
With a crisp sound, the cracks on the surface of the crystal ball are increasing, and finally they break directly.

Yang Chen was stunned, he could not expect it, it would be such a result.

"You have damaged my master's treasure, and you don't make a quick compensation!" Li Fubao shouted


What should we take to compensate for the treasure of cactus?

For a while, Yang Chen was a little overwhelmed.

"It's just a gadget for testing qualifications, and it's not even a magic weapon." The monk's face suddenly became serious and took a crystal stone out of his arms.

The quality of this crystal stone looks better than the crystal ball.

"You take this and try again." The monk put the crystal stone in front of Yang Chen.

This time, Yang Chen was very cautious.

He touched the surface of crystal stone with his hand carefully, and this time, he suddenly felt a warm atmosphere.

From the crystal stone, there seems to be a mysterious force, which will fully arouse the power that Yang Chen has always contained.

In a moment, the whole crystal stone burst into five strong lights, which only flashed through a few breath times, and the crystal stone broke down instantly.

"I didn't work hard, it wasn't my fault." Yang Chen was pale with fright.

This is a fairy thing. If he breaks it, their family can't afford it.

"Wait!" In the eyes of the monk, a fine light flashed.

He seemed to think of something, and took out a compass from his arms and put it in front of Yang Chen.

"Put your hand on it." The voice of the nun was a little shaky.

Yang Chen dare not hesitate to put his hand on.

A strange force, instantly fell on Yang Chen, this moment, Yang Chen felt that all the secrets on his body were understood.

And in this moment, the compass in all directions, suddenly released dazzling light.

"The five elements, this is the five elements in the hearsay!" The friar was very excited.

The five element body is a legendary constitution. No matter what attribute of the cultivation, the efficiency of this kind of constitution will be extremely high.

Moreover, they can practice any attribute of the five elements without conflict.

In the same practice, some monks may only master one or two attributes of the skill, while the five elements can practice multiple attributes of the skill.

The word "heaven is a genius" suddenly flashed in the mind of the monk.

"Ha ha ha, I didn't expect to meet such a genius in such a remote country!" The nun laughed.


Genius, is it the country boy in front of you?

How could it be that this boy looks so dull, so many clever and clever children are not selected. He is a country boy, and he will be praised as a genius by the immortal?

The monk patted Yang Chen on the shoulder: "younger martial brother, let's go."

He was surprised in his heart, and he could bring back a five element body for zongmen. Not to mention the contribution point, he might also get some unexpected rewards.

Li Fubao opened his eyes and looked at Yang Chen unbelievably.

He used to ridicule Yang Chen many times, but now he feels the gap between the two.

A medicine boy, a disciple, between the two is a world of difference.

"Elder martial brother, please don't put your heart on the previous events." Li Fubao hurriedly came forward and whispered.

Yang Chen looked at Li Fubao, saying nothing, but the excitement in his heart was difficult to suppress.

"This is strength, I have strength, Li Fubao will not dare to insult me!" Yang Chen's eyes are getting brighter and brighter.

The monk laughed and flew a crane from the sky, and he would fly away with them.

But at this time, suddenly from the sky came a thunderous drink.

"Leave the children in your hands."

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