"Tianhanzong? What are you doing with all these children? " Lu Yu asked.

At this time, when the cold wind blows, the man in white can't help but shiver: "I don't know, I'm just a casual practitioner. Tianhanzong said that as long as children under the age of 15 can be captured, each catch can exchange 100 top-grade spirit stones from them. I'm just trying to make money

Lu Yu sighed: "it seems that you really don't go into the coffin without tears."

If Lu Yu's cultivation is still in existence, he will directly find out what happened through soul searching.

But even without soul searching, Lu Yu's experience has long found that the man in white is lying.

"He's going to kill me!" The man in white suddenly hit a spirit, instantly took out a talisman from his arms and threw it towards the distance.

The talisman fell into the air and burned automatically. It turned into a Firebird and flew towards the distance.

The man in White said grimly: "my master is the elder of Tianhan sect. If you dare to move me, you will die."


Lu Yu looked at the gradually disappearing talisman in the sky, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Ha ha, my talisman has gone. You can't catch up with me now!" The man in white was lying on the ground, laughing wildly.

As he said, the Flamingo, which was transformed into a talisman, flew into the sky and gradually glided to a distance of kilometers.

"Yes." Lu Yu reached out and picked up a stone from the ground.


Lu Yu throws the stone hard. The stone cuts through the air and turns into a beam of light. It appears in front of the Flamingo.

Bang, the sky exploded a firelight, flames everywhere.

The talisman Firebird was instantly blasted through by stones, and the magic power contained in it disappeared. Finally, it turned into ashes scattered on the ground.

"What! No, it can't be! " The man in white opened his eyes in disbelief at the scene.

The talisman was made by his master himself.

Even if the young man is a strong man of physical training, he will not be a stone. Let's destroy the talisman refined by his master!

What kind of terrorist power is it!

The man in white felt a moment of fear. He suddenly burst out of his body an endless cold, trying to break free from Lu Yu's oppression.

"Did I let you go?" Lu Yu grabbed the man in white by the collar and hit him hard in the stomach.

With a bang, the spirit sea of the man in white is broken, his magic power is constantly losing, and his accomplishments are destroyed.

"You've ruined my accomplishments!" The man in white was as pale as paper.

"Take me to see the children you've taken." Lu Yu's voice has unquestionable dignity.

What else did the man in white want to say, Lu Yu said: "if you talk more, the next time you discard it, it will be your life."

Hard hit a cold shiver, the man in white no longer dare to say more, quickly with landing feather toward the depth of the blockhouse.

There is a warehouse in the deep of the blockhouse. The bandits who had been guarding this place had already dispersed.

Lu Yu kicked the gate open, and suddenly a cold breath came to his face.

The warehouse is full of children.

These children's heads were pasted with talismans, motionless, and there was a strange smell around them.

The man in white quickly screamed: "these talismans are just to prevent them from running around. They were sent by the clan. I don't know!"

"Dementor? You really think I don't know anything! " Lu Yu slapped the man in white on the forehead and killed him directly.

Then, Lu Yu stamped on the ground, flew to the top of the warehouse and punched down.

With a bang, the roof of the warehouse was directly overturned and thrown out.

The glare of the sun from the outside, those children's forehead pasted on the talisman was immediately burned out a wisp of black smoke, issued a Zila sound.

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