Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1001: Love enemy

Everyone looked down at Qin Shi’s gaze, and they all frowned slightly.

That figure is a handsome young boy, a blue robes, quite a few books, but as long as it is a somewhat capable guy, I am afraid I will not think so?

In the eyes of Qin Shi, I saw this person at a glance. He was just a person who was rescued by cold light when he was in danger. However, he searched the sea, but could not find any news related to this person.

"Stone, do you know him? This person is not simple, the five layers of the scorpio, this cultivation, placed in the sacrifice of the gods, are ranked top, second only to those enchanting eight fields, and, just now That hand, the kind of sharp and decisive attack, is not something that ordinary people can use." Haoyue's mouth went to Qin Shi's side: "You "Pig

Qin Shi heard the words, but it was not easy. The black scorpion was very serious. The moon was obviously misunderstood: "I don't know him."

"What? You don't know him?" Haoyue squatted and squinted: "You're kidding, you don't know him, why should he save you?"

"Do you think that I will make such a joke? And, is this kind of joke funny? I want to know now why he saved me."

Wen Yan, Haoyue frowned, began to think that Qin Shi was joking, but now it seems that Qin Shi really does not know this young man, then, things are not simple, his expression becomes serious, holding The hand of the lyric sword is also involuntarily tight.

"That's really troublesome."

皓月护护在秦石 around, after all, Qin Shi’s current injury, if this young man suddenly sneaked, then Qin Shi must be unstoppable: "You said, he will also be for the Yulong Yuhu's Orb Formation Come on?"

Qin Shi was silent for a while and shook his head. "No, do you think that if he wants this orb, is it easy to **** it from me, or is it easy to **** it from the man?"

After squatting, Lu Yuedao said: "Of course it is easy to **** it from his hands. With the lessons of the past, the two women will not be hurting others."

Speaking of this, Hao Yue suddenly understood: "Yes, if he does not shoot, the man will definitely succeed, so that he can get the orb as long as he blocks him from the mausoleum, but now, there are these two The woman is there, he is definitely not a chance, then you said, what is he?"

Qin Shi smiled and shook his head: "How do I know, but, I think, we will know soon."

He raised his eyes and looked at the young man.

The young man was very scornful sneer: "Save you? Oh, it’s ridiculous, do you think I am saving you? Don’t be naive."

Qin Shi frowned, and he did not like the attitude of the young man: "You don't want to save me, why should you shoot?"

"I shot, just don't want to, the man that my beloved woman loves, died in the hands of a little sister, then, it would be better for me to solve you personally." The young man's indifference.

"What is your beloved woman?"

Qin Shi was slightly stunned, and Haoyue was also shocked from the side. He smiled and smiled: "Oh, is your love rival?"

Qin Shibai gave him a look, and immediately realized that he was a real enemy. If he said that he is a rival, then he does not have to think about it, and he knows who it is. Among the three women he loves, Yuluo and the jade in the book are impossible. Only the snow heart, he smiled: "What do you mean, is it snow heart?"

"Yes, it's snowy heart." The young man was so angry that he was full of hostility to Qin Shi: "I like her, so I hope that you will not appear in front of her in the future."

"You are threatening me?" Qin Shi's face changed slightly and faintly cold, although his spiritual power is not in control, but the breath of the king who is exclusive to him is not obscured at any time, domineering: " Hehe, since you know me, then I think you should know Snow Heart? I don’t want to pay attention to how much you like her, but you also said that as long as she still likes me, then I will not leave her, but instead One day, I will stay with her forever, and the person around her can only be me!"

The young man stared at Qin Shi and slowly said: "Really, I knew her. In the cooperation task between Zengyu and Qingxuezong, she rescued me and we spent some time together."

"After getting along for a while?" Qin Shi couldn't help but smile. With his understanding of Xue Xuexin, it was so cold that he ignored the temper of others. He could not help but imagine how many children would be when they were together. : "I think, during what time you called, she should have ignored you?"

"I...!" The youth's face was really stiff, and some of them were not natural. Qin Shi guessed it correctly. Since Xue Xuexin shot him to save him once, he never had any communication with him. One person practiced, one People hunted, and one person completed the task, always keeping that part of the green.

But this is also the case, calling him more and more obsessive, until after it has almost become a crazy, crazy state, but Xue Xuexin completed the task, almost no pause, it is necessary to rush back to Qing Xuezong.

It was also that time, he finally couldn’t help but stop the snow heart, because he knew that if he missed this time, he might not have the chance to approach this woman in this life. He had the courage to make a request for contact with Xue Xin. .

However, all of a sudden, the woman who has always been a plain woman suddenly became disgusted, and an extremely sensitive vigilance, and he said, the first sentence in history.

"The person I like, called Qin Shi, don't follow me anymore."

Then, he went away, until now, he had no chance to see her second side, and in the process, he has been searching for the word Qin Shi in the eight fields, he always thought Qin Shi, who can attract the hearts of the peerless beauty, must be the leader of the eight domains, but there is no news, until the sacrifice of the gods, he just coincided that Qin Shi also participated.

However, he just saw Qin Shi, just the scene of the wolverine.

"Yes, what?" I didn't think about it. I also know that a girl like her is not worthy of her! But I will never allow it. She and you have no ability to protect her. People together, if she has to do this, then I can only kill you." The youth voice became cold.

Wen Yan, Qin Shi frowned. "How do you know that I have no ability to protect her?"

"The seven-day situation, almost died in the hands of a low-level Xiaoyan, isn't this enough? Need something else?" Young sarcasm.

Qin Shi sighed and he found that it was useless to say anything to this guy. He had to compromise and asked: "What do you want?"

"Fighting me, if you can win me, then I believe that you have the ability to protect her, I will not appear in front of you, bother you, but if you lose, just do what I said, Don't appear in front of her in the future, she is too good, and similar things will happen in the future. Even without me, others will find them. When you are defeated by others, you will be trampled. Calling her sad, not so much, it is better for me to erase this kind of trouble, at least she is not here now." The young man stunned.

Qin Shi’s eyes are weird, and some have nothing to say and shake their heads: “boring, I am not interested in thinking about what you prove, but I will not let anyone hurt her, anyone.”

"To say this with your current strength, is it not self-sufficient?"

Helpless long sigh, this guy is too extreme, Qin Shi finally too lazy to gossip: "You just saved me, I really appreciate you, but I will not retreat about snow heart, nor will you compare with you Because no matter what, I will not leave her."

After all, he rushed to the three men to raise their hands: "Let's go."

"Want to go?" The young man changed his face. Suddenly, when Qin Shi was striding, he rushed forward with a stagger, and the five fingers were clawed to Qin Shi.

Qin Shi’s eyes changed, and a giant sword stood in front of him in the next second.


A loud noise, the slight numbness of the wrist in the moon, a few steps back, Qin Shi helped him, this is the young cold road: "You don't do too much!"

"Fearing and shrinking, what kind of skill, such you, can not be worthy of the snow heart." The young man's heavy voice, immediately from him, a golden earth mountain will condense, and rushed down to Qin Shi straight.

Staring at the mountain, Haoyue bite his teeth and bowed his waist to prepare for the attack.

Qin Shi’s face sank. The previous one, Haoyue has been seriously injured. The five layers of Tianzhu are more than the next month. If you go to block this attack for the next month, it will definitely be a big deal.

"There is no copy of your shot."

Suddenly, Zi Lingsha stepped forward, her shadow like a butterfly ~ ~ jade hand pinch, a purple cold will slowly rise, followed her to the dirt hill, for a moment, that mountain from bottom to top It turned purple and black, followed by a bang, and collapsed.

The youth's face changed slightly, and it was obviously shocked by the strength of Zi Lingsha, but he immediately snorted: "Qin Shi, do you always hide behind the woman?"

"Less nonsense, don't want to die, just give me a roll!"

It should be that the words of the youth angered Zi Lingsha, and she was full of poison gas from the cold current of her body, but suddenly, Qin Shi patted her from behind and slowly came forward.

Qin Shi stared at the young man with stern eyes: "Do you want to fight with me? Is it a chance for me?"

"Well?" The three people of Zi Lingsha are all a glimpse. Zi Lingsha is anxiously saying: "Stone, are you crazy? Your present body..."

Qin Shi suddenly interrupted her and shook her head: "Some things, I should solve it."

"Well, this is a bit of a force. At least it is worthy of you." The young man nodded, and immediately he sipped at Qin Shi: "That, I started."

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