Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1029: What's the point?


Hey -!

In an instant, among the sacrifices of the whole godland, suddenly fell into an unprecedented silence, a long and full of vibrato that carried out the heavens and the earth, suddenly covered on the sky.

boom! Rumble!

For a moment, it is an endless golden man, bursting from the center of an absurd ruin, directly through the clouds in the sky, and attracting all the disciples of the Divine sacrifices.

"What is that?" A group of disciples who were not far from the crater were slightly shocked, and the strength of the volatility & pig & pig & island & novel {www}.{zhuzhu}{}.{}, called them panicked.

"I don't know, there is definitely a treasure of heaven and earth!"

"Well, why are you doing it? Although the treasure of the tomb was lost, the vision of the heavens and the earth caused by this treasure is definitely not a product. If we can get it, it will be reused in the domain!"

"Really, let's go!"

More and more disciples have been attracted, whether it is the shock in the vision of the day, or the amazing breath in the golden light, is enough to make the whole godhood sacrifice crazy.

For a time, the whole godhood sacrifice caused a frenzy, and thousands of eight-field disciples all gathered at the crater in the middle of the ruins.

However, in the middle of the crater, on a quiet island, Qin Shi was immersed in the mind of the sea god, and was delighted by the tenth floor of the mysterious Bible that he had just realized, but he did not know. The situation of his own situation at this time and the danger of moving closer to him.

On that day, Mang Jinguang was shocked by his comprehension. The outside Kong Xianhui three people all frowned. The corner of the moon was the closest to Qin Shi. At one time, the sudden rise of the golden light gave the earthquake a few steps, and the mouth twitched. Bottom: "It's a terrible power. What is this kid doing?"

"It should be the treasure of the tomb!" Kong Xianhui Meijing, the deep uneasiness is extremely obvious: "Here, although there are volcanoes around, but the force of counteracting the ordinary is still stubborn, but the alarm caused by Qin Shi is It must be hidden, and it is estimated that we have to have trouble again."

After hearing the news, I realized the crisis and gaze away from the island. Afterwards, the face was deadlocked, and I couldn’t help but smile: "Oh, it’s more trouble, this is simply a natural disaster...!"

In the twinkling of an eye, hundreds of eight-field disciples, such as locusts, generally swept across the ridiculous land, clearly and clearly mapped in the eyes of Haoyue.

Soon, the entire island was surrounded.


However, when the sacrifice of the gods fell into this whimsy frenzy, on another distant scorpio, here is the snow of the sky, so that the mountains are covered with silver, and a wonderful shadow is independent. She couldn't see a little bit of love on her delicate, and some were as cold as ice.

Her beauty looked down, in a icy ice valley, a fierce saber-toothed tiger crouched and lying, and there were hundreds of disciples around the saber-toothed tiger.

It can be seen that the hundreds of disciples and these saber-toothed tigers have been deadlocked for a long time, and both sides have their own casualties. However, due to the number advantage of the disciples, the saber-toothed tiger has obviously fallen into a disadvantage, and many bone wounds in the body can be seen. It has not been able to last for too long.

"These disciples are really persistent, but they are only ordinary saber-toothed tigers, which caused them to spend three hours." Suddenly, a young man stepped forward and sneered at the shadows beside him: "Snow heart, look like They are about to end soon. As long as you take the opportunity to strangle them, your points should be able to break through three thousand. At that time, the list of the gods will be born, and the end of the sacrifice of the gods is not far away. ""


However, the words of the young man, as for Xue Xuexin, seem to have no temptation, and her apricot eyes are always indifferent, as if there is nothing in this world, it is able to cause her heart to move, only the boy in the black robe ,exception.

The young man squatted and his eyes flashed with anger. This young man was the disciple who had smashed the wind disciples for the snowy heart at the top of the mountain. He just sighed for a long time, obviously also against the snow heart. I know a lot and know the character of the latter.

However, he is not embarrassed and continues to say: "If you can win this World Championship, return to the Zong, the Sovereign will definitely reward you, do you want me to do it for you?"

In other words, the young man pointed to the disciples in the wind valley below, very casual, I do not know where the confidence comes from, that the nearly one hundred windfield disciples, in his eyes are like ants.

If Xue Xuexin is indulging for a moment, if she changes to the past, I am afraid she will not hesitate, and she does not need this young man to do it. She personally leans down and harvests the disciples of these winds.

However, since her character changed in a subtle manner five years ago, she has entered the Divine Festival, although she has taken two thousand points, but everyone who died in her hands has a reason to die. .

If not, with her strength, I am afraid to call out the domain list.

"He won't like me to kill too much. These people have no reason to die. I am looking for the rest of the goal." In the end, she still swayed the dagger and turned around with a light turn.

The young man looked like a chilly, biting his teeth: "Hey Snow Heart! Do you really want to give up? Don't forget, on your body, it's not just yourself, but the whole Qing Xuezong!"

"I don't need you to blame." Snow is not coming back, just a cold response.

This time, the young man was furious, and his fist clenched his fist: "You are enough! The tomb appears, but you ask, the vision flashes, you ask, now the domain is in front of you, and you still do it!" Do you really want to give up the glory of Qing Xuezong because of that person? You are not afraid to return to the sect, do you blame you?"

Suddenly, the snowy heart stopped, and the moment the young man mistakenly thought that the snow heart was moved by him, and the look between the gods could not help but ease. However, the snow heart was slowly at this time. Turning around, such as the black squat of the deep pool, it seems to be shocked by what, causing a few slight embarrassment.

"For him, I am willing to be punished!"

"You...!" The youth suddenly stopped.

Looking at the young people who are not speaking, Xue Xuexin said gently: "I will be looking for a goal and calling out the domain of the gods." Then she wants to turn again.

"Snow Heart Sister!" At this moment, an ethereal sound suddenly sounded from the snow-capped mountains, and a shadow rushed down and fell into the snowy heart.

Seeing that the shadow of the snow heart first smashed, and immediately from her delicate, only revealed a rare smile: "How come you? Is this road still smooth?"

"Successful, smooth! Let's not say this! Snow Sister, do you know who I met on the way?" The shadow dances, if Qin Shi is here, she will recognize her, not exactly Yan Ling?

Qi Xuexin hesitated slightly and smiled: "Who met?"

"Qin, Qin Shi Big Brother!"

Hey! The whole person seems to be shaking, and the exquisite and pretty face reveals the unspeakable movement, and the emotion is slightly out of control: "You, who are you talking? Qin Shi?"

"Yes, it is Qin Shi's big brother." Yan Ling carefully daggers the dagger and immediately said: "Before, we were sneaked into the chaotic field on the way to the sacrifice of the gods. If it wasn't for Qin Shi's big brother to save in time, it is estimated. I have no life to see you."

"Stone, did he save you?"

Yan Ling excited head: "Well, and you certainly can't think of it, Qin Shi's big brother also participated in this godland sacrifice."

Although I have been sensing it for a long time, when I heard the affirmation of Yan Ling, the body of the snow heart was still shaking slightly, and the eyes of the apricot were scattered and gratified: "He, is it really coming?"

And the youth who always persevered in the snow behind the heart, but it was a sharp wrinkling, clenched his fist: "Hey, Qin Shi, I will find you, let you know to fight with me, how much is not Self-control!"

He sipped in his heart, and immediately followed Yan Ling and the rest of the Qingxue disciples, a thin disciple went up and down, and quickly went to the youth: "Eagle brother."

Looking back to the disciple, the young man was very indifferent: "I have asked you to check the things, have you checked them out?"

"Back to Big Brother, I have checked it. The treasure of the former tomb was obtained by Qin Shi."

"Qin Shi?" The eagle’s mouth twitched, and the whole person became bad. The eyes could not help but squint at the snow heart.

Sure enough, after Xue Xuexin heard the words of the disciple, Jiao Jiao trembled slightly, turned back and asked the disciple: "You said, who?"

The disciple was questioned by Xue Xuexin, dare not have the slightest scorn, and quickly bowed his head: "It seems that it is called Qin, Qin Shi, he was framed in the mausoleum, and almost killed in the mausoleum. However, in the end, the Qianshan secluded woman in Purgatory took the shot, and he was lucky enough to take away the treasure of the tomb and escape the birth day."

"He was injured?" The voice of Xue Xuexin was a little rushed. The latter words did not listen at all. He said: "Do you know which direction he went?"

"Know, know..."


"Just, the vision that was just caused is caused by the Qin Shi. It is said that he has been surrounded by the eight-domain disciples in the ridiculous land." The thin disciple was careful.

However, I heard the words, and Xue Xue turned his back without hesitation.

Seeing this scene, the eagle rushed to drink in a hurry: "Snow heart, don't worry, then the kid can win the treasure of the mausoleum, and the sky has passed the sea to the present, it must have its own skills, now these winds here Disciples are injured, why don't you just take their points first?"

"I said, in my opinion, the list of the gods is not worth mentioning relative to him. I have been waiting for him. Now he has finally reached this step. If there is any mistake in this time, then I will always Can't forgive myself."

"So, I am alive, what do you mean?"

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