Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 3 Chapter 103: Gentle township hero

Ancient city, away from the fire peak.

From the main hall of the fire inside the door.

Ling Xiao, sitting on the dragon chair on the main hall. Below, Qin Shi, Qin Yu, Su Ming, Zhou Qin, Lin Yu, Xu Qiaoer six. Among them, Qin Shi and Qin Yu and Xu Qiaoer stood on one side, and Lin Yu was the only one.

The three people of Qin Shi and Qin Yu have just escaped from the dead, and there is a feeling of regaining a new life.

After a few laps of beauty, Qin Shi suddenly stepped forward, and bowed his head with a sincere attitude. He immediately squinted at Qin and Xu Qiaoer, biting his teeth and said: "Hey, please thank you for your help." There is one thing, the disciple wants to ask you, can you tell me if I can take my friend and my sister?"

Hearing, Ling Xiaoqi’s blower’s eyes blinked: “Oh, good boy, I didn’t punish you, did you talk to me about the conditions? It’s really mad at me. Do you know, this time also? That is, Lin Yun has just left the customs, and the spiritual power is not stable. Otherwise, do you think he will let you go so easily?"

Under the horror, Qin Shi suddenly realized.

Before, he was still curious, such a good opportunity, how could Lin Yun suddenly give up? If you really handed it up at the time, let's not say that the geographical position of Yun Dingzong occupies an absolute advantage. It is just a matter of reason, and it is also Yun Dingzong.

"It turned out to be like this. No wonder Lin Yun would easily let me go. It turned out that he just broke through and the reason for the instability." Thinking of this, Qin Shi secretly grasped his head and was embarrassed. : "Hey, this time is a disciple of Lu Wei, next time you pay attention, next time you pay attention."

"Your boy, I was really mad at you. Do you know what the consequences would be if the two masters played against each other?" The finger tapped on the dragon chair with a uniform rhythm, and Ling Xiao was laughed at by Qin Shi. Sighing and shaking his head, said.

Qin Shixia.

Although he does not agree on the surface, he pretends to be very calm, but he still has a fear in his heart. After experiencing Yun Dingzong, he was deeply aware of his lack of strength and was more aware of his innocence and recklessness.

As Ling Xiao said, if the two masters fight, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Yun Dingzong, from the fire sect, the ancient city two major.

If the two sides play against each other, the people of the entire ancient city will be affected, and even the destruction of the ancient city is no exaggeration. The masters of the broken spirits are fighting, and the commanding of the bombs is a ridiculous ridiculousness. This is not just a legend.

"Hey, please punish me."

Under hesitation, Qin Shi put up a look of inferiority.

"I really want to punish you!" Ling Xiao didn't have a good glance at his eyes, but his eyes were slightly awkward. He finally shook his head in a helpless way. He said, "Forget it, look at you as a first offense, this time. Things will be saved, and you will take your little girl and your friends to find Cui Yunhai to leave the fire token."

Hearing this, Qin Shi’s heart was happy: “Hey, are you promised?”

Ling Xiao held his hand behind his back and licked his mouth and looked at Lin Yu. He is full of helplessness, can't he promise to do it? This great fairy, if he does not agree with Qin Shi, Lin Yu will stand up, instead of letting Lin Yu open, it is better for him to push a smooth water.

"Hey, you are so friends."

Brilliantly raised his mouth, Qin Shi grabbed the hand of Qin Yu and Xu Qiaoer and said: "Isn't you seen? Ben said, I am a purple disciple, letting you go in from the fire is not a trivial matter? As long as you have a good meal, please."

Qin Yu and Xu Qiaoer were originally dignified and serious, and they were laughed and relaxed by Qin Shi.

Both of them successfully entered the fire, and they were very happy.

Of course, Qin Shi also knows that Lin Yu played an absolute role. He is very self-aware, even if he is a purple disciple from the fire, not to Ling Xiao personally went to Yun Dingzong to save him, Ling Xiao's appearance, Lin Yu has an absolute relationship.

But for Lin Yu, Qin Shi never thanked. Because he felt that, but it seems strange, he just silently wrote down, hope that one day in the future, he can also do something for Lin Yu.

Looking at the cheering of a few people, Ling Xiao waved his hand and coughed a few times. He attracted the eyes of several people in Qin Shi and immediately said: "You don't be too happy, although you are lucky to escape this time, but half a The secret of burning the moon after the month is the most important thing."

“Cultivate the sky?”

As soon as the eyeball turns, Qin Shi decides.

He is full of curiosity and incomprehension about this mysterious environment. He can't help but ask: "What is the place where the head of the family burns the sky?"

Bringing up the secret of burning the sky, Ling Xiao has never had the right color. Imagine being a succinct place for a lord, what would be a simple place? He hesitated and said: "Chen the secret of the sky, burning the Tianshan Peak five hundred miles away from the ancient city, this mysterious environment is ancient heredity, full of strange treasures."

"The ancient secret?"

This is the second ancient mystery that Qin Shi knows.

It just looks like this, the secret of burning the sky is far from the secret of the old town.

"Well, outside the burning peaks, there is a burning fire all year round. The fire is fierce and fierce, full of mighty spiritual power. It has not been extinguished for hundreds of years. Even if I don't dare to approach it easily," said the fire, Ling Xiao is also revealed. A look of fear.

Qin Shi’s heart is tight, and even the people with such strengths are not afraid to approach the fire. How terrible is that? Thinking of this, he grasped his head even more puzzled and asked: "Since there is such a fierce fire, how can we enter this burning secret?"

When I heard the sound, Ling Xiao nodded and admired the Qin Shi. Qin Shi did not fear because of the terrible fire. Instead, he seized the key points. This made him conclude that Qin Shi was not the object in the pool: "Although the burning of the sky is full of fire, but every three years, the heavens and the earth gather, When the yang is fading, the fire will become weaker than ever."

"So, taking this opportunity, I and the elders will unite the heads and elders of Yun Dingzong, and gather spiritual power to open up a channel in the fire. For half a month, the disciples of the two masters Entering into it, try to find treasure." Speaking of this, Ling Xiaoton down, smiled and smiled: "Speak up, the curse of curse that you cultivated was also found in the secret of burning the sky."

Qin Shi nodded, he knew this.

"Of course, for the burning of the secret, the two sects have signed an agreement. In the process of burning the sky, it is to allow the killing between the two major disciples." The voice turned to this, Ling Xiao solemnly said, "So you guys Be extremely careful."


"No wonder, Lin Yun, the old man and Chu Yuanba told me, let me be in the middle of the burning sky." Clearly, Qin Shi thought in his heart, suddenly surprised and raised his mouth, thinking of Chu Yuanba in Yundingzong The manic face, sneer: "Can you kill? Just right."

The killing of the clear is over.

Seeing Qin Shi’s contempt, Ling Xiao was somewhat worried: “Don’t take it lightly, the three little bullies of Yun Dingzong are not bragging. Everyone is a dragon and a dragon on earth. If you talk about strength, even the eight purple disciples of my ancestors, I can only bow down."

"There is peace in my hands, I know in my heart!"

The strength of the three bullies is indeed amazing, even if it is the third-ranked Chu Yuanba, Qin Shi is not an opponent now. Think about the second, first, and what is the existence. But isn't there still half a month? Qin Shi will not give up until the last moment.

Moreover, he is not alone, and his brothers.

Thinking of this, he turned his head and glanced at the eyes of Qin Yu, Xu Qiaoer, Zhou Qin, and Qin Qin. They finally stayed on Lin Yu’s body, and they showed their feelings. Forced action: "Brothers are united, their profit is broken!"

"Hey! Who is your brother? My two sisters are good?" Unexpectedly, did not give Qin Shi a chance to force, Zhou Qin warmly stepped on the front, revealing a sweet and playful smile, holding Xu Qiaoer, said: "Cell, you are right? This is really shameless!"

Xu Qiaoer is indifferent and not good at words.

Qin Shi thought that this time Zhou Qin would eat a big dumb loss, and secretly secretly said: "Hey, want to be bad? Zhou Qin, Zhou Qin, you really don't know much about it. Wait and see, look. How does she marry you." Thinking in the heart, but after the picture, let him grow his mouth in a wrong way, the face is incredible.

I saw that Xu Qiao gave the face of Zhou Qin, although he still had a smile on his cheek, but he pretended to turn his eyes down. Finally, he nodded very seriously and said: "Really, the stone brother is always very shameless!"


Qin Shi’s five senses were distorted, and the convulsions were stunned. “Yes, is this a sister?”

Lin Yu and Su Ming, two bad friends, have long laughed at the side without a long heart. This made Qin Shi in the dark and made friends inadvertently. The original serious hall was suddenly active. Even the solemn Ling Xiao, in the dragon chair, shook his head slightly, showing a smile.

"Oh, it’s a little guy who is not afraid of being afraid for a few days. Since you are so confident, I will look forward to your achievements after half a month, but don’t let me down." Ling Xiao caressed his beard and waved his sleeves. , indicating that several people are leaving.

When leaving the hall, several people accompanied each other.

They first accompanied Qin and Xu Qiaoer to Cui Yunhai and took the fire token.

With two white tokens, the two became the inner disciples away from the fire.

For this, Qin Shi was sincerely happy. After all, these two people came with him. One was a sister, and the other was a brother who was born dead. Now I watched both of them have a home. He said: Children, brother, congratulations."

As a younger sister, Xu Qiaoer is not too different.

However, Qin Biao is different. He is not valued in Yun Dingzong. Now Qin Shi introduces him away from the fire, which is equivalent to giving him the opportunity to be born again. This kind of reinvention, he remembered the heart: "This is thanks to the stone you, as long as there is a place where you can use your brother, as long as you open your mouth, brothers on the mountain, under the fire, it is incumbent."

A friendship is not easy.

Didn't wait for Qin Shi to Lin Yu suddenly rushed up, with a smirked expression, he could guess that he didn't think about good things, pulling Qin Xiao's voice: "Hey brother, I listen to Qin Shi." Say, you are the master of the pick-up world? Go to Yujie, go down to Loli, female man, cute sister, pass the notice Xiao? Really? You have to teach me!"

"Well, the package will be!"

Qin Hao patted the chest, since the channel.

"Too good..." Lin Yu’s eyes lit up, but he didn’t wait for him to say the words. I saw that Zhou Qin’s hand had climbed into his ear, and it’s hard to get a seven hundred and twenty degree roundabout. Taking advantage of him turning a few laps on the ground, he scared him to cry quickly: "The goddess is forgiving, the goddess is forgiving!"

Several people saw this scene and laughed.

After the Zhou family, the relationship between Lin Yu and Zhou Qin has undergone subtle changes.

Qin Shi couldn't help but touched the ear, feeling pitiful for Lin Yu, whispered: "Hey, since the ancient gentle town is a hero, this sentence is really awesome. It seems that after the days of Xiaoyuzi, I want to sink and struggle in the pain of happiness!"

A few people smiled and prepared to leave the nursing home.

But at this time, Cui Yunhai took Qin Shi and said: "Little guy, you promised me, should you cash it?"

PS: In a blink of an eye, the third volume is open, and fifty days have passed. Xiaobai thanked everyone for their long-term support and companionship. Yesterday, chatting with friends, talking about what is romantic, I think the true romance is the long-term companionship~ Hey, everyone friends, come together in the group happy, group number: 227024606. This volume will be the first climax of the evil lord, and the climax will be repeated. Please look forward to it.

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