Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1018: Kong Wei

Suddenly the strange picture is called the audience.

"This, what's wrong with this?"

"I don't know, it seems like... It seems to be civil strife? What does Yin Bingming mean? He is not saying that he wants to give the treasure of this tomb to Qin Shi? What does it mean now?"

"Cut, can you do this kind of ghost? That is the treasure of the tomb of the gods. Who is stupid enough to make people confess?"

Qin Shi’s eyes gradually became cold, and he did not expect Yin Bingming to really turn his back. This made his anger rise like a day.

&n! Pig! Pig! Island! Fiction.zuzudo.bsp; Immediately, his black and fierce eyes, I saw the disciples in the distance, the whole body tilted, and the three men of the month and Kong Xianhui encircle, and the head is early Prepared Li Yan.

Seeing this, Qin Shicai suddenly realized that Yin Bingming had planned everything from beginning to end. Yin Bingming did not want to let the treasure out. He just used him and told him to sneer out: "Oh, Yin brother, you are really Good."

"Qin brother, let's accept it, you can't live this mausoleum today." Yin Bingming's villain laughed, this is called Qin Shi's hatred.

Haoyue is tight: "Yin Bingming! What are you doing! Losing you in the eight domains, also known as the heroic heroes, is this your style?"

"Oh? You said this?" Yin Bingming smiled in disapproval and said: "Of course, if you don't do it, how can you trust me easily? I have forbeared for so many years, deliberately defending my reputation. It is this moment."

"You...!" Haoyue was dumbfounded by Yin Bingming's words. He knew what the real villain looked like.


Yin Bingming’s city and heart, all people are crouching.

Of course, how can he be so angry because of a few words in the next few months? He smiled a little and didn't think so: "Li Yan, let's do it."

"Yes!" Li Yan responded, and immediately he waved his hand and gave orders to the disciples of the wind domain: "The disciples of the winds listened to the orders, and the massacre began!"

In the blink of an eye, the disciples of the winds are all crazy.

Thousands of martial arts are on the rise, and their goal is not only the three men of the month, but even the eight-domain disciples with the periphery are all strangled.

Suddenly, the mausoleum once again fell into a panic.

Yin Bingming was determined to be on the altar. He looked around the blood and felt the **** smell, which made him excited.

He did not delay, his body leaped violently, and fell on the battlefield of the central chaos. The hurricane in the palm of his hand was like a dragon, and the palm of his hand would have fallen into a pool of blood.

However, at this time, his body changed his eyes, and a slightly rising arc rose from the corner of the moon. This made him feel a bit puzzling: "The kid, dead to the head, can you still laugh?"

Haoyue held a lyrical sword, and one person rushed out of the sea. He had arrived in front of Yin Bingming, and said coldly: "Oh, dead to the end? Are you talking about you?"

"Well? What do you mean?" Yu Yue's relaxed and free-spirited Yin Bingming felt a bit chilly.

"What do I mean?" Haoyue leaned on the lyrical sword and shook his head naturally: "Do you really think that with these disciples in your winds, can you be king in the mausoleum?"

"To deal with you, enough!"

"Enough? Innocent!" Waving a lyrical sword in the moon, it is a mad laughter: "Dragon group, do you know?"

"Dragon group?" Yin Bingming slightly frowned, squinting: "The forbidden domain dragon group, naturally knows, but what does it have to do with you?"

"What's the relationship? Do you think it's a strong dragon or is your winds strong?"

"This is not comparable! Our wind domain is personal strength, and their Dragon Group is the strength of the team. If you discuss strength alone, my older brother may not lose to Zhao Longyuan!"

"It is true, but as far as you are in the wind domain, do you think it is stronger with the Dragon Group?" Every question in Haoyue was very sharp. I was told that Yin Bingming was overwhelmed, but he did not expect Yin Bingming to respond. He, he laughed alone: ​​"I don't know how to answer it? Then I will answer it for you. If you talk about strength, it must be a dragon group. After all, your big brother is not there."

Speaking of this, Haoyue has a deep smile: "But, do you know that the Dragon Group has also entered the mausoleum?"

Yin Bingming was sullenly asked by the chain of the month. He said coldly: "I am aware of the name of the wind domain. I know of the dragon group entering the mausoleum, but what about it? I am afraid you still don't know? After entering the mausoleum from the dragon group Suddenly disappeared and disappeared. It has not appeared so far. I don’t think it’s going to be swallowed up by any other force. Do you think they will save you?”

This time, I changed it to a month, and then he couldn’t control it. He laughed: "I can’t disappear? You can laugh at the dead, let’s go. Since you know the dragon group, it’s easier to say things. Do you know how the Dragon Group disappeared?"

Yin Bingming frowned: "Do you know?"

"Of course I know that your so-called dragon group disappeared because of Qin Shi's!" Haoyue stood upright and his mouth was smirked.

Wen Yan, Yin Bingming's face suddenly turned blue, and his face was heavy and unbelievable: "You, what do you say? Is Qin Shi called the dragon group disappear? This is impossible! Qin Shi, although his strength is extraordinary, but ultimately In the seven-day world, he couldn’t resist even one blow. How could it be Zhao Longyuan’s opponent?”

“Impossible?” Haoyue smiled and shook his head, and immediately reached out and pointed to Yin Bingming’s back: “Do you really think that your blow can hurt the stone?”

"Well?" Yin Bingming squatted, and immediately realized what he had, and went back to the first place. Then, his look changed and the whole person was deadlocked.

Qin Shi was on the altar. He slowly stood up and told the truth that Yin Bingming’s attack did not cause much damage to him. With his current cultivation and strength, if not Yin Bingming’s attack, he might not be able to hurt him. But even in this case, under the healing of the rain, the time is enough for him to recover.

His eyes chilled and stared at Yin Bingming.

What he hates most is Yin Bingming.

"This, how is this possible?" Yin Bingming looked at Qin Shi with a sluggish look.

At this time, a windfield disciple came from the wind and suddenly said from his ear: "Big brother, there is news of the dragon group, the dragon group has appeared in the mausoleum, just... just...!"

"What is it?" Yin Bingming couldn't help but anger.

"Zhao Longyuan is dead...!"

"What?" Yin Bingming trembled in the bottom of his heart, suddenly remembered the words of the new moon... For a moment, his body could not help but soften.

"He... really killed Zhao Longyuan?"

Yin Bingming was shocked, but at this time, Kong Xianhui and Zi Lingsha merged with each other, and they have already been highlighted. The strength and cultivation of the two women are all in the forefront. Those who can check and balance, the disciples in the wind domain can not stop.

"How? I said, please be careful, the heart is separated from the belly." Zi Lingsha stopped from Qin Shi, and she was disgusted by Qin Shi.

Qin Shizhen looked up and disappointed: "The heart is hard to measure."

Immediately, he suddenly asked: "What do you see?"

Zi Lingsha gently shakes her head: "Yin Bingming is very deep in his heart and he is very good at acting. He can't see anything from him."

"How do you know that?"

"I? Guess." Zi Lingsha smiled sweetly, but provoked Qin Shibaiyan, Qin Shi did not believe Zi Lingsha's words.

He set his sights on Yin Bingming: "Give the light ball out."

"You can't think about it!" Yin Bingming stepped back a few steps, and he was afraid of his fists.

As if it was expected to be the result, Qin Shi sighed and shook his head: "It seems that there is nothing to say, it is you who are not benevolent, it is no wonder that I am unjust."

"Yueyue, Xianhui, Lingsha, help me."

He rushed to the left and right, then he smashed, like a sharp blade, piercing Yin Bingming's defense line, his body moving forward, rushing out.

"The desert is deserted!"

Three thousand textures, the letter is pinched, and he blasted at Yin Bingming.

The dim light is like a storm, and suddenly Yin Bingming is forced to retreat to the road. Yin Bingming’s grit is clenching his teeth, and his heart rises in shock. He is seven layers, but not as good as seven days.

The lines fell, and the relics followed.

Such as the continuous heavy rain, Qin Shi Zhao Zhao urged Yin Bingming to go.

Suddenly, Yin Bingming fell into embarrassment. He looked down at Qin Shi with a look of panic: "Qin Shi, don't kill me, have you forgotten? The friendship between us!"

Qin Shi shook his head in silence: "From the time you shot me, we have no friendship. If I don't kill you, you will kill me."

"You...!" Yin Bingming's heart was cold, and immediately his five senses suddenly picked up. He said coldly: "This is what forced me! Big Brother!"

Suddenly, he looked up and sighed.

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Next, all the disciples who were caught in the hurricane were slightly surprised, and the whole body was eroded by countless figurative cold winds.

"This, is this the field of the wind?"

The disciples of the eight domains could not help but be shocked.

Qin Shi also frowned, and his body was forced to stop by the hurricane.


"Haha, it’s a year ago, the guy who used the power of one person to disturb the chaotic domain is indeed some skill!" A mad laughter rose in the wind, falling into the ears like the ancient morning bell.

Immediately, a hurricane converges over Yin Bingming, eventually forming a tornado that faces upwards. From time to time, the wind is still shining with faint light and shadow, such as wildfire.

A handsome young man slowly emerges in the wildfire, mapping in the eyes of everyone.

"Yes... is it?"

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