buried.

Yingqinglan originally planned to take over Jiangbei Marquis, but she could not compete with the ancient devil, so she had to wait for someone to deliver her to her door.

"Master of the world, ancient demons, don't even want to run away!" Lu Yu's eyes were cold.

He stepped out of the space.

Suddenly, a disciple of tianchenfeng appeared in front of him.

This disciple has been waiting here for a long time. He also noticed the vision just happened. The dim light is emitted from this space.

Obviously, Lu Yu must have got something from it.

"Give me what you took out of it, and you can go away." The disciples of tianchenfeng are not hospitable.

When he saw that Ji Chenyu, who had been following Lu Yu, was not there, his eyes became more scornful.

Lu Yu's heart is full of ancient demons, and he will not entangle with this tianchenfeng disciple, wasting time.

"Get out of here!" he said coldly

Tianchenfeng disciple's eyes were cold: "I have warned you once, but you still don't know the height of heaven and earth.". I can tell you, well, all the treasures here are inhabited by capable people. You are a waste. You should hand over the things obediently

Seeing that Lu Yu didn't seem to hear what he said, he walked forward, and tianchenfeng disciple couldn't help but get angry.

"You dare to ignore me!" The disciple took the bag from the landing feather's waist.

But in the moment that his hand was about to touch, a huge force directly overturned him.


The disciple bumped into a wall, and the whole wall cracked countless cracks, forming a human shaped depression.

He was trapped in the crack, all his muscles and bones were broken, and he was dying.

"No No way The disciple trembled and suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood.

At this moment, a crack appeared in his holy spring.


Lu Yu is not just a waste of mana realm. How can he have such great strength!

"He must have found some treasures in it, so he quickly improved his strength! Bastard, I want to inform elder martial brother and grab his treasure! Discard his accomplishments and let him kneel in front of me In the eyes of the disciples, there was a lot of resentment.

His hand, quietly appeared a talisman, then ready to voice to Xu Yixian.


All of a sudden, a sound of breaking the sky rang out.

A long sword suddenly flew out, instantly penetrated the disciple's head, and then fell into Lu Yu's hand.

"Dare to kill me, to die!" Lu Yu murmured, grabbing you Jun Dao and heading for the original gate.

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