When Lu Yu heard the words, he felt a ripple in his heart.

This is a poor girl.

She will never know why she has a strong father, but can not protect the mother and daughter.

Why, the father wants to guard there alone, but never meet them.

She would not know that the people her father guarded with his life wanted to kill her in exchange for access to heaven.

"Don't sleep in the past and keep your spirit alive. I can save you!" Lu Yu said in a deep voice.

He took some pills from his arms and put them directly into Bai Suqing's mouth.

Those pills into the stomach, Bai Suqing stomach injury gradually began to recover, but this is just drinking poison to quench thirst.

The damned Wu xunyan used a Horcrux!

At this time, Bai Suqing's spirits were all hurt. At this moment, she was weaker than ever before.

"I will be able to save you!" Lu Yu used his magic power to recuperate Bai Suqing's meridians over and over again.

But just then, there was a loud noise in the air.

The deity sitting on the cloud suddenly shook his body and spat out blood from his mouth.

The majestic Daojun Shenzhen array, now began to crumble, there are large pieces of cracks above.

"In the end, people from this kind of wild land still have some talent, but you are still far away from discussing the array with me!" The disdainful voice of Disha Mazu was accompanied by a finger falling.

Huge fingers, rolling towards the landing plume.

"It's a pity that you have a good body. But Youming, you are a character that I should take seriously. The best way for people like you is to kill you directly and give you no chance. "

Around that finger, the space began to twist.

Endless space pressure, pressure landing feather, must face this finger!

However, Lu Yu's strength now is only in the middle of the out of body state.

Facing this horrible finger, his strength is far from enough!

Lu Yu's face was more dignified than ever before.

The other side is a long-standing devil ancestor. Even in Lu Yu's heyday, he is not sure to win.

Now, although it is only a remnant soul, Lu Yu's present state, if this finger falls, Lu Yu will never survive.

"Is that the end of it?" Lu Yu sighed.

Of course he won't. He'll take his life.

He also kept a hand. From his palm, there was a fireball made of the real fire of the emperor of heaven and the flame of hell.

Fireball is full of irascible atmosphere. Once it breaks out, he is sure that disharmonzu will suffer too!

Even if it's death, we'll have to mop the floor to kill the devil!

But at this time, a figure appeared under the finger.

The beautiful shadow is beautiful and moving, and the green silk is flying in the air.

Compared with that huge finger, she is infinitely small, but she is still duty bound.

That's Ji Chenyu!

"Brother Lu Yu, you save me again and again. This time, let me do something for you." The gauze on Ji Chenyu's face fell, revealing a beautiful face.

That pair of beautiful eyes reluctantly looked at Lu Yu, and then the body hit the finger heavily.

Just at the moment of the collision, the air burst out.

"It's a beautiful body of Yin!" On the Ninth Heaven, the devil ancestor of Disha broke out with a voice of disbelief.

Yin Qi shrouds on the fingers, and blocks of solid ice are formed instantly!

In the twinkling of an eye, the finger was frozen in the air, unable to move.

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