Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1064: Su Shi

A layer of golden light lingers, and an aperture usually covers 10,000 meters. In an instant, on the top of the sword, it seems that there is a sacred object, such as a beautiful residual sun, so many disciples are slightly lost, and their eyes are exposed. And the sublime color.

"Good comfort... what is going on?"

"I don't know, what kid is that kid?"

A group of disciples face each other and express their incomprehensibility. This time, even Fang Qing, Feng Sha, Zhang Wei, and the party Fu Xi, are all shocked and blink of an eye. At this time of life and death, this kid not only does not consider how to live, What is the purpose of creating this soft power?

But sudden / pig / pig / island / novel www.huuo. Of course, Zhang Hao old eyes surprised, he from Qin Shi's mouth, actually saw a strange arc, he is laughing? And that laugh, very arrogant, even if it is facing the Fuxi domain, there is no fear. What other cards does he have?

Immediately, I saw Qin Shi kneading a handprint, a cumbersome spell in his palm, and the audience was shocked. Zhang Yan’s old eyes were horrified and shouted: "No! This is ... reincarnation martial arts?"

"Ah?" Fan Yan and Shen Tianyang screamed: "Big Brother, what do you say?"

"Damn, this kid has a second reincarnation of martial arts, fast, and stop him!" Suddenly, Zhang Jian moved, and it was his cultivation. He felt the power of the cursing in the curse. Ruby, this reincarnation of martial arts is obviously more than a few times stronger than the previous Kowloon dive: "This blow, Fuxi can't stop it! Fast, stop him!"

Wen Yan, Fan Yan and Shen Tianyang are all stunned, and their eyes are looking at Qin Shi. Who can imagine that in this nameless boy, there will be two reincarnations that are regarded as treasures. learn?

Is this incredible?

However, despite the unbelievable, the two rarely saw Zhang Hao so nervous, and did not dare to delay one or two at a time, and they made each other look at each other, and quickly rushed along the two wings and rushed Qin Shi.

"Kid, let me stop!"

Seeing the figure of the two elders, many disciples have smashed up. The blissful situation is to launch an offensive according to Qin Shi’s choice. Therefore, since they are not the target of Qin Shi, they are naturally unable to detect the malicious situation of bliss. of.

"What happened to the two elders?"

"Who knows, but they are so dismissed."

Many disciples scorned in their hearts, and Fang Qing and Fengsha were nervous. Qin Shi had a second reincarnation of martial arts, which was beyond their expectation, but it was also the result of Qin Shi’s murder.

"Fan Yan, Shen Tianyang, you dare!" Fengsha angered.

"Stop! Stop! I command you!"

Fang Qing tried to suppress the two people with the identity of the lord, but she obviously thought more. Since the two dared to openly deal with Qin Shi, it would naturally not be afraid of Fang Qing.

Fang Qing’s words did not play a role, but instead made the faces of the two people even more embarrassed.

"It's really disgusting." Qin Shi was able to feel the two suffocating sighs coming from behind. The black scorpion flashed sarcasm. Immediately, he gave a shot: "But it's late!"

"Give me broken!"

"Hey! Hey!"

Suddenly, the sky suddenly changed, the wind raged, and the swordsman seemed to be dead in an instant. A golden light was sprayed from Qin Shi’s chest curse, and the sky was like a chaotic light. Fuxi was in the golden light. The face was unbelievable and unwilling, and finally the life was buried in the void by the golden light.

boom! Rumble! ! !

The sword screamed fiercely, and all the disciples were stunned. Is this scene too sudden?

"Oh...!" Many disciples swallowed their mouths, and their eyes were full of embers. Just the kind of lethality, even if it is a domain big, is it difficult to block it?

"This, this is amazing."

"After nine days, can you release this power?"

"The result, what happened?"

Everyone has returned to God, and quickly looked up at the golden light, from the land behind the golden light is already ruined, even if the protection of the swordsman elders is useless, the diamonds on the earth are broken into a spider web, When the golden light dissipated, I saw a broken figure, and the wolverine twitched on the ground.

"That is... Fuxi!" Suddenly a disciple exclaimed, and immediately looked at the **** Fuxi was sucking in the air: "Hey... I didn't expect Fuxi to be hurt like this."

"This kid is so strong...!"

"Hey, didn't you still look down on people just now? Do you have this ability? If you are not convinced, do you also challenge people?"

As soon as he heard the words, the disciple quickly narrowed his neck and made a joke. Even Fuxi was so embarrassed. He was only an ordinary inner disciple in Jianzong. His strength has not yet reached the realm. He challenged Qin Shi. ? Unless you are crazy.

When the golden light is gone, Qin Shi will pick up the black and look into the ruins. After seeing the appearance of Fuxi's wolf, there is no happiness: "Don't die?"

He clenched his teeth and suddenly made a pair of actions that the disciples did not anticipate. He saw his palms rise slightly, and he slammed into the distant moon, and the lyrical sword in the hands of Haoyue produced several Hey, follow the involuntary, and leap to Qin Shi’s hands.

Grasping the lyric sword, Qin Shi did not hesitate, and the sword rushed under the rushing eyebrows.

"What? He wants to kill Fuxi?"

"God, is he crazy?" The disciples all got up.

Under the lyrical sword, Fuxi completely mourned.

Zhang Wei’s old eyes flashed: "Kid, you dare!"

However, Qin Shi did not care, his movements were very smooth, such as the flow of water, the sharpness of the lyrical sword, it was enough to break through the sky, and burst into the Fuxi.

"Go to hell!" Qin Shi cold snoring.

boom! ! !

A sound of crisp sound, the ground was violently shaken by dust, a group of disciples are holding their breath, wide-eyed, and even some unbearable female disciples quickly turned around, do not want to see the **** scene.

Zhang Hao’s old eyes are full of sorrow.

However, after the sound, Qin Shi frowned, gazing into the sand below, the eyes flashed in the same way, perhaps other people can not see clearly from a distance, but he can clearly feel, the last sensation The sword pierced is not the head of Fuxi, otherwise, there will be no such voice.

That is crisp, more like the impact between metal and metal.

"What happened?" His micro-condensation, immediately black open, a wind and sand, causing a whirlpool in the dust, fiercely squatting from his left side.

He subconsciously flicked, which made him free from the sword, but even so, on his cheek, there is still a sharp **** mouth, from which the red color flows.

This makes his black scorpion instantly cold, he can feel it, the release of this sword is not Fuxi, but a person, both in repairing, breath, far beyond the Fuxi guy.

"What person?" Qin Shi cold road.

"Hey, it’s really interesting. When did my Su Shi’s younger brother, it’s your turn to teach you this little hair?” A sleek laugh echoed, and after the Susie was lifted off, it was caused by the whole sword. Huge.

"Su, Su Shi? Is he back?"

"Su Shi? Is that, before the Liu Yun brother, was called the first person of Jianzong, the most favorite disciple of Zhang Lan’s elders?"

"Well, that's right, it's him... If you want to count it down, he's even longer than many elders in Jianzong's time, and it's been a thousand years, just because he is the younger brother of Zhang Lan's elders. It is impossible to set up a elder, so it is always a disciple, but if it is true, many elders will see him and be polite."

"so smart?"

"Of course, you must know that Zhang Yun tried several times to set up him as a disciple of the Jianzong before he entered the ancestral class. But in the end, he was blocked by the lord, saying that his heart was too hot."

"It is also because of this, after several years, he has never appeared before, I did not expect this time to appear ... this time, interesting."

Everyone talked about it, Zhang Hao’s old eyes picked up slightly, and the rare appearance revealed the appreciation: “Is the kid finally coming back?”

The wind and sand are exhausted, and a handsome young man stands in the air. In his palm, there is a pocket silver sword, which contrasts with Fuxi's body shape and forms a strong contrast.

"That is... the seventh sword of the protector's eighteen swords, ice cold shadow hunting!"

"I didn't expect that the ice cold shadow hunting was actually in the hands of Su Shi, but it was a sword different from the Black Dragon Sword. It is said to be able to kill people invisible...!"

Staring at the young man, Qin Shi black and cold, this Su Shi gave him the feeling, and Fuxi is completely different, from him can let Qin Shi aware that there has never been a jealousy in Fuxi.

"This guy, not ordinary."

Qin Shi was alert and looked at the lyrical sword in his hand. His heart was also very helpless.

"what a pity."

He knows that if this shot is lost, he will completely miss the opportunity to kill Fuxi, and continue to display two major reincarnation martial arts. He has completely hollowed out his physical strength. Now he even has a quick breath, even if it is Without this Su Shi, it is difficult for him to display a move that can hurt Fuxi.

However, this is still a small matter. After Su Shi appeared, Zhang Wei also relaxed, and immediately he looked at the direction of Qin Shi.

Qin Shi’s action has completely angered him. He screamed: "Just, you just gave yourself a way to die."


Zhang Wei shot, this is Qin Shi's defense can not be prevented, behind the fierce rise of the meaning of the ice cold, a rush from the air, let his body violently shake.

"This old dog!" Qin Shi's teeth clenched.

Hey! But suddenly, the shattered echoes in the Jianzong, a golden mang from the nine squats, Fang Qing holding the scorpion sword at this moment, and finally crushed the reincarnation curse.

She walked at the light pace, like a fairy slowly floating next to Qin Shi, and the jade hand gently supported Qin Shi, so that Qin Shi pressure eased.

"I am there, don't worry." Fang Qing's gentle way.

However, after Fang Qing's body, Qin Shi was really relieved, because he looked up and saw the wind and sand also escaped from the reincarnation curse. He and Fang Qing were on the top of the clouds, and stood side by side with Zhang Wei.

Once again, Qin Shi’s heart is clear, and the result is coming.

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