Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1055: Jianzong

The fourth position in the domain of the gods is a purgatory: a thousand mountains and a female.

Staring at the four words, Qin Shi’s heart is always hanging down. The thing that has always been worrying in his heart is Zi Lingsha.

Zi Lingsha was trapped in the mausoleum because of his involvement. Later, even though he was known to have been destroyed by the group and the people in the wind, he was no longer interested in Zi Lingsha.

For Zi Lingsha, his emotions are always very complicated, and it is precisely this way that he does not want to owe her any human feelings.

"However, it is strange that the list of the gods has been on the list for several days. It is reasonable to say that there should be no more changes. How did the purgatory of the purgatory go up?" Yu Yue curious, pig, pig, island, novel ww.zhuzhuda Asked.

Fang Qing was silent for a while, saying: "It should have been blocked by her enchantment before her points, so she was not caught by the sacred list. Now she leaves the enchantment, and the sacred list will be changed."

"That is enough shocking. What enchantment can even block the esoteric list?"

"It is the tomb of the gods."

Under the doubts of the people, Qin Shi smiled easily from the side, and immediately stared at the two thousand points behind the purple Lingsha, which should be obtained from the hands of Confucius and the disciples in the wind, so that he could be regarded as a peace of mind.

"Okay, let's go back. Now the sacrifice of the gods has ended. After half a month, there will be a sacred meeting in the eight domains. At that time, the eight domains will gather together, according to the ranking of the gods. At the head of the field, we must go back and prepare for the sword."


When I heard Fang Qing’s words, all the disciples were full of blood. If they were counted, the swordsmanship had been there for hundreds of years. It was not in the position of touching the head of the eight domains. This time, it was also a proud exaggeration.

Fang Qing smiled and got up, and immediately under her jade hand, the space appeared slightly, and a hollow tunnel emerged in front of everyone.

Staring at the tunnel for half a ring, Qin Shi’s heart is also excited. After the cracks in Fang Qing’s hand, the space is cracked and unusual. The surrounding area is supported by strong spiritual power. There is no point in the disorder, and the power of space must be known. It is the most magical force in the world, and even the domain is impossible to master so perfect.

“Is this the strength of the realm?”

Qin Shi’s heartbeat jumped, and he finally touched the height of the world’s peak in a few years, but he still had a distance from this height.

What makes him even more excited, however, is that he knows that at the end of the tunnel is the Jianzong, one of the eight famous domains, and the place he might spend in the next few years.

He couldn’t help but rise a few minutes in his heart.

"Jian Zong, what kind of adventure can you bring me?" At the thought of this, his black eyes shone with a thorough radiance and expectation, and then everyone who followed the swordsman got up.


Half a day later, the disciples of Jianzong went out of the tunnel under the leadership of Fang Qing.

What caught the eye was the heart of Qin Shi, and I couldn’t help but shake the picture. Here, it was a misty fairyland, a majestic city towering like a dragon ridge.

"Is this the sword?"

Qin Shi’s shocked low-pitched voice should be overlooked by high-altitude, making it appear more magnificent than the chaotic domain. Qionglou Yuyu has thousands of piles, and there are countless luxury sword-shaped palaces on the Scorpio. It is such a magical suspension on the clouds. Every palace reveals dazzling golden awns.

"How are you satisfied with this place?" Yu Yue took a look at Qin Shizheng's look and proudly: "I don't want you to say that if it is about construction, Jianzong should be in the eight domains."

There is no doubt about Qin Shi, this kind of big project is indeed perfect, and it is awesome.

And this is only the beginning. After everyone descended from the sky, hundreds of thousands of disciples were neatly arranged in the square in the center of Jianzong Zheng. Everyone saw the blue color after Fang Qing, and the loud voice carried through the clouds.

"Congratulations to the Lord!"

"Congratulations to the Lord!"

Fang Qing satisfactorily waved his hand sleeves, and this time he got up and jumped into the hall.

Qin Shi always followed her. Just after entering the hall, a familiar dry shadow smiled at him: "Hey, little guy, didn't you think you did it?"

"Feng sand predecessors?" Going back to look at the shadow, Qin Shi smashed the gods, and the shadow is not the old sands that rescued him from the chaos?

The wind and sand caressed and laughed: "Haha, it's not bad. I didn't see the wrong person at the beginning."

For the wind and sand, Qin Shi’s performance is very cordial. It is sincere and sincere, because he himself is very clear. If there is no sandstorm, I am afraid that he has already been killed by the three people of Shifeng, and there will be opportunities. Get what you have achieved today?

Of course, grateful to grateful, some principled things, Qin Shi naturally will not give in, the mouth suddenly reveals a smile: "The sandstorm predecessors, you see you, within the Jianzong, high morality, so definitely The person who keeps the promise, right? When you promised me, you won’t forget it?”

"Well?" The wind and sand slammed a bit, and suddenly realized that he didn't have a good smile: "Oh, you are a stinky boy, this just survived, and now I am playing the old man's attention, right?"

"One yard of code, the chaos of the domain will not end, this is also the predecessor you promised me, but I also need to arm myself, full of their own wings. After all, can not rely on the sword, everything This is a trouble for the sword sect, you are right." Qin Shi did not care about the stall hand, a little rogue look.

This makes the wind blow the beard and blinks. I can't help but smile and shake my head. "You're a mixed ball! It's just like the original Qiqing. I promised you that although you are relieved, you will definitely not lose yours."

Affirmed, Qin Shi was only satisfied with the nod, the temptation of the conditions that the sandstorm gave him, it is not that the sword will help him to attack the chaotic domain, but also a full million swordsman points and a reincarnation martial arts This is not a joke.

Especially after seeing the power of the Jiulong Qianyuan and the blissful environment, Qin Shi’s reincarnation on the reincarnation of martial arts has increased several times.

That level of martial arts, that is enough to turn around the existence of Qiankun.

"Fang Qingzong, you are also doing this, you have to give me a testimony." Qin Shi did not forget to bring Fang Qing into a witness. He wanted to have Fang Qing, and the sand should not be used.

Wen Yan, Fang Qing couldn't help but laugh, the sweetness on the jade surface, so many elders of the swordsman were stunned for a moment, knowing that these few hundred years, they have rarely seen Fang Qing so laughed. .

Qin Shi is also a bit of a dry mouth. I have to say that this square is really a peerless beauty. The smile that is moving and the city is even that he is moving.

"This kid is really blessed." Jian Qing enviously shook his head.

"Do not worry, I will bear witness for you." Fang Qing lightly daggers, she seems to have a different kind of emotions to Qin Shi, very much love and love.

There is Fang Qing’s testimony, which allowed Qin Shi to let go of his heart, and then Fang Qing paused for a moment. This was a bit of a positive point, and once again restored the majesty of the sovereign, and turned back to the sword engine: "Jian Qing, you have to arrange, Calling all my disciples, I want to officially announce tonight that Feng Qinshi is a retired disciple."

"Tonight?" Swordsman’s mouth was surprised and said: "Sovereign, is this a bit too abrupt?"

"What is the abruptness? Qin Shiben is the champion of this godland sacrifice, and he has made great contributions to my swordsman. This is what he deserves."

Swordsman hesitated, a little bit difficult: "Things are such a thing, but the retreat of the disciples is not a trivial matter after all. This matter is related to the next sect of the patriarch, and Qin Shicai is less than one day, even if he is this sacred domain. The champion of the sacrifice, but after all, the qualifications in Zong are still shallow. I am afraid that such a slap in the face is a reclusive disciple. Will the three elders have objections?"

Wen Yan, Fang Qing's eyebrows scorned, revealing a few unpleasant colors: "What? Is my opinion, need to discuss and approve with them?"

Seeing the change of Fang Qing Jiao Rong, suddenly the sword was exposed, and quickly explained: "No, of course not, but I think, if so, then the three elders will be blocked, maybe What caused unnecessary trouble."

"Block?" Fang Qing coldly snorted, and immediately ignored a smile: "Then go with them, I want to take a look, they can play tricks."

"This..." Jian Qing had no choice but to open his mouth. In the end, Fang Qing had lost patience. He nodded helplessly: "Yes, this is the case."

However, in this short conversation, Qin Shi saw a few clues from the side, and the black scorpion involuntarily turned around: "It seems that Fang Qing’s position in Jianzong is not very strong."

At this time, Yu Yue suddenly stepped forward, from the unpleasant mouth of Qin Shi, said: "You kid, it is best to be careful at night, the three old guys will certainly not let you become a rehearsal disciple."

"Yu Yue brother, these three elders Who is it? Is it even the lord's words, they dare to refute?" Qin Shi asked humbly.

"The three of them?" Yu Yue taunted and stunned, his eyes were disdainful: "The three of them are all three thousand years ago, followed by the next lord, like the elders of the sand, just the elders of the wind since the head of Qi Qing After abdicating, I have been in the post, and I have rarely asked about the Zong, but these three old guys are different. The development of three thousand years has made them have deep roots in the sword. I am dissatisfied with you, in Jianzong. In the same way, the Sovereign is also very embarrassed. Most of the forces of the Swords are in the hands of the three old guys. If this is not the case, today the Sovereign will not rush to the Chaos Cemetery alone."

"I think, the three of them, if it is not because of the strength is not as good as the sovereign, I am afraid that it has already been reversed now, so they have never been quiet, but now they just want to unite and train one, their disciples. And then seal it as a retreat disciple and take over the next Swordsman."

"Now the main sect is to shut you down as a disciple. That is to say that they have broken their hard work for hundreds of years. So, at night, in any case, be careful."

"Is it like this?" Qin Shi slightly frowned, and immediately under his eyes, there was an unsuspecting surprise, a light sneer: "Then I want to take a nap, how do these three old guys block? mine."

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