Luyu frowned slightly: "if I hand, my highness, there will be no accident."

He didn't come to help the princes for free.

His aim is to follow the prince and enter the palace to find the whereabouts of Ji Caiyu's remains.

A prince in the district is not qualified to enter the palace. Only when he becomes a prince, can he enter the imperial palace.

The third prince still had a smile on his face: "I know the potential of the underworld to offer, but you should also know that this kind of fight will be dead."

"Your strength is no vulgar. If I will be emperor in the future, I must not need a powerful minister to assist me," the three princes insisted. You are my reservoir, and you can never lose. "

Luyu sighed.

So, I hope the three princes can succeed in the throne.

"The king naturally knows the spirit of the Youming worship. When you first come, you will help the emperor to break through the inscription. I will naturally say that, in this way, I will give you another billion high-quality Lingshi, which will give you three billion excellent stones. " The third prince said.

It was also three billion, and at that time, Zhen family, which consumed countless energy, but the three princes were very happy to agree.

Luyu could not help but to see the three princes a little different, said: "thank you, your highness."

If there are three billion elite spiritual stones, his cultivation may also be able to improve a level.

Unfortunately, the three princes did not let him participate in the fight for the first time.

Lu Yu's current cultivation, the same realm, even the spirit realm, are basically rolling, no one is his opponent.

As for the inscription realm, as Huangfu copper, a monk who just broke through the Ming realm, he can also defeat rolling.

"Three billion, brother Wang, you are a big hand!" Rocchi has big eyes and big mouth.

She suddenly entangled with the three princes, Jiao Chen said: "brother Wang, you let the dark place to participate in the fight for the di. You don't know, when the day is big, he rolled so many people by himself, it's terrible! "

The third prince whispered, "make a fool of yourself! The battle for the first to win the DI will never be over again if you have a little carelessness. You will offer you the gift of different talents. But he is still young now, far from the rivals of the old generation who have been famous for a long time! "

"Oh, I don't want you anymore. It's true!" said Princess Rocchi, clapping the driver on the shoulder

The third prince shook his head and looked at Luyu: "you are offering to the nether. My sister is too willful. Don't mind."

Luyu nodded, and he thought about it not.


Yongwang mansion, a top-level house.

Lu Yu was welcomed by the housekeeper, and the three billion stone was also sent to him.

Luyu was so moved that these Lingshi, even the family of Zhen family, needed to be injured and moved to get out.

Although the three princes are the emperor of the Dragon Dynasty, it is not easy to take out these stone at a time.

Besides, Luyu's house was placed with a huge array of spirits, which is almost ten times more spiritual than the outside world!

The same is the king and the prince, the ninth prince gave all the good house to his concubine, and the third prince has always been indifferent to the talent that the spirit stone on his hand.

The gap between the two is already a difference.

"With these spiritual stones, you can just try it, can you impact the spirit state!" Luyu piled up all the Lingshi in the storage bag.

Since the last time, he has got trillions of Lingshi in Zhen's house. This time, there are three billion Lingshi, and 6 billion Lingshi has been piled up in the house.

A strong spirit, immediately filled every corner of the room.

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