Bang! Bang! Bang!

The sound of a drum beating began to spread from the sky.

With the sound of war drums, there are also a series of snail blowing, the sound straight into the sky.

"Goo Doo!" The elder of Fuhua, who had never made a sound, said in a trembling voice, "is there a stronger one than Xuanxian?"

Oh, my God.

They are just a small star. Once upon a time, even if there was a strong one in heaven, they were just some powerful people.

No one has ever had such a great show.

Among the cracks, lines of figures appear.

These figures were dressed in the clothes of the attendants, standing on both sides, holding fans in their hands, as if they were welcoming the arrival of the noble.

Numerous flags suddenly fluttered in the wind, and three carriages came out of the cracks.

The horse pulling the cart is not an ordinary horse.

The horses were tall, even bigger than the powerful mutant monsters.

There is no trace of miscellaneous hair on the whole body of the horse. It is completely white. There is a long beard between the two beards of each horse. The head is covered with scale armor, but it has the shape of a dragon.

"The legendary dragon horse! Every horse has the strength of human beings and immortals. Such a powerful monster can be pulled by people

Star is always the most knowledgeable, he sighed: "I don't know what kind of existence is in the car, there is such a big show."

Everyone is marveling, such a big show.

But Lu Yu has already mastered the information insight of future people.

These people are from Dayu Dynasty.

The flag in the front actually says "shangshudi, general and military department of Zhennan, Dayu Heavenly Kingdom!"

The Dayu Heavenly Kingdom is a great power that controls hundreds of millions of stars, while Zhennan general is already the feudal official of Dayu Heavenly Kingdom. He controls tens of thousands of stars, and countless creatures obey his arrangement.

Moreover, Lu Yu knows him.

The name of this man was dizhan. At the beginning, the Dayu Heavenly Kingdom and the eighteen kingdoms of the nether world were in conflict, and there was often friction. One of Lu Yu's masters died under the sword of dizhan.

Later, Lu Yu appeared in person, only one finger seriously injured Di Zhan, so that he could not go out of the door, and disappeared.

However, judging from his present appearance, he is expected to have recovered, and he has been restored to his original post, and has even increased the rank of secretary of the Ministry of war.

"Shen Linglong, what's your plan to give such a villain such a big rank?" Lu Yu guessed in his heart.

Today's Dayu Dynasty is in the charge of Shen Linglong.

Di Zhan, however, was born with a rebellious nature. He was apparently loyal to the Dayu Heavenly Kingdom, but in fact he was secretly planning to fight against him at any time.

Lu Yu swallowed up the ghost of the emperor of heaven, so he knew his plan.

According to the idea of emperor Taiqian, this person needs to be removed sooner or later.

The curtain in the carriage suddenly opened.

The shadow of a middle-aged man appeared out of thin air.

"Who is the boundless land?" When the middle-aged man opened his mouth, his voice was hoarse, but with a trace of killing intention.

Everyone shuddered, and even those who came to heaven bowed to the carriage one by one.

Lu Wuya's face, finally emerged a smile.

He came out at random and said respectfully to the carriage: "master, I am a disciple!"

Lu Wuya's command of receiving and quoting law is actually written by Di Zhan!

Lu Yu couldn't help but look at Lu Wuyuan a little more. Although this son has a good talent, he is still too poor for some people with strange aptitude in the world.

Otherwise, it's impossible that he can't even survive his three moves.

"So you are Lu Qing's descendant!" Di Zhan said in a deep voice: "Lu Qing has been with Ben for many years. He died in the war. Ben will be very sad. I promised Lu Qing that he would support his younger generation. Although you are not qualified, I will accept you as my personal disciple for the sake of my old friend! "

Lu Qing suddenly takes out a long gun from his arms and throws it directly at Lu Wuliang.

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